Royal Highness William I, "The Conqueror" King Of England & Royal Highness Matilda 0f Flanders , Queen Of England
Royal Highness William I, "The Conqueror" King Of England
Matilda 0f
were married in a religious ceremony in 1053 in
Cathedral of Notre Dame d'Eu, Normandy
. They had four sons and seven daughters, named
Prince Of England
William II, King Of England
Henry I
Adela Of
Gundred Princess Of England
Princess Of England
Countess Of Brittany
Princess Of England
Personal Details
Royal Highness William I, "The Conqueror" King Of England
Royal Highness William I, "The Conqueror" King Of England was born on October 14th, 1024 in
Falaise, France
. He died at the age of 62 on September 9th, 1087 in
Hermenbraville, France
Royal Highness Matilda 0f Flanders , Queen Of England
Matilda 0f was born in 1031 in
Flanders, France
. She died at the age of 52 on November 2nd, 1083 in
Caen, France
Robert Curthose , Duke Of Normandy
Robert was born in 1054 in
Normandy, France
. He died in
Cardiff Castle
Prince Of England Richard
Prince Of England was born in 1055. He died at the age of 26 in 1081 in
New Forest
Cecilia was born about 1055. She died on July 30th, 1126 in
Caen, Normandy
Adeliza was born about 1055.
William II, King Of England
William II, King Of England was born in 1056 in
Nomandy, France
. He died at the age of 44 on August 2nd, 1100 in
Winchester Cathedral
Adela Of Normandy , Countess Of Valois
Adela Of was born in 1062 in
Nomandy, France
. She died in
Loire, France
Gundred Princess Of England
Gundred Princess Of England was born in 1063 in
Normandy, France
. She died at the age of 22 on May 27th, 1085 in
Norfolk, England
Princess Of England Agatha
Princess Of England was born about 1064. She died about 1074.
Countess Of Brittany Constance
Countess Of Brittany was born in 1066 in
Nomandy, France
. She died at the age of 24 on August 13th, 1090 in
Brittany, France
Royal Highness Henry I Beauclerc , King Of England
Henry I was born in September 1068 in
Salby, England
. He died at the age of 67 on December 1st, 1135 in
Angers, France
Princess Of England Matilda
Princess Of England was born about 1069. She died about 1112.
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