[Chief Butler) Theobald Fitzwalter Le Theobald [Chief Butler)/Botiller
Theobald Fitzwalter Le was born about 1165 in
West Dereham, Downham, Norfolk, Ireland
. He died after April 1206 in
Arklow, Wicklow, Leinster, Ireland
. He was buried in
Worthney Abbey, Limer., Ireland
General Notes
Name Suffix:<NSFX> [Butler of Irela
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> V9SN-38
Theobald Fitzwalter Le's family with Maude Le Vavasour
‌Theobald Fitzwalter Le and
Maude Le
were married in a religious ceremony about 1200 in
1st Husband
. They had a son and two daughters, named
Theobold "Le Butzllen" Le
Matilda Le
Matilda Le Botiller
Matilda Le was born about 1192 in
Arklow, Wicklow, Leinster, Ireland
Beatrice Butler
Beatrice was born about 1198 in
Lancashire, England
[Lord Justice Of Theobold "Le Butzllen" Le Botiller [Lord Justice Of
Theobold "Le Butzllen" Le was born in 1200 in
Arklow, Wicklow, Leinster, Ireland
and his baptism took place in
. He died at the age of 30 on July 19th, 1230 in
Poitou, France
. He was buried in
Abby Arklow, Wicklow, Ireland
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