Theodoric I Count of Ringleheim & Ludmilla Ragnhildis
They had three daughters named
Mathilda of
Personal Details
Theodoric I Count of Ringleheim
Theodoric I Count of was born in 0853 in
Ringleheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany
. Theodoric I Count of is no longer alive.
Ludmilla Ragnhildis
Ludmilla was born in 0858 in
of Friesland, Germany
. Ludmilla is no longer alive.
Amalrada Ringleheim
Amalrada was born about 0874 in
Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Prussia
Mathilda of Ringleheim
Mathilda of was born about 0890 in
Ringleheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany
. She died in
Membleben, Saxony, Germany
Luitgard Ringleheim
Luitgard was born about 0900 in
Ringleheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany
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