Custom Field:<_FA#> Apr 1173Invaded Scotland in an attack against King William the Lion.@@S006031@@@@S005967@@line 132A pp 116-117living in 1031
Custom Field:<_F A#> This was since William supported Prince Henry against Henry II.@@S006031@@@@S0 05967@@line 132A pp 116-117living in 1031
Custom Field:<_FA#> of Chipping Ongar , Essex, & Diss, Norfolk.@@S005864@@line 148 p 130@@S005967@@line 132A pp 116-117li ving in 1031
REFN: 5097
Excerpted from Les Seigneurs de Bohon by Jean LeMelletier, Coutances:
Arnaud-Bellee, 1978: In April 1173 when Prince He nry rebelled against his
father, King Henry II, Richard de Lucy together with Humphrey de Bohun
III invaded Scotland in an attack against King William the Lion who
supported Prince Henry and the destruction of the bishop's palace a t
Durham. They burned Berwick and penetrated deeply into Scotland. But when
they learned of the landing of Robert de Beaumont (earl of Leicester and
fri end of Prince Henry) in Suffolk (29 September 1173), they made a truce
with W illiam the Lion and marched against Beaumont.