Alias:<ALIA> Henry I the Fowler /King of Germany/
Custom Field:<_FA#> Duke of Saxony 912-936.@@S005967@@b 990
Custom Field:<_FA#> Founder of the Saxon Dynasty .@@S005967@@b 990
REFN: 4335
Dutch "Winkler Prins" encyclopedia say s Henry was via his mother a
grandson of Louis the German (who was a grandson of Charlemagne). The
sources of this article are:
- Jahrbücher des deutschen Reichs unter König Heinrich, by G. Waitz (1885,
- König Heinrich I, by Fr. Lüdtke (1936)
- Geschichte der sächsischen Kaiserzeit, by R. Holzmann (194 1, 1953)
- König Heinrich I, by W. Mohr (1950)
- Von den Karolingern zu den S taufern, by J. Haller (1958)
- Die Mark Brandenburg, by J. Schultze (1961)
- Heinrich I, Südwest- und Westpolitik, by H. Büttner (1964)
"Von den Karolinger n zu den Staufern" is the source of the genealogical
information in the artic le.