Arnulf "The Bad" Duke of Bavaria & Judith of Fruili
They had two sons and a daughter, named
Leopold The Illustrious Margrave of
Berthold Margrave Of The
Judith of
Personal Details
Arnulf "The Bad" Duke of Bavaria
Arnulf "The Bad" Duke of was born in 0880 in
Nordgau, Schwaben, Bavaria
. He died at the age of 67 in 0947 in
Reigensburg, Germany
Judith of Fruili
Judith of was born in 0889. She died at the age of 21 on June 13th, 0910.
Judith of Bavaria
Judith of was born in 0927. She died at the age of 60 in 0987.
Leopold The Illustrious Margrave of Austria
Leopold The Illustrious Margrave of was born in 0931 in
Wurzburg, Unterfranken, Bavaria
. He died at the age of 63 in 0994.
Berthold Margrave Of The Nordgau
Berthold Margrave Of The was born in 0935 in
Nordgau, Schwaben, Bavaria
. He died at the age of 45 on August 16th, 0980.
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