- b.0972 d.1052
- b.0998 d.1070
- b.1049 d.1119
- b.0933 d.15 AUG 998
- b.BET. 960 - 970 d.06 Oct 1019
- b.0937 in of Luxemburg
- b.1000 d.21 Aug 1057
- b.~ 0925 d.~ 0992
- b.1085 d.1139
- b.1061
- b.1111 d.Aug 1167
- b.1063 d.> 1138
- b.BET. 1087 - 1093 in Gueldres, Rhineland, Germany
- b.~ 0937 in of Aquitaine d.3 APR 995
- b.~ 0969 in of Poitou, France d.31 JAN 1029/30 in Abbey of St Cyprian, France
- b.BET. 947 - 950 in of Blois, France d.>27 Dec 1003
- b.~ 1023
- b.BET. 959 - 962 in of Lombard, Italy d.21 Sep 1026 in Dijon, France
- b.0995 in Bourgogne, France d.10 Nov 1068
- b.BET. 958 - 959 in of Rheims, Marne, Loire-Atlantique, France d.BEF. 5 MAR 1003/04
- b.1060 in of Poitou, France d.> 1129