Custom Field:<_FA#> Directed campaign of guerrilla warfare against the Danes.@@S 005967@@Date of Import: Nov 1, 1998
Custom Field:<_FA#> Prevented Danish conque st of England, defeating them at Eddington (878).@@S005967@@Date of Import: Nov 1 , 1998
Custom Field:<_FA#> Protected Wessex with a chain of fortifications.@@S0 05967@@Date of Import: Nov 1, 1998
Custom Field:<_FA#> Est. navy (885-886, 892- 896) to defend the south coast.@@S005864@@line 1 pp 1-4Founded the British navy, no dates@@S005967@@Date of Import: Nov 1, 1998
Custom Field:<_FA#> Took London ( 886) thus gaining control of all England except the Danish areas.@@S005967@@Date of Import: Nov 1, 1998
Custom Field:<_FA#> Organized the militia, compiled a c ode of laws.@@S005864@@line 1 pp 1-4@@S005967@@Date of Import: Nov 1, 1998
Custom Field:<_FA#> Built schools & monasteries, invited scholars to live at court.@@S0 05864@@line 1 pp 1-4@@S005967@@Date of Import: Nov 1, 1998
Custom Field:<_FA#> Th e only King of England ever to receive the Honorific "the Great."@@S005967@@Date of Import: Nov 1, 1998
Custom Field:<_FA#> Personally led troops in charge at victory over Vikings at Ashdown (871).@@S005967@@Date of Import: Nov 1, 1998
Cus tom Field:<_FA#> "One of the greatest men in history." A good scholar who trans lated many books.@@S005864@@line 1 pp 1-4@@S005967@@Date of Import: Nov 1, 1998
Cu stom Field:<_FA#> His laws were the 1st that made no diff. betw. English & Wels h peoples.@@S006101@@@@S005967@@Date of Import: Nov 1, 1998
REFN: 4001
Reigned 871-899. Prevented the Danish conquest of England, defeating
them at Eddington (878) after a campaign of guerilla warfare. After the
victory h e allowed the Danes to keep their conquests in East Anglia &
Mercia provided that Guthrum, their king, was converted to Christianity.
Alfred built a navy of warships to defend the south coast aginst further
Danish invasions (885-88 6, 892-896) & protected Wessex with a chain of
fortifications. He took Londo n (886) thus gaining control of all England
except the Danish areas. Quote fr om Winston Churchill: ("Alfred the
Great", chapter 7 of volume 1 of his "His tory of the English-Speaking
Peoples". An appreciation of "the greatest Engl ishman that ever
lived"). Quote from Maurice Ashley in "Great Britain to 168 8" about
Alfred: "He was the greatest Englishman in early history" (p. 41).
Banner was a golden dragon (the golden dragon was the banner of the
kingdo m of Wessex, Alfred's personal banner was the White Horse). Since
Alfred was the fifth son, it was never thought he would be King, and thus
unlike his old er brothers who have the royal mark of the ruling house of
Wessex "AEthel" (o r "Ethel") as a part of their names, Alfred was instead
named after his mothe r's folk).
REF: The Newsletter of Anglo-Saxon Studies at The University of Geo rgia
Vol I, Number 3 (Spring, 1994): "ALFRED'S MILITARY ACHIEVEMENTS", Alex
Alfred the Great is remembered for his two great victories--his success in
re-establishing learning in his kingdom of Wessex (see Matheliende 1.2),
and his success in defeating the seemingly unstoppable forces of the
invading Danes. No matter how much we venerate the revival of education
under Alfred, the latter of these successes is, however, the greater;
there would have bee n no possibility of restoring the centers of learning
had Alfred not brought peace to his land. When Alfred became king of the
West Saxons in 871, he was already an experienced military leader, as he
had participated in several cam paigns against the invading Danes. The
Danes had been present in the British Isles since at least 789, but until
the time of Alfred they had concentrated their efforts on subjugating the
eastern lands of Britain. However, in 865 a great army of Danes hungry
for land and wealth moved quickly through the king doms of East Anglia and
Northumbria. After these two kingdoms capitulated and paid tribute to the
invaders, the Danes turned