Westfalen, Germany
References (8)
0370 Individual:
Pharamond, King of WESTPHALIA
(b. ~0370 )
0370 Individual:
Pharamond King of WESTPHALIA
(b. ~0370 )
0376 Individual:
Pharamond King of WESTPHALIA
(b. 0376 )
0398 Individual:
Clodius 'le Chevelu' King of the FRANKS
(b. ~0398 )
0398 Individual:
Clodius 'le Chevelu' King of the FRANKS
(b. ~0398 )
0419 Individual:
Chlodeswinthe of the Salic FRANKS
(b. ~0419 )
0436 Individual:
Childeric Meorvingian King of the FRANKS
(b. 0436 )
0436 Individual:
Childeric I King of the FRANKS
(b. 0436 )