Rafe De Manwaring Seneschal & Amicia le Meschines de Keveliock
They had a son and a daughter, named
Personal Details
Rafe De Manwaring Seneschal
Rafe De Manwaring was born in 1155 in
Warmingham, Cheshire, England
. Rafe De Manwaring is no longer alive.
Amicia le Meschines de Keveliock
Amicia le Meschines was born in 1158 in
Kevelioc, Merionethshire, Wales
Roger De Mainwaring
Roger was born in 1179 in
Warmingham, Cheshire, England
Bertrada De Manwaring
Bertrada was born in 1194 in
Warmingham, Cheshire, England
. She died at the age of 50 in 1244.
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