Cushing Snow & Hannah Handy
They had five sons and six daughters, named
Major George C.
William B.
Isaac J.
Benjamin Lacy
Madison Marlon
Sarah Ann
Betsey J.
Personal Details
Cushing Snow
Cushing was born on August 14th, 1790 in
Sandisfield, Berkshire, MA
. He died at the age of 58 on January 17th, 1849 in
Bridgeton, Parke, IN
Hannah Handy
Hannah was born on June 5th, 1796 in
Abigail Snow
Abigail was born on October 23rd, 1815 in
. She died at the age of 76 on August 2nd, 1892 in
Parke Co, IN
Mary Snow
Mary was born in 1816 in
Major George C. Snow
Major George C. was born in 1820 in
William B. Snow
William B. was born in 1821 in
Isaac J. Snow
Isaac J. was born on March 26th, 1824 in
Sarah Ann Snow
Sarah Ann was born on March 18th, 1826 in
Parke Co, IN
. She died at the age of 80 on August 12th, 1906 in
Bridgeton, Parke, IN
Minerva Snow
Minerva was born on October 9th, 1827 in
Parke Co, IN
. She died at the age of 71 on December 10th, 1898 in
Bridgeton, Parke, IN
Hannah Snow
Hannah was born about 1829 in
Betsey J. Snow
Betsey J. was born in August 1831 in
Benjamin Lacy Snow
Benjamin Lacy was born on August 21st, 1833 in
Parke Co, IN
. He died at the age of 70 on February 13th, 1904 in
Bridgeton, Parke, IN
Madison Marlon Snow
Madison Marlon was born on December 23rd, 1836 in
Bridgeton, Parke, MA
. He died at the age of 65 on July 5th, 1902 in
Moscow, Latah, ID
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