Munia Froilaz de Cantabria
Munia Froilaz de was born about 0720. Munia Froilaz de is no longer alive.
Munia Froilaz de's family with Fruela I Rey de Asturias
They had five sons and a daughter, named
Rodrigo Frolaz I
Alfonso II
Romao Of
Vermundo I
Jimena (Ximena) Princess of
Jimena (Ximena) Princess of Asturias
Jimena (Ximena) Princess of was born about 0740.
Rodrigo Frolaz I Asturias
Rodrigo Frolaz I was born before 0742 in
. He died in 0762.
Alfonso II Asturias
Alfonso II was born in 0780. He died at the age of 62 in 0842.
Romao Of Leon
Vermundo I Asturias
He died in 0797.
Gonsalo Asturias
He died in 0762.
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