He is the ancestor of the Medes and Slavic peoples. His descendants became the Madaeans, who are better known to us as theMedes. The Assyrians r ecorded the name as Amada; the Greeks as Medai;and the Old Persian inscriptions speak of the m as the Mada. The earliestreference to the Medes that is found in secular records is in the inscriptions of Shalmaneser III, King of Assyria from c. 858-24 B.C., inwhich he tells us tha t he invaded their lands for their famous andexcellent horses. Both Strabo and Herodotus con firm the fact that theMedes were of Indo-European (that is, Japhetic) extract, and we know al sothat their language was of this group. After 631 B.C., the Medes joinedwith the children o f Ashchenas (that is, the Askuasa or Scythians), andthose of Gomer (the Cimmerians), in orde r to throw off the Assyrian yoke.(Internet: www.biblebelievers.org.au/nation01.htm)