Co-heiress with her two sisters of her brother Gilbert.
They split the lands, worth some L6,000 gross, between them.
Rec'd Glamorgan & other scattered est ates.
Michael Altschul, *A Baronial Family in Medieval England: The Clares,
1217-1314*, Baltimore MD (The Johns Hopkins Press) 1965, concerning the
partit ion of the de CLARE estates after the death of the last Gilbert, p
170-171: "Hu gh Despenser and Eleanor [Gilbert's sister] received the
lordship of Glamorgan, the most important of all the Clare holdings,
along with Rotherfield in Sussex and scattered manors in Devon and
Somerset. In addition, each heir acquired tw o-ninths of the liberty of
Kilkenny in Ireland, although there is no evidence t hat any of them
every visited it. (P) The death of the countess in the summer o f 1320
completed the division of the estates among th heirs. Maud probably died
on July 2, and the properties she held in dower must have been
partitioned sho rtly thereafter. Each received an equal portion of her
third of Kilkenny. The p artition of the Clare estates has been described
as "the most important territo rial upheaval of the reign." [Denham-Young
*Vita Edwardi Secundi, pp xii-xiii*] "