Baldwin II "The Bold" OF FLANDERS & Princess Elfridam OF ENGLAND
They had three sons named
Arnold I "The Great"
Adalolf DE Boulogne
Personal Details
Baldwin II "The Bold" OF FLANDERS
Baldwin II "The Bold" was born in 0865. Baldwin II "The Bold" is no longer alive.
Princess Elfridam OF ENGLAND
Elfridam was born in 0877. Elfridam is no longer alive.
Count Arnold I "The Great" OF FLANDERS
Arnold I "The Great" was born in 0890.
Count Adalolf DE Boulogne SUR MER SE THEROUANNE
Adalolf DE Boulogne was born in 0891 in
Flanders, France
. He died at the age of 42 in 0933.
Count Adalof OF BOLOGNE
Adalof was born in 0920.
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