Arnoul de Gand Count of West Friesland & Luitgarde of Luxembourg
Arnoul de Gand Count of West
Luitgarde of
were married in a religious ceremony about 0980 in
Gand, East VLaanderen, Belgium
. They had two sons and a daughter, named
Dietrich III de Gand Count of West
Adalbert Count de
Adele of
Personal Details
Arnoul de Gand Count of West Friesland
Arnoul de Gand Count of West was born in 0961 in
Ghent, Flanders now Belgium
. He died at the age of 32 on September 18th, 0993 in
Slain at Egmond-Binnen, Netherlands
Luitgarde of Luxembourg
Luitgarde of was born in 0963 in
Brussels, Belgium
. She died after May 14th, 0995.
Adele of Holland
Adele of was born about 0985 in
West Friesland, Holland
Dietrich III de Gand Count of West Friesland
Dietrich III de Gand Count of West was born about 0993 in
Ghent, Flanders now Belgium
. He died on May 27th, 1039.
Adalbert Count de Gand
Adalbert Count de was born in 0994 in
Ghent, Flanders now Belgium
. He died about 1032.
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