Reginhart Count of Ringelheim & Abbess of Horford Matilda De Dreini Abbess of Horford
They had a son named
Theudebert Duke of
Personal Details
Reginhart Count of Ringelheim
Reginhart Count of was born in 0828 in
Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Prussia
. Reginhart Count of is no longer alive.
Abbess of Horford Matilda De Dreini Abbess of Horford
Matilda was born in 0833 in
. She died after 0909.
Theudebert Duke of Saxony
Theudebert Duke of was born about 0853 in
Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Prussia
. He died in
Westphalia, Germany
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