GEDCOM line 18728 not recognizable or too long:
1 NAME Herbert I de of Senlis /Vermandois/
GEDCOM line 18729 not recognizable or too long:
() 2 GIVN Herbert I de of Senlis
GEDCOM line 18730 not recognizable or too long:
() 2 SURN Vermandois
GEDCOM line 18731 not recognizable or too long:
() 2 NSFX Count/Vermandois
Count of Vermandois, Seigneur of Senlis, Peronne & St Quentin
Weis' "AR" : Murdered
from K. Werner's Die Nachkommen der Karl der Grosse, in vol IV, Karl der
Grosse, ed W. Braunfels, 1965: "Count in 877, present at Reims in 893. He was
count of Meaux in 888/9 and count of Soissons sometime after that. He was
appointed count of Vermandois in 896, and was murdered on the orders of Baldwin
II (Count of Flanders) 6 Nov 900/07.