Custom Field:<_FA#> Bet. 1286 - 1287Hugh paid a fine of 2000 marks to King Edwa rd I for marrying her w/out license.@@S005902@@@@S005967@@
According to Burke's Dormant and Extinct Peerages: Hugh Le Despen ser the
Elder "paid a fine of 2,000 marks to the king, in the 15th of Edward I
(1286-1287], for marrying, without license, Isabel, dau. of William de
Be auchamp, Earl of Warwick, and widow of Patrick Cheworth; by this lady
he had an only son, the too celebrated" Hugh Le Despenser the Younger.
Elsewhere in the article it is remarked that Despenser the Elder "was in
his ninetieth ye ar" when he was executed upon St. Dennis's Day [October
9], 1326, and that De spenser the Younger was executed upon St. Andrew's
Eve [November 29], 1326.