Sheriff of Hereford & Glamorganshire - Keeper of Caerphilly Castle.
Burke's Peerage on Chandos-previous creations:
In 1337 Sir Roger de Chaundos, of a family from the Herefordshire-Shropshire borders, was called to Parliament by writ, thus being created Lord (Baron) Chaundos according to later doctrine, although none of his successors were ever called to Parliament under this title. Candos, of which both Chaundos and Chandos appear to be corruptions, is in Normandy, some 10 miles northwest of Rouen. (The famous Garter Knight Sir John Chaundos was of a different family, settled in Derbyshire) On the death in 1428 of Roger's grandson Sir John, any peerage created by the writ of 1337 would have fallen into abeyance, though within 30 years this abeyance would have been terminated by the death of the only other coheir and the notional Barony would have become vested in Sir John's great-nephew Giles Brugge.