- A - (33 Families, 260 Individuals)
Achen (5), Acton (2), Adams (3), Adilsson (1), Agnasson (1), Agneach (1), Alberti (1), Albertus (3), Alcoser (4), Aldred (2), Aldrich (38), Aldridge (22), Alfarinsdatter (1), Algautsdotter (1), Allen (3), Allred (120), Alred (2), Alreksson (1), Althleathan (1), Anderson (1), Angouleme (1), Ann (1), Ap_Gruffydd (1), Ap_Iorwerth (1), Ap_Owain (1), Argent (3), Armistead (1), Armstrong (1), Astin (18), Aston (13), Atheling (2), Aucher (3), Aunsson (1)
- B - (66 Families, 185 Individuals)
Bachman (1), Badden (1), Baker (4), Ballew (1), Balls (1), Bamberg (3), Banaster (1), Barrett (2), Barron (1), Barton (1), Bassett (2), Bates (2), Baughman (2), Baynard (1), Bearden (1), Beauchamp (1), Beauclerc (10), Beaufort (5), Beranger (8), Bernard (4), Bernicia (4), Billings (5), Billington (1), Billung (1), Bilotta (1), Biornsson (2), Bishop (1), Black (1), Blackburn (3), Blackledge (1), Blaidd (2), Blakeley (2), Blanche (2), Bleddyn (1), Bolgach (1), Bolling (4), Bonkyl (2), Bortman (1), Boswell (5), Botetourt (6), Bourne (6), Bowles (3), Boydell (2), Bradenburg (1), Bradley (3), Bragg (3), Bramhall (1), Brareton (1), Brazier (1), Breac (1), Bridgewood (1), Brochwel (2), Brock (2), Brodnax (3), Brookes (7), Brown (3), Browne (1), Bruce (3), Buchan (7), Buidh (1), Burley (2), Burton (1), Busby (26), Bush (1), Bute (3), Butler (2)
- C - (55 Families, 251 Individuals)
Cadell (2), Calender (2), Calvert (2), Caming (3), Campbell (8), Cannon (2), Capet (10), Caraway (2), Carduff (1), Cargill (1), Carie (1), Carlisle (5), Carlton (8), Carr (3), Carraway (65), Carroll (5), Carter (1), Casfiacalach (1), Chabob (1), Chambers (3), Champion (1), Chickle (1), Chilson (1), Christmus (3), Cillin (1), Clark (2), Clarke (8), Clayden (1), Clemmons (1), Cleveland (2), Clifford (3), Coal-Bhreagle (1), Cocke (2), Coker (22), Cole (1), Colepeper (17), Comyn (20), Coniglia (5), Conner (2), Cook (1), Coons (1), Cornier (1), Coulter (1), Cowthon (6), Crabtree (3), Craig (1), Creason (1), Crenmore (2), Crocket (1), Crutach (1), Culpepper (4), Cumming (2), Cyann (1), Cynan (1), Cynfyn (4)
- D - (165 Families, 463 Individuals)
Dafnell (1), Dagsson (1), Dalriada (1), Dane (1), Daniels (1), Danzielstour (1), Darnley (1), Dasachtech (1), D'avenes (5), Davenport (3), Davidson (1), Davis (2), De_Angus (1), De_Anjou (9), De_Aquitaine (1), De_Aragon (9), De_Arles (1), De_Artois (5), De_Audley (5), De_Baliol (1), De_Barcelona (1), De_Bavaria (2), De_Bavaria-Landshaut (2), De_Bavaria-Wittlesbach (2), De_Bayeaux (1), De_Beachamp (1), De_Beauchamp (3), De_Belmeis (3), De_Blois (1), De_Bohemia (5), De_Bohemia-Austria (3), De_Bohun (1), De_Boulogne (1), De_Bourbon (6), De_Bourbon-France (1), De_Bourgogne (7), De_Brabant (8), De_Braose (1), De_Brittany (1), De_Broise (3), De_Bruce (3), De_Burgh (4), De_Burgundy (1), De_Carrick (1), De_Castile (13), De_Chaworth (3), De_Clare (9), De_Clavering (2), De_Clifford (4), De_Crawford (4), De_Crepi (1), De_Dammartin (3), De_Denmark (2), De_Douglas (1), De_Dunbar (7), De_Ferrers (2), De_Ferrieres (1), De_Fienes (1), De_Flanders (9), De_France (6), De_Gander (1), De_Gatinais (1), De_Gaunt (2), De_Geneville (2), De_Gleiberg (1), De_Glogau (3), De_Gordon (3), De_Gorizia (1), De_Guelders (1), De_Guese-Lorraine (1), De_Hainault (7), De_Hainaut (4), De_Hamilton (2), De_Hamiltoun (1), De_Hapsburg (4), De_Hapsburg-Austria (3), De_Heristal (1), De_Hesding (2), De_Hohenstauffen (1), De_Holand (5), De_Holland (2), De_Hungary (6), De_Huugary (1), De_Hyde (1), De_Ingolstadt (1), De_Ivrea (2), De_Keynes (1), De_Lacy (1), De_Lancaster (1), De_La_Zouche (1), Deleone (12), De_Londoniis (1), De_Lorraine (2), De_Louvain (1), De_Lusignan (3), De_Luxambourg (2), De_Luxembourg (7), De_Luxemburg (8), Delves (1), De_Lyttleton (1), De_Mandeville (1), De_Mecklenburg-Gustrow (1), De_Molle (1), De_Mons (1), De_Montague (1), De_Moore (2), De_Moray (1), De_Mormaer (4), De_Mortimer (11), Demorvois (1), De_Munich (2), De_Naples (2), De_Navarre (2), Denning (9), De_Normandie (1), Den_Store (1), Dent (1), De_Percy (2), De_Piedmont (1), De_Pitlesden (1), De_Plantagenet (3), De_Portugal (4), De_Provence (13), De_Quincy (2), De_Roet (4), De_Saluzzo (4), De_Sanford (1), De_Savoy (1), De_Saxony (1), De_Schweidnitz (1), De_Segrave (3), De_Sicily (3), De_Somery (1), De_Stafford (1), De_St._Martin (1), De_Swabia (1), De_Tailerfer (1), De_Toeni (2), De_Torta (2), De_Valois (8), De_Vere (2), De_Vermandois (12), De_Vespont (1), De_Warenne (14), De_Warren (2), De_Warwnnw (2), De_Wittlesbach (2), Dickinson (1), Diffee (6), Dolffyn (1), Domaldasson (1), Domarsson (1), Dongart (1), Doniphan (2), Doran (1), Dorsett (1), Douglas (7), Downs (2), Drew (1), Drummond (4), Duc_D'_Bourbon (2), Dunbar (8), Dundas (2), Dunne (1), Dyggvasson (1)
- E - (22 Families, 29 Individuals)
Eamhnadh (1), Ean_Fhear (1), Edey (1), Edging (1), Edham (1), Ednywain (1), Edwards (1), Edwin (1), Egilsson (1), Ehart (1), Einudd (1), Eiriksdatter (1), Elinar (1), Ellis (2), Eochaidh (1), Eochaidh_Iv (1), Eoquin (1), Erea (1), Erskine (2), Everitt (4), Eystein (1), Eysteinsson (3)
- F - (31 Families, 58 Individuals)
Faidh (1), Fallin (4), Farsaid (1), Fausett (2), Fermor (1), Finch (1), Finnsdatter (1), Fionn (1), Fionnfail (1), Fisher (1), Fitz_Alan (13), Fitzalan (2), Fitzflaald (4), Fitz_John (2), Fitz_Maurice (3), Fitz_Roger (2), Fitzsiward (1), Fitz_Thomas (1), Fitzwalter (1), Fjolnarsson (1), Flaald_Dol (1), Forest (1), Fornjotsson (1), Foster (3), Foxton (1), Franklin (1), Fraser (1), Freeman (1), Freville (2), Frey (1), Frostasson (1)
- G - (37 Families, 70 Individuals)
Gainsford (1), Garrett (1), Gay (4), Gaynesford (2), Gayney (2), George (1), Gibson (2), Giffard (1), Gilson (1), Glas (2), Glass (1), Glasscock (1), Gleo-Fhathach (1), Glumra (3), Glunfionn (1), Godfrey (12), Godwin (2), Gonder (1), Goodman (1), Gordon (6), Gorrsson (1), Granger (1), Grant (1), Gray (2), Green (1), Greenleaf (1), Gregg (4), Grey (2), Grimes (1), Grisgonelle (1), Gruffydd (1), Gudrodsson (1), Guildford (3), Gulby (1), Gwaithfoed (1), Gwerystan (1), Gwynnan (1)
- H - (37 Families, 101 Individuals)
Hackley (6), Halfdansdotter (1), Halfdanson (1), Halfdansson (2), Hall (2), Hamilton (22), Hardreshall (1), Hardy (1), Harger (1), Hargis (6), Harper (1), Harrington (1), Harris (2), Harrison (1), Harvey (1), Hayes (2), Heabard (1), Heer_Van_Egmond (1), Henderson (1), Herrin (1), Hershey (1), Heskett (1), Heytsson (1), Hilfdagsdatter (1), Hill (2), Hindra (1), Hinds (1), Holand (4), Holcomb (1), Holden (1), Houchin (14), Hrolfsdatter (1), Hudson (2), Hunter (1), Huntingdon (7), Hyde (6), Hywel (1)
- I - (8 Families, 337 Individuals)
Iago (1), Ingjaldsson (1), Ingvarsson (1), Iorwerth (1), Ivarsson (1), Ivey (167), Ivie (152), Ivy (13)
- J - (11 Families, 18 Individuals)
Jackson (2), James (1), Jane (1), Jenkins (5), Johnston (1), Jokulsson (1), Jolly (2), Jones (2), Jordan (1), Jorundson (1), Joyce (1)
- K - (16 Families, 51 Individuals)
Karasson (1), Karns (1), Kasburg (2), Keeling (28), Keith (1), Kemp (2), Kennon (2), Kersdale (1), Keys (2), Kiarva (1), Kincheon (1), King (2), Kinney (1), Kirvan (3), Knapp (1), Kynveton (2)
- L - (34 Families, 94 Individuals)
Lackland (2), Lacon (1), Ladhrach (1), Lambert (4), Lamhraein (1), Lane (1), Langley (16), Languth (1), Lawton (4), Layton (1), La_Zouche (7), Lazouche (1), Lea (1), Le_Fleming (1), Lessley (2), Leverette (1), Leveson (2), Lewellyn (1), Lewis (2), Liffechar (1), Lindsey (1), Lingenfelser (1), Linkenhager (2), Livingston (11), Llewelyn (6), Llywarch (3), Llywelyn (1), Loara (1), Longespee (3), Longsword (4), Lovett (3), Lucy (3), Luggie (1), Lyttleton (3)
- M - (72 Families, 224 Individuals)
Macalpin (1), Mac_Art (1), Mac_Donald (2), Mac_Donart (1), Mac_Dongart (2), Mac_Earea (1), Mac_Eochaid (1), Mac_Fergus (1), Mac_Kenneth (9), Mac_Owen (1), Madh (1), Madog (1), Mainwaring (1), Maland (1), Maney (1), Maredydd (2), Martel (1), Martin (5), Martindale (1), Mason (8), Massie (2), Mayfield (1), McBride (1), McCool (1), McCurdy (1), McCutchens (1), McDonald (1), McDuff (1), McEvoy (1), McGee (1), McKee (1), McMahan (1), McNair (16), McNeil (2), Meadhoin_(Mogemedon) (1), Medici (1), Meeks (15), Menje (1), Meredith (2), Merfyn (2), Merkley (1), Meynje (1), Midkiff (7), Miles (1), Miller (5), Molghthach (1), Montefex (2), Montgomerie (2), Moore (48), Moore_Jr. (1), Moore_Sr. (1), Mor (1), More (3), Morel (1), Morgan (8), Morgeneu (1), Morien (1), Mormaer (1), Morris (9), Morrison (1), Mortimer (7), Moseley (6), Moss (1), Mott (2), Moyvone (1), Muirhead (1), Mullins (1), Munfode (1), Munford (5), Mure (3), Murray (1), Myers (4)
- N - (7 Families, 24 Individuals)
Nason (1), Neelatamauk (1), Nefja (1), Neville (10), Northumberland (1), Northumbria (6), Norton (4)
- O - (21 Families, 69 Individuals)
Oates (1), Obert (2), Of_Caithness (1), Offley (1), Of_Scotland (1), Olafsdotter (1), Olafsson (2), Olchavin (1), Oliver (19), Ollanhdha (1), Ollmuchach (1), O'neill (9), Onundsson (1), O'olaf (1), Orsted (7), Ottarsson (1), Outlaw (10), Owain (4), Owen (1), Owsley (3), Oxford (1)
- P - (27 Families, 98 Individuals)
Packer (1), Parsons (1), Peake (4), Pearce (2), Pease (2), Peeples (1), Percy (6), Perkins (1), Perry (1), Phillips (1), Phipps (1), Picroft (1), Pipes (1), Plant (20), Plantagenet (20), Plant_Jr. (1), Porter (1), Potter (1), Potts (1), Power (1), Poyntz (1), Prees (1), Preston (1), Price (23), Prichett (2), Pruitt (1), Purdy (1)
- Q - (4 Families, 5 Individuals)
Queen (1), Queen_Of_Scotland (2), Queen_Of_The_Picts (1), Queen_Orkney (1)
- R - (26 Families, 89 Individuals)
Ramsey (4), Randell (20), Randolph (3), Randulph (1), Reagon (3), Reed (1), Reeves (2), Regan (1), Rhodes (1), Rhudd (1), Rhys (1), Rigby (1), Riley (3), Ritch (2), Ritchie (19), Roarke (1), Roberts (2), Robinson (9), Rognvald (2), Rognvaldsdatter (1), Rolfe (4), Roper (2), Royce (1), Rucker (2), Rudah (1), Ruxton (1)
- S - (43 Families, 198 Individuals)
Sampson (2), Sanders (1), Saoghalach (1), Savage (1), Scotland (2), Scudder (2), Scult (1), Self (28), Senescal (5), Sergent (3), Shipp (18), Shirley (1), Sibell (2), Sidall (1), Sigurdsson (1), Simmons (4), Skinner (1), Skull_Cleaver (1), Slavin (18), Smart (1), Snaersson (1), Solfasson (1), Solkowski (1), Sotherton (4), Srabhteine (1), Stafford (5), Staggs (2), Stains (1), Staley (2), Staveley (1), Stevens (1), Steward (2), Stewart (29), Stith (2), Stock (21), Stolk (1), Streeper (1), Stuart (19), Stymus (1), Svegdasson (1), Sveidasson (1), Svidrasson (1), Syslo (5)
- T - (23 Families, 56 Individuals)
Tarlton (5), Taylor (3), Teachdmar (1), Teamrach (1), Teriach (1), Thelaball (7), Thelabell (1), Thomas (3), Thornton (1), Thorrasson (1), Threasher (13), Tillis (4), Tinscher (1), Tolgrach (1), Toll (1), Tolle (1), Townsend (1), Trace (1), Trahaearn (1), Travis (1), Tudor (4), Tybolde (1), Tynedale (2)
- U - (1 Family, 812 Individuals)
- V - (10 Families, 12 Individuals)
Van_Arkel (1), Vanlandasson (1), Vann (2), Verch_Llewelyn (1), Vespont (2), vey (1), Visbursson (1), Visconti (1), Vogel (1), Vyell (1)
- W - (33 Families, 114 Individuals)
Wake (4), Wake-Comyn (2), Walkins (1), Waller (2), Walling (3), Warner (4), Warren (36), Waterhouse (1), Watson (2), Watts (2), Webb (2), Welch (1), Welshe (2), Wertz (4), Wescote (1), Wessex (1), West (1), Wheat (1), Whitlock (1), Williams (4), Williamson (3), Wilson (1), Winters (2), Witcher (1), Wohllvend (1), Wolf (6), Wood (1), Woodville (2), Wormley (2), Worsham (2), Worthley (9), Wyatt (2), Wykes (7)
- Y - (7 Families, 10 Individuals)
Yaffe (3), Yaroslavna (2), Yates (1), Yngvasson (1), Yngvi-Freysson (1), York (1), Young (1)
- Z - (2 Families, 4 Individuals)
Zabriskie (1), Zouche (3)
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