Payn Roet, Guyenne King of Arms
The 'Guyenne King of Arms' was one of the court-recognizedheralds, known
as 'Kings of Arms' and bearing distinctive titles havingsomething
(vaguely) to do with jurisdiction. Unlike the better knownheralds
(Norroy, Clarenceux, Richmond, etc.), the Guyenne King of Armswas one of
the heralds whose responsibility extended to English possessionson the
continent in the fourteenth/fifteenth century. The office ismentioned in
Fox-Davies' _Complete Guide to Heraldry_, p. 33, but without anymention
of specific incumbents. The 'Guyenne King of Arms' obviouslyhad
authority in Poitou/Aquitaine, for which the name seems to havebeen used
synonymously by the English. Fox-Davies notes the title of'Aquitaine
King of Arms' was also used, though I would assume they were oneand the
same office