I believe Helen to be daughter of the prince of Wales. though not llwellyn ap Jorworth d 12 40 who md Joan Plantagenet. This Helen married malcom of Fife who died 1266 and then marrie d don of mar. She was living till 1291. Llwellyn ap Jorworth had another daughter Helen wh o was born abt 1205.and died 1253. This Helen was born about 1240.and living 1291. David a p llwellyn is the only prince of wales alive at this time who could have sired this Helen. H er parents would then be David and Isabel Braose. Interestingly , Helen names a daughter Isa bel who md Robert Bruce. I believe Helen to be daughter of the prince of Wales. though not llwellyn ap Jorworth d 12 40 who md Joan Plantagenet. This Helen married malcom of Fife who died 1266 and then marrie d don of mar. She was living till 1291. Llwellyn ap Jorworth had another daughter Helen wh o was born abt 1205.and died 1253. This Helen was born about 1240.and living 1291. David a p llwellyn is the only prince of wales alive at this time who could have sired this Helen. H er parents would then be David and Isabel Braose. Interestingly , Helen names a daughter Isa bel who md Robert Bruce.