King Darius II Nothos (Ochos) (Darayavahush) (Ochus) of Artaxerxes I of Xerxes I & Parysatis, daughter of Artaxerxes I of Xerxes I
They had eight sons and three daughters, named
Artaxerxes II Mnemon (Artakhshassa) ben
Associates of King
AKA King
Arostes of
Cyrus of
Ostanes of
Oxanthres of
Sibling of Artaxerxes II of
Amestris, daughter of
Oxathres, daughter of
Associates of
Personal Details
King Darius II Nothos (Ochos) (Darayavahush) (Ochus) of Artaxerxes I of Xerxes I
Darius II Nothos (Ochos) (Darayavahush) (Ochus) of was born in 0475 BC in
. He died in 0404 BC in
Babylon (Iraq)
Parysatis, daughter of Artaxerxes I of Xerxes I
Parysatis, daughter of was born in 0475 BC.
King Artaxerxes II Mnemon (Artakhshassa) ben Darius II of Artaxerxes I
Artaxerxes II Mnemon (Artakhshassa) ben was born in 0456 BC in
. He died in 0359 BC.
Associates of King Darius II of Artaxerxes I
Associates of King was born in 0475 BC. He died in 0404 BC in
AKA King Ochos of Xerxes I
AKA King was born in 0475 BC.
Amestris, daughter of Darius II of Artaxerxes I
Amestris, daughter of was born in 0450 BC.
Arostes of Darius II of Artaxerxes I
Arostes of was born in 0450 BC.
Prince Cyrus of Darius II of Artaxerxes I
Cyrus of was born in 0450 BC in
. He died in 0401 BC.
Prince Ostanes of Darius II of Artaxerxes I
Ostanes of was born in 0450 BC.
Oxanthres of Darius II of Artaxerxes I
Oxanthres of was born in 0450 BC.
Princess Oxathres, daughter of Darius II of Artaxerxes I
Oxathres, daughter of was born in 0450 BC.
Sibling of Artaxerxes II of Darius II of Artaxerxes I
Sibling of Artaxerxes II of was born in 0450 BC.
Associates of Parysatis of Artaxerxes I
Associates of was born in 0475 BC.
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