
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wormeley. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Agatha [I79305095] 1720-09-10
Agatha II [I79305096] 1721-09-14
Captain Ralph I [I79304972]  
Christopher [I79304973]  
Elizabeth [I79305064] about 1675
Elizabeth [I79305089] 1713
John [I79305070] 1689
John [I79305097] about 1723
Judith [I79305071] 1694
Judith [I79305085] 1683-05-25
Judith [I79305090] 1713/4-01-20 (Julian)
Katherine [I79305065] 1678/9-03-04 (Julian)
Mary [I79305094] 1719-09-21
Mary [I79305098] 1724/5-01-23 (Julian)
Ralph II [I79305092] 1715-10-05
Ralph III [I79305069] about 1688
Ralph, Jr. [I79304976] 1650
Sarah [I79305091] 1713/4-01-20 (Julian)
Sarah II [I79305093] 1716/7-03-23 (Julian)
Sarah\Susan B. [I79291617] 1792
Susan [I79283485] Wft 1792-1812
William [I79304977] 1651