Rainald Reginald De Bailleul De Baliol & Aimera Montgomery
They had two sons named
Guy Guido Baron of Bywell
Personal Details
Rainald Reginald De Bailleul De Baliol
Rainald Reginald De Bailleul was born about 1045 in
Bailleul-en-Vimeu, Picardy, France
. He died in 1080.
Aimera Montgomery
Aimera is no longer alive.
Hugh De Baliol
Hugh was born about 1065 in
Bywell, Northumberland, England
Guy Guido Baron of Bywell De Baliol
Guy Guido Baron of Bywell was born about 1077 in
Of Bywell, Nrthmb, Engl
. He died about 1122 in
Yorks, Eng.
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