Weis' "Ancestral Roots . . ." (141B:17).Stuart's "Royalty For Commoners" (343:39), citing ES I:57, Calls him
Boso II, Count of Vienne, King of Lower Burgundy.Boso was Count of Vienne and governor of Burgundy under theCarolingians. His wife, ERMENGARDE, felt that as she was the daughterof an emporer, she ought to be married to more than a mere count. Also,she considered herself as soverign of both Italy and Burgundy in her ownright. She persuaded Pope John VIII to crown Boso king of Provence.The years following the death of his father-in-law, KING LOUIS II ofItaly without a male heir were a period of civil war between severalrival claimants to the throne. From 875 to 877, CHARLES THE BALD, Kingof France (RIN 1620), was nominally also King of Italy. Boso was hismain representative. Boso was an unsuccessful claimant in 879.