hen following the Powell paper trail across Ken tucky in 1988, I found the will of Peter Powell of Washington County, Kentucky and thought he might be the fat her of my ancestor, Henry Powell. The Washington County Clerk sent me the name of a re searcher (Hazel Bates), who had followed the same trail in the late 19 60's, and came to the same conclusion about her ancestor, Cyrus Powell. If I h ad contacted Hazel before ordering all the wills and land records, she could ha ve saved me time. I will never forget the thrill I felt when, in 1989, I did g et in touch with her by phone, as she told me her Cyrus' father and mother were Charles Powell Jr. and Leah Goldman, and Cyrus had a brother named Henry who w as born about 1800. This was my Henry! Although 20 years seperated our search es, Hazel and I had followed the same trail and came to the same conclusion, Pe ter Powell could be our ancestor. We were both wrong. My digging deeper colum n this month will deal with this Peter Powell and who he might be. The first re ference we have for Peter Powell of our own Powell line is Peter, son of Charle s and Betsy Powell born February, 17, 1733 on the Overwharton Parish Registry, Stafford County, Virginia. He was seven years older than his brother, our Char les Powell of Mercer County, Kentucky. In studying Overwharton Parish, we have learned that some of the inhabitants came from Maryland across the Potomac Riv er. A family named Carrico was living in Stafford County. I have found records stating Peter Powell of Wash ington County, Kentucky was a Catholic from St. M ary's County, Maryland. The 1790 census for Washington County, Maryland shows Peter Powell with William Worland listed right below him. On the same page wi th him are John Williams, George Powell, Joseph Powell, Moses Rawlings, Abrah am Cox, Joseph Yates. Again, in the same County, I found a family named Carric o living near Peter Powell. By 1796, Peter Powell was in Washinton County, Kent ucky, along with many with the last name of Carrico. He bought land in April, 1796, from Philip Washburn. Between 1803 and 1836, Peter (remember there are t wo, father and son) bought land from a Cooper and a Covenhaven. He mortgaged l and to James Pope and presented a sale bill to John Yates. The two Peter Powel ls and Peter Powell heirs sold land between 1803 and 1850 to Ignatius O'Bryan, John Powell, William Carrico, Benjamin James, Joseph Montgomery, Thomas Simpson , Harrison Smith, William Wright, and Dianah Worland. His son Henry bought 50 a cres from Henry Worland in 1816. Henry Worland inherited the land from William Worland in 1803. In November, 1826 in Washington County, Ken tucky, Peter Powe ll had his will recorded. He willed one dollar to the following children and th eir heirs: John Powell, Charles Powell, Henry Powell, Mary Powell Montgomery, and Charity Powell Yates. He willed the residue of his estate to his loving wi fe Rachel and at her death this was to pass to his following children and their heirs: Josiah (also called Joseph), William Powell, Peter Powell, Rachel Ann Powell, and Elizabeth Powell. Wife Rachel was made sole executor. Josiah and Rachel began carrying out the arrangements set forth in this will in 1827. Thu s, shortly, after making the will Peter Powell died. Rachel made her own will in 1836 and died in 1838. She gave money to St. Rose Catholic Church for redem ption of the souls of her dead husband and children. She willed her farm to he r daughters, Mary and Elizabeth, and asked that daughter Elizabeth be allowed t o keep her mare. She devised that all stock be sold and the money divided betw een her children, with grandchildren getting their dead parents portion. Peter Brown proved the will. Peter Powell lived in Kentucky next to Warrens and Herb erts. His son Charles married Eleanor Herbert in 1818. His son Peter married Rosean Warren in 1833. Son Peter died in Washington County about 1844. William Powell died in Washington County in the 1830's.