King Harold Harold "Klak" of Klack-Harald King of
He had a biological son and a biological daughter, named
Gottfried of
Thyre Danebod
Personal Details
King Harold Harold "Klak" of Klack-Harald King of
Harold was born in 0800 in
Jutland, Denmark
. He died at the age of 74 in 0874 in
Thyre Danebod Thyre Thyri
Thyre Danebod was born about 0805 in
. She died about 0935 in
Jelinge, Vejle, Denmark
King Gottfried of Haithabu Godefrid
Gottfried of was born in 0830 in
Haihabu, dorestad & Rustingen, Germany
. He died at the age of 43 in 0873.
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