Earldorman Uchtred "The Bold" Of Northumbria OF NORTHUMBERLAND & Ecgfrida OF DURHAM
They had a son named
Personal Details
Earldorman Uchtred "The Bold" Of Northumbria OF NORTHUMBERLAND
Uchtred "The Bold" Of Northumbria was born in 0989 in
Mudered by the Dane Thurebrand
. He died at the age of 29 in 1018.
Ecgfrida OF DURHAM
Ecgfrida was born in 0990. She died at the age of 28 in 1018.
Earldoman Alfred OF BERNICA Ealdred
Alfred OF BERNICA was born in 1009 in
and his baptism took place in 1019. He died at the age of 29 in 1038.
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