Agnes [I79314730]
after 1440 |
Alan [I79314789]
after 1397 |
Alfred Lawrence [I79299535]
1915-03-05 |
Alice [I79301561]
Andrew [I79314825]
after 1420 |
Ann Elizabeth [I79283559]
1770 |
Anna Eliza [I79299649]
1820 |
Augustine [I79313403]
about 1490 |
Dorothea [I79314680]
after 1544 |
Elizabeth [I79302210]
Elizabeth [I79303981]
Elizabeth [I79313107]
about 1523 |
Flora [I79299541]
1898-09-00 |
Frances [I79301562]
Frankie (Aunt Sis) [I79299539]
22 Apr |
Franklin Leroy Roy [I79292249]
Wft 1871-1898 |
Gertrude [I79301563]
Isaac [I79299648]
1792 |
Isabel [I79314722]
after 1415 |
Isobel [I79314717]
after 1420 |
James Ralph (Uncle Jim) [I79299537]
1918-07-00 |
Janet [I79314714]
about 1460 |
Janet [I79314820]
after 1415 |
Joan [I79314785]
before 1380 |
John, 3rd Earl of Lennox [I79288447]
John, Lord of Lorn “the leper” [I79314723]
after 1397 |
John, Provost of Glasgow [I79314836]
after 1396 |
Kensey Johns [I79283936]
Wft 1789-1820 |
Living [I79290661]
Living [I79296578]
Living [I79296579]
Living [I79296580]
Malcolm [I79301560]
Malinda C. [I79301581]
Margaret [I79314699]
after 1440 |
Margaret [I79314818]
after 1415 |
Marion [I79314731]
after 1440 |
Marion [I79314819]
after 1415 |
Marion or Margaret [I79314696]
before 1470 |
Marion, of Dalswinton [I79314831]
before 1385 |
Marjory or Marcellina [I79314854]
before 1400 |
Matthew, 2nd Earl of Lennox [I79288446]
Matthew, 4th Earl of Lennox [I79288448]
1516 |
Matthew, Earl of Lennox [I79314715]
Nichol [I79314729]
after 1440 |
Pendleton [I79301580]
Robert II, King of Scotland [I79302208]
Bet. 1315 - 1316 |
Robert, Duke Albany, Earl Fife [I79314855]
Robert, Duke of Albany, Earl of Fife [I79314786]
Robert, Lord Lorn [I79314784]
before 1375 |
Roy [I79292250]
Wft 1875-1895 |
Ruby [I79299538]
Shirley Lee [I79299540]
1920-12-13 |
Sir Alexander, of Garlies [I79314826]
after 1420 |
Sir John [I79314728]
after 1440 |
Sir John, Lord of Lorn [I79314790]
Sir John, of Dalswinton and Garlies [I79314830]
before 1380 |
Sir Thomas, Laird of Minto [I79314700]
after 1420 |
Sir Walter [I79314718]
Sir Walter, of Garlies and Dalswinton [I79314833]
Sir William [I79314697]
Sir William, of Dalswinton and Garlies [I79314824]
after 1396-10-00 |
Tracy Agnes [I79280476]
1900-03-25 |
Walter [I79302207]
Walter, 1st Lord Innermeath [I79314788]
after 1397 |
Walter, of Tondgerhie [I79314827]
after 1420 |
William Everette [I79299533]
William Glen [I79299527]
1874-04-29 |
William Glenn (Uncle Bud) [I79299536]
William, Bishop of Aberdeen [I79314732]
about 1479 |
Willis [I79301559]