Enguerrand, Count of Ponthieu and Sire d'Aumale. Slain at the siege of Arques in 1053. [Complete Peerage I:351 chart]
Curt Hofemann, curt_hofemann@@yahoo.com, writes in a post-em:
Other notes:
Attempted to take advantage of the Duke William of Normandy's (the Conqueror) weaker position and lost in battle near the fortresss of Arques. [Ref: Wm Conqueror]
According to a later chronicler (rec. Hist. Franc., vol XI, p. 330) the dying cries of Enguerrand were heard by his sister on the walls of Arques. It is a good story which might even be true, for less than a mile separates the castle from Saint-Aubin-sur-Scie, and the exact site of the engagement is unknown. [Ref: 48 Wm Conqueror, pg 66]