Louis II, King of Germany
(Paul, Nouveau Larousse Universel, Page 86.)
(Stuart, Royalty for Commoners, Page 131, Line 172-41.)
(Andre Castelot, Histoire de La France, Tome 1, Page 369).Also Known As: Louis "Le Germanique". AKA: Louis, King de Baviere. Born: either 804 or 806, son of Louis I, King de France and Ermengarde d'Esbay, Some sources assert that Louis was born in the year 806. There also is some disagreement as to whether this Louis should be Louis I or Louis II, King of Germany. The resolution to that disagreement lies in whether one can consider Louis' father as Louis I, King of Germany. Note - between 817 and 876: King of Allemania from 817 to 876. Following a new division of the Empire in favor of Charles "Le Chauve", Louis II joined his brothers Lothaire and Pepin in a revolt against their father King Louis I, "Le Debonnaire" (also "Le Pieux") of France. When Lotaire became Emperor, Louis II joined him in a fight against Charles "Le Chauve". In 858, Louis leaves Worms and invades his brother Charles' kingdom, with the support of Aquitaine and Bretagne. He begins to distribute the lands among counts and bishops. Charles in turn seeks refuge in Bourgogne. In Reims, on 25 November 858, the conference of bishops condemns Louis for the cruelty of his troops, sending Christian against Christian, and brother against brother. On 7 June 860, the brothers are reconciled in Saint-Castor de Coblence. Meanwhile the Normands pillage Amiens, Noyon, Beauvais, the Iberian peninsula and take Pisa in Italy. In 861, they devastate Paris. Upon the death of Lotaire II, Louis II got a part of Lorraine through the Treaty of Mersen (870). Married in 827 in Bavaria: Emma de Baviere, daughter of Welf, Count de Baviere . Died: on 28 Aug 876.
(Rosamond, Frankish kingdom under Carolingians, Page 180).
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9GCS-ZP