Wakeran Galeran de Beaumont & Agnes de Montfort
They had a son named
Sir Robert of Wigornia (White Hands)
Personal Details
Wakeran Galeran de Beaumont
Wakeran Galeran was born in 1099 in
Meulan, Yvelines, Ile-de-France, France
. He died at the age of 67 on April 10th, 1166 in
Abbey de Pre'aux, Normandy, France
Agnes de Montfort
Agnes was born in 1110 in
Montfort, Yvelines, Ile-de-France, France
. Agnes is no longer alive.
Sir Robert of Wigornia (White Hands) de Beaumont
Sir Robert of Wigornia (White Hands) was born in 1139 in
Meulan, France
. He died at the age of 81 on August 16th, 1220 in
Poitiers, Vienne, Poitou, France
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