Harold II (ca. 1022-1066), King of the English, the second son of EarlGodwine, was born about 1022. He is claimed by some to have been eldestson; at any rate he was the handsomest, the most accomplished, and inevery respect the best of all the sons of Godwin. He succeeded to hisfather's territories and command, and to even more than Godwin'sauthority in the nation. While he was still very young (before 1045) hewas appointed to the Earldom of the East-Angles. At the beginning of theyear 1066 King Edward, called the Confessor, died, with his last breathrecommending Harold as his successor. Harold was accordingly elected atonce and crowned. William of Normandy challenged the crown, alleging botha bequest of King Edward in his favour and a personal engagement whichHarold had contracted towards him in 1064, when Harold went to Normandyto obtain the release of two hostages, his brother Wulfnoth and hisnephew Hakin. While there William, Duke of Normandy, made him promise tomarry his daughter Adela and to assist him (William) in obtaining thekingdom of England after King Edward's death. William had made him takethis oath over a tub which was covered with a cloth of gold and, when itwas over, removed the cloth and revealed that the tub was filled to thebrim with dead men's bones. So when Harold was crowned King in 1066,William prepared for the invasion of England to hold Harold to his oath.On the 25th of Sept., 1066, Harold defeated the invaders from Norway, whohad been engaged by Harold's brother Tostig. Two days later William, Dukeof Normandy, landed at Pevensey, and Harold marched south as fast aspossible. He gathered his army in London from all southern and easternEngland. The King then marched into Sussex and engaged the Normans on thehill of Senlac. After a fight which lasted from morning until evening,the Normans had the victory, and Harold and his two brothers lay dead onthe field (14th Oct., 1066). Harold and his brothers stood on the spotwhere he fell. Harold was on foot, for every King of England was bound tofight on foot, to show that when he fought there was no retreat, andaround him stood his thanes and nobles. Here with the English standardsthey all laid down their lives in its defense. Harold himself, when theNorman arrow pierced his eye, still kept his feet as best he could, tillfour Norman Knights, Eustace of Boulogne, Walter Gifford, Simon dePonthieu and Simon de Montfort, rushed upon him and dispatched him withtheir swords. On this spot Duke William, now soon to be William I, theConqueror, knelt down and returned thanks to God. He ordered that thespot be carefully marked out in order that the high altar of the greatchurch he had planned to erect might stand exactly upon it. And so thehigh altar was set up on the spot where Harold had been killed. It wasnamed the "Abbey of St. Martin of the Place of Battle." The Conquerorpresented to the church his sword and his coronation robe. No site inEngland is better attested to than this spot where the Battle of Hastingswas fought. Battle Abbey in Hastings, Sussex, the scene of the Battle ofHastings, is one of the great show places of England. Harold had severalsons and two daughters, Gunhild and Githa. He married Agatha, daughter ofAlgar, Earl of Mercia, and granddaughter of Lady Godiva.