- A - (244 Families, 1187 Individuals)
Abbe (2), Abbess_of_Chelles (1), Abbess_of_Fontevrault (2), Abbess_of_Hasnon (1), Abbess_of_Leon (1), Abbess_of_Notre_Dame (1), Abbess_of_Polesworth (1), Abbey (3), Abbot (1), Abbot_of_Crowland (1), Abbot_of_Ely (1), Abbot_of_St._Quentin (1), Abbott (11), Abel (1), Abell (1), Abernathy (2), Abney (1), Abrams (1), Abramson (3), Ackley (1), Ackreden (1), Ackworth (1), Acton (2), Adam (2), Adams (174), Adderly (2), Adgate (1), Adhamnan (1), Adilsson (2), Adkinson (2), Adlam (2), Advocate_of_St._Bertin (1), Aggar (2), Agnasson (1), Agnew (2), Agrippa (1), Aiken (1), Ailill (1), Ainger (1), Aires (1), Airhart (4), Aitcheson (3), Akers (1), Albee (1), Albertse (1), Albion (1), Albro (1), Alcalde_of_Toledo (1), Alcock (6), Alcocke (1), Aldburgh (1), Alden (25), Aldford (1), Aldis (1), Aldithley (1), Aldrich (1), Alexander (9), Alfonsez (2), Alfonso (1), Alford (11), Algautsdottir (1), Alger (1), Alidnora (1), Allard (3), Allbee (7), Alleaume (1), Allen (166), Allerton (14), Allgar (6), Alling (21), Allingham (1), Allis (1), Allman (1), Allyn (9), al-Mansur (1), Almy (1), Alreksson (1), Alrich (1), Alsace (2), Alsop (10), Alsopp (1), Alton (3), Alvarez (1), Alvin (1), Alvord (14), Alyesbury (1), Amados (2), Amerike (1), Ames (6), Amory (1), Amos (1), Andersdotter (1), Anderson (26), Anderton (1), Andrew (1), Andrews (33), Andrus (3), Angelica (1), Angelina (2), Angelos (2), Angevin (9), Angier (1), Anglia (1), Anna (1), Annable (10), Anna_"The_Prophetess" (1), Ansaud (1), Anstey (2), Anstye (2), Anthony (15), Antisdel (1), Antonius (1), ap_Alcwn (1), ap_Anarawd (2), ap_Arglwydd_Rhys (1), ap_Arthen (1), ap_Beli (2), ap_Blaidd (1), ap_Bleddyn (1), ap_Bleiddig (1), ap_Bran (1), ap_Brochwel (3), ap_Cadwgon (1), ap_Caradog (1), ap_Collwyn (1), ap_Conwyn (1), ap_Cuhelyn (1), ap_Cydrich_ap_Gwaethfoed (1), ap_Cynfyn (1), ap_Cynon (1), ap_David_Mathew (1), ap_David_of_Rhydodyn (1), ap_Dinawal (1), ap_Dolffyn (1), ap_Dwywg (1), ap_Dyfnwallon (1), ap_Ednowain (1), ap_Ednywain (1), ap_Einion (2), ap_Einudd (1), ap_Elidir (1), ap_Elystan (1), ap_Grono (1), ap_Gronwy (1), ap_Gwaethfoed (1), ap_Gwair (1), ap_Gwrst (1), ap_Gwrydr (1), ap_Gwyn (1), ap_Gwynnan (1), ap_Idwal (1), ap_Idwallon (1), ap_Ifor (1), Ap_Ifor (1), ap_Ithel (1), Aplin (1), ap_Lles (1), ap_Llewelyn-vychan (1), ap_Llywarch (1), Ap_Llywelyn (1), ap_Madoc (2), ap_Maelgwyn (1), ap_Meirchion (1), ap_Meredith (1), ap_Merfyn (1), ap_Meurig (1), Ap_Morgan (1), ap_Morgeneu (1), ap_Neiniad (1), ap_Owain (2), ap_Owain_Gwynedd (1), ap_Paen (1), ap_Pill (1), Appleton (2), ap_Rhun (1), ap_Rhys (1), ap_Sandde (1), ap_Seferws (1), ap_Seisyll (1), ap_Tegid (1), ap_Tudur_Trefor (2), ap_Tudwal (1), ap_Ynyr (1), Aquillion (1), Archdeacon (2), Arche (1), Arches (2), Arden (1), Arduin (1), Argentein (1), Argo (1), Armildez (2), Arms (1), Armstrong (4), Arnason (1), Arnett (2), Arnold (26), Arthur (11), Arundel (16), Ash (2), Ashe (2), Ashfelt (1), Ashfield (1), Ashley (136), Ashton (6), Askum (1), Aspinwall (28), Astley (2), Aston (6), Atchinson (1), Atchurch (1), At_Fenne (1), Atheling (1), Atheling_of_England (1), Atheling_of_Wessex (8), Atherton (23), Atkins (2), Atkinson (5), Attridge (1), Atwater (4), Atwood (7), Audley (7), Audunsson (1), Augusta (3), Aulich (1), Aunsson (1), Aurs (1), Austen (1), Austin (9), Austmann (2), Austria (2), Austwicke (1), Austye (1), Avenal (5), Averill (1), Avery (7), Axtell (32), Aybar (1), Ayer (2), Ayers (5), Aygua (1), Aylesbury (1), Ayloffe (1), Ayres (1)
- B - (676 Families, 4112 Individuals)
Baalun (1), (Baat) (4), Babcock (1), Babin (2), Backus (2), Bacon (18), Badcock (2), Badlam (21), Badlington (2), Baffoe (3), Bagg (2), Baggalegh (1), Bagge (1), Baggott (1), Bagley (8), Bagot (1), Baialey (1), Bailey (10), Baillie (2), Bainbridge (1), Baisey (1), Baker (59), Bakke (2), Balch (1), Balderic (1), Baldwin (184), Balhrice (1), Baliol (2), Balkwill (19), Ball (37), Ballantine (2), Ballon (1), Ballou (3), Balmer (1), Balson (8), Balston (3), Balun (1), Bambrick (1), Banaster (2), Banastre (1), Banbury (1), Bancroft (1), Bandrib (1), Bane (3), Baner (2), Bangs (4), Banister (1), Banks (1), Bannaster (1), Bannatyne (1), Bannister (1), Barber (18), Barbour (4), Barcelona (2), Barclay (1), Barclaye (1), Barcroft (1), Barcus (1), Barden (43), Bardolf (5), Bardolph (3), Bardsley (1), Bardwell (7), Barents (2), Barentyn (2), Barheit (2), Barker (17), Barkley (1), Bar-Le-Duc (2), Barlow (2), Barnaby (1), Barnard (22), Barneby (1), Barnes (16), Barnet (1), Barnett (1), Barney (2), Barnhill (4), Baron_Abergavenny (4), Baron_Axholme (1), Baron_Badlesmere (1), Baron_Baynard (2), Baron_Beauchamp (4), Baron_Beauchamp_of_Elmley (1), Baron_Beauchamp_of_Hoche (2), Baron_Bedford (1), Baron_Berners (1), Baron_Bolbec (2), Baron_Boteler_of_Wemme (4), Baron_Bray (1), Baron_Brecnoch (1), Baron_Chilham (2), Baron_Clavering (2), Baron_Clifford (13), Baron_Clifford-Appleby (1), Baron_Cluny_&_Oswestry (2), Baron_Courcy (1), Baron_Dudley (5), Baroness_Lisle (1), Baron_Fanhope (1), Baron_Ferrers_of_Chartley (2), Baron_Ferrers_of_Wemme (1), Baron_FitzHugh (3), Baron_Gainford (3), Baron_Gournay (1), Baron_Grentmesnil (2), Baron_Grey_of_Rotherfield (1), Baron_Halton (2), Baron_Hanslope (1), Baron_Herefordshire (1), Baron_Holand (1), Baron_Hook_Norton (1), Baron_Kendal (4), Baron_Lanville (1), Baron_le_Strange (1), Baron_Lucy (1), Baron_Malet (3), Baron_Mauduit (1), Baron_Mello (1), Baron_Mitford (4), Baron_Mowbray (4), Baron_Munchesni (1), Baron_Neville_of_Raby (6), Baron_Offaly (3), Baron_of_Shipbrook (1), Baron_Okehampton (1), Baron_Oswestry (2), Baron_Percy (10), Baron_Powys (1), Baron_Prudhoe (1), Baron_Roos (3), Baron_Roos_of_Helmesley (1), Baron_Segrave (4), Baron_Skelton (2), Baron_Stafford (1), Baron_St._Florent (1), Baron_Tamworth (1), Baron_Verdun (1), Baron_Vipont (1), Baron_Wallingford (1), Baron_Warkworth (2), Baron_Warworth (1), Baron_Welles (2), Baron_Wigmore (5), Baron_Willoughby (1), Barr (1), Barrell (1), Barrett (7), Barrey (2), Barrington (3), Barron (1), Barston (1), Bar-Sur-Aube (3), Bartel (1), Bartholomew (10), Bartlett (47), Bartley (1), Barton (10), Barttelot (5), Bascom (3), Bascomb (10), Bashford (1), Basingborne (1), Basinge (1), Bass (24), Basset (29), Bassett (11), Bassock (2), Baster (1), Bastien (1), Batchelor (1), Bateman (2), Bates (12), Bateson (1), Batholomew (1), Bathrick (1), Batrum (1), Battaile (4), Battell (12), Battenberg (1), Battle (16), Battles (25), Bavaria (3), Bawle (2), Baxter (4), Baybrooke (3), Bayes (1), Bayeux (1), Bayford (5), Baylie (1), Beach (30), Bean (1), Beane (1), Beard (1), Bearding (4), Beardsley (1), Beare (1), Beasel (10), Beasoner (1), Beaston (1), Beauchamp (1), Beaufew (1), Beaufort (7), Beaumont (21), Beaupel (1), Beaupre (7), Beaw_(Bjaf) (1), Bechton (1), Beck (1), Becker (3), Becket (4), Beckley (1), Beckstead (1), Beckwith (54), Beconsawe (4), Bedingfield (2), Bedlingfield (3), Beebe (10), Beecher (13), Beechman (1), Beekman (1), Beeman (1), Beers (7), Beeson (8), Beeston (9), Begg (1), Beggs (231), Behm (1), Beke (3), Belcher (2), Belchum (1), Belden (45), Belding (14), Belgium (1), Belgrave (1), Belknap (5), Bell (8), Belldon (1), Belleme (3), Bellers (2), Belles (1), Belmeis (3), Belville (1), Belway (1), Bement (1), Bemis (4), Bendbow (2), Benedict (29), Bengtsdotter (1), Bengtson (1), Benham (2), Benn (1), Benner (4), Bennet (1), Bennett (17), Bennington (1), Benoit (1), Bense (1), Benson (6), Bent (2), Bentley (13), Bently (1), Benton (35), Benware (4), Benway (1), Bera_I (1), Beranek (1), Berengar (1), Berenger (4), Beresford (2), Berg (1), Berger (1), Beriou (1), Bernard (7), Berne (1), Berners (1), Bernhardt (1), Bernicia (2), Bernington (1), Berrigan (1), Berry (4), Bershnesky (1), Bersley (1), Berta (1), Berthold (1), (Bertram) (1), Bescherer (1), Beshures (1), Bessiles (2), Bessylls (1), Beteau (1), Bett (1), Betterman (1), Betts (15), Beulac (1), Beulah (1), Beville (9), Bexon (1), Bhakti (3), Bibby (1), Bickerstaff (1), Bickford (1), Bickham (1), Bicknell (4), Biddle (1), Bidum (2), Bidwell (19), Bieglow (1), Bigbee (1), Bigelow (43), Bigge (3), Biggs (5), Bignett (3), Bigod (6), Bigot (1), Bilesky (1), Bill (18), Billings (32), Billingsley (1), Billington (8), Bills (1), Billung (4), Bilton (2), Bingham (5), Biornsson (2), Birchard (4), Bird (18), Birdseye (1), Birge (5), Birgersson (2), Birgrsdotter (1), Birk (1), Birkett (2), Birport (1), Birtles (1), Bisbee (1), Biset (1), Biseth (1), Bishop (14), Bishop_of_Coustances (1), Bishop_of_Durham (2), Bishop_of_Mayence (1), Bishop_of_Metz (2), Bishop_of_Puy (1), Bishop_of_Rouen (1), Bishop_of_Tongres (1), Bishop_of_Troyes (1), Bishop_of_Whitern (1), Bissell (17), Bitely (1), Bitters (1), Bittner (1), Bixby (27), Bjornsson (3), Blachly (1), Black (7), Blackburn (5), Blackman (1), Blackmore (2), Blacksoll (1), Blackwell (2), Blaidd (1), Blain (1), Blake (38), Blakeman (3), Blakslee (1), Blanchard (4), Bland (2), Blashaw (1), Blatchford (1), Blattner (1), Blauzahn (2), Blaverhasset (1), Blight (4), Blinn (6), Blish (1), Bliss (61), Blisse (1), Blitgarde (1), Blixt (3), Blizart (4), Blizzard (2), Blood (9), Bloomer (1), Bloomert (1), Blossom (11), Blott (3), Blount (7), Blow (2), Blower (1), Blowers (1), Bluet (2), Blunt (1), Blyant (2), Blysse (7), Board (2), Boardman (5), Bochet (2), Boden (1), Bodenham (2), Bodfish (2), Bodilon (1), Bodwell (1), Bogaert (3), Bogardus (71), Bogert (2), Boggs (1), Bohemia (1), Boice (18), Boisseau (1), Bold (1), Bolebec (3), Bolen (4), Boleyn (8), Bolhay (2), Bolles (1), Bologne (6), Bolt (1), Boltwood (23), Bolyard (1), Bompasse (2), Bond (5), Bonham (1), Bonneau (17), Bonnett (1), Bonville (7), Booker (1), Boon (2), Boone (2), Boosey (1), Booth (23), Borden (14), Boreham (1), Borel (2), Boren (1), Borgadus (1), Borlace (1), Borland (1), Boscawen (1), Bosch (4), Bostock (1), Bostwick (10), Bosun (1), Bosyns (2), Boteler (4), Bothwidsson (1), Botiler (1), Botiller (2), Botreaux (5), Botsford (7), Bottsford (3), Bouchard_'The_Constable' (1), Boucher (1), Bounds (1), Bourchier (4), Bourgchier (12), Bourn (3), Bourne (16), Bouton (1), Boutwell (1), Bouwier (1), Bow (1), Bowden (1), Bowen (10), Bowes (4), Bowes-Lyon (1), Bowet (2), Bowker (22), Bowley (1), Bowling (2), Bowman (1), Boyce (16), Boyd (1), Boyde (1), Boyden (21), Boyer (1), Boyle (2), Boylston (6), Boys (1), Boyse (1), Bozon (5), Brace (1), Bracebridge (2), Bracherbury (1), Brackett (3), Bracton (2), Bracy (5), Bradbury (5), Bradford (30), Bradley (11), Bradshaw (3), Bradstreet (3), Bradt (3), Brady (2), Brailsford (1), Brainard (1), Brainerd (25), Bramshot (1), Brandbridge (1), Brandenburg-Anspach (1), Brandon (5), Brandt (2), Branker (1), Brass (1), Bray (3), Braylsford (2), Brazier (1), Breadner (1), Breck (3), Breckon (1), Bredbury (2), Breed (1), Breedlove (1), Breese (3), Breeze (2), Brennan (1), Brereton (11), Bresie (1), Bretagne (2), Brett (13), Brewer (9), Brewster (48), Brewster* (2), Brick (1), Brickwood (1), Brico (1), Bridge (1), Bridgham (3), Bridgman (32), Bridgum (2), Brierley (1), Briggs (12), Brigham (1), Bright (2), Briley (2), Brimhall (1), Brinckerhoff (1), Brindette (1), Brinklow (1), Brioquibec (1), Brisbois (1), Brisco (1), Briscoe (7), Bristol (240), Bristow (1), Britles (1), Britt (1), Brittany (1), Brockman (2), Brockway (2), Broderick (1), Brodforde (1), Brome (2), Bromfield (2), Bromflete (2), Bromley (1), Bronck (1), Brond_(Brandr) (1), Bronson (15), Brook (3), Brooke (11), Brookfield (1), Brooks (29), Brough (2), Broughton (4), Brower (1), Brown (139), Browne (29), Brownell (3), Browning (1), Brownson (6), Brownwell (1), Bruce (3), Bruen (31), Brun (2), Brush (1), Bruyn (1), Bryan (6), Bryant (6), Bryche (1), Brydges (1), Bryen (2), Brynhild (1), Bryon (2), Bryson (2), Bss_Furnival (1), Bss_Percy (1), Bss_Segrave (1), Bss_Strange_of_Blackmere (1), Bss_Wake (1), Bss_Welles (1), Buchan (1), Buchanan (16), Buchnell (2), Buck (12), Buckalew (1), Bucke (3), Buckingham (5), Buckland (6), Buckle (1), Buckley (1), Buckmaster (2), Buckminster (4), Budd (2), Buel (3), Buell (2), Buffett (1), Buffum (1), Bulkeley (15), Bulkley (3), Bull (2), Bullard (12), Buller (12), Bullerwerde (1), Bulloch (5), Bullock (15), Bulmer (2), Bulstrode (2), Bulwinkle (1), Bump (1), Bumpas (54), Bunckom (1), Bunnell (3), Buote (1), Burbank (3), Burch (1), Burchamp (1), Burchard (1), Burdg (2), Burell (1), Bures (1), Burgan (1), Burge (1), Burgeaud (1), Burger (2), Burges (1), Burgess (14), Burgh (1), Burghersh (1), Burk (1), Burke (3), Burleigh (1), Burley (3), Burlingham (1), Burman (1), Burnell (1), Burnet (1), Burnett (1), Burnham (7), Burns (9), Burr (13), Burritt (2), Burrough (5), Bursley (2), Burt (122), Burton (4), Burwell (7), Busard (1), Buschier (2), Bush (25), Bushe (1), Bushnell (14), Butler (63), Butter (2), Butterfield (2), Buttolph (1), Butts (1), Buxton (1), Buzby (25), Byccombe (1), Byfield (2), Byram (18), Byrde (1), Byrom (1), Byzantine_Emp (13), Byzantine_Empress (1)
- C - (700 Families, 4285 Individuals)
Cable (1), Cadwalladr (1), Cadwell (4), Cady (1), Caffinch (1), Caffyn (8), Cahow (7), Cain (7), Calder (1), Caldman (6), Caldwell (5), Caliph_of_Córdoba (1), Calkins (1), Call (9), Callihan (1), Calthorpe (11), Calveley (2), Calvert (1), Calye (2), Cameron (1), Camoys (1), Camp (247), Campbell (16), Canada (2), Candee (1), Cane (1), Caneday (6), Canedy (112), Canfield (40), Cannar (1), Cannon (3), Cansfield (3), Cantrell (3), Capen (2), Card (2), Cardinal_of_York (1), Carew (14), Carey (19), Carle (2), Carlisle (1), Carll (4), Carlton (1), Carlusa (1), Carman (2), Carmichael (2), Carminow (5), Carnet (1), Carney (2), Carow (1), Carpenter (20), Carr (12), Carrell (1), Carrick (1), Carrier (1), Carrington (10), Carroll (1), Carson (2), Carter (11), Cartie (1), Cartwright (1), Carver (8), Carwithe (1), Cary (713), Case (23), Casey (1), Caskey (2), Cass (59), Cassey (1), Castile (1), Castle (2), Casto (141), Castor (2), Catchepolle (1), Cathcart (1), Cathey (31), Catlin (4), Catton (1), Caulkins (3), Cavalcamp (1), Cave (4), Cavendish (1), Cawthra (1), Caylor (1), Cecil (7), Cergeaux (4), Chadwick (1), Chaffee (2), Chamberlain (11), Chamberlain_of_Seville (2), Chamond (1), Champernoun (1), Champion (7), Chandler (23), Channon (13), Chapin (14), Chaplin (6), Chapman (17), Chappell (1), Chappis (1), Charde (5), Charles (3), Charlesbois (1), Charlton (4), Charnold (1), Charroll (1), Charter (1), Chase (16), Chatfield (1), Chatterton (2), Chattin (1), Chaucombe) (1), Chauncey (16), Chavis (1), Chaworth (2), Chedel (1), Chedsey (15), Chedworth (1), Cheever (5), Cheke (1), Cheleav (1), Chenduit (1), Cheney (77), Cherleton (1), Cherlton (1), Cherrye (1), Cheseldyne (2), Chester (2), Chetwode (3), Chew (3), Chichester (1), Chickering (3), Chidioc (2), Chidiock (2), Chidiocke (2), Child (21), Childress (1), Childs (4), Chileab (1), Chilton (15), Chipman (20), Chittenden (1), Chitwood (1), Chobbs (2), Christensen (3), Christie (32), Christinson (1), Christman (1), Chrodobertus_(Robert) (1), Chrysler (11), Chrystal (1), Church (34), Churchill (7), Churchman (2), Chute (5), Chynoweth (1), Cimbri (1), Cinnamon (1), Claessen (1), Claghorn (1), Clapp (66), Clapper (6), Clare (2), Clark (109), Clarke (28), Claudius (1), Claus (1), Claverton (1), Clawson (5), Clearwater (1), Cleaveland (1), Clegg (1), Cleland (1), Clemens (2), Clement (4), Clements (2), Clemons (1), Clerk (3), Clerke (15), Clermont (2), Cleveland (33), Clevenger (1), Cleverly (1), Cleves (1), Clevinger (1), Clifford (10), Clifton (3), Cline (2), Clinton (4), Clivedon (2), Clodoreius (1), Clodshale (1), Clopper (1), Clopton (1), Close (1), Closson (1), Clough (3), Cnebba (1), Coats (1), Cobb (8), Cobham (6), Cobley (1), Coburn (1), Cochran (5), Cochrane (4), Cockayne (2), Cockerill (1), Code (4), Codman (1), Coe (4), Coeymans (2), Coffee (1), Coffin (9), Cogan (42), Coganz (1), Coggeshall (4), Coggleshall (1), Coggswell (12), Cogswell (16), Cokayne (5), Coke (1), Colberg (1), Colburn (1), Colby (2), Coldwell (1), Cole (23), Colelough (1), Coleman (9), Coles (3), Coley (1), Collamore (2), Collicot (1), Collier (7), Collings (4), Collinridge (2), Collins (22), Collyer (3), Colpitts (1), Colson (1), Colt (6), Colton (7), Colvin (2), Colwell (1), Comnene (1), Compton (1), Comstock (10), Comyn (10), (Comyn) (1), Conan (1), Conant (8), Condit (28), Cone (3), Coney (7), Conger (3), Congrave_of_Stratton (2), Coningsby (2), Conklin (11), Conkling (6), Conley (1), Conn (3), Connelly (2), Conner (1), Connery (1), Conny (3), Conqueror (1), Conrad (3), Conrow (4), Constable (10), Constantinius (1), Constantius (1), Consul_of_Rome (3), Conteville (2), Converse (4), Conway (1), Conyers (9), Cook (31), Cooke (66), Cooley (1), Coolidge (10), Coombe (2), Coombs (6), Coon (1), Coop (1), Cooper (14), Cope (4), Copeland (30), Copeman (2), Copledike (10), Copley (1), Coppin (1), Corban (1), Corbeau (2), Corbeil (1), Corbert (3), Corbet (33), Corbett (5), Corbicon (2), Corbin (1), Cordall (1), Corish (1), Corliss (1), Cornelius (1), Cornell (4), Cornhill (1), Cornish (2), Cornog (1), Cornwall (3), Cornwell (2), Corser (7), Corson (158), Cortelyou (1), Cortright (1), Corwin (1), Cory (9), Cosford (1), Cossett (1), Cossitt (1), Coswell (1), Cosworth (1), Cotie (1), Cotton (44), Couch (1), Counsellor (1), Coupie (1), Courcy (1), Courtenay (12), Courtwright (1), Couwenhoven (2), Covenhoven (1), Covert (1), Cowan (2), Cowie (1), Cowles (3), Cowper (2), Cox (5), Coymn (1), Coyne (1), Coytemore (2), Coytmore (1), Cozad (1), Cozzens (1), Crabbe (1), Craft (2), Craig (16), Craise (5), Cram (2), Crampton (2), Cramton (1), Crane (273), Cranfield (1), Cranston (1), Craven (8), Crawford (10), Crawthorne (1), Creamer (2), Crear (1), Crecy (2), Creel (1), Creighton (1), Crepi (1), Crepon) (1), Cresey (2), Cresse (1), Cressener (1), Crew (1), Crewell (1), Cridland (1), Criketot (1), Crippen (3), Cristman (1), Crittenden (7), Crocker (2), Croft (4), Cromarty (2), Cromer (1), Cronk (1), Crooks (2), Crosby (4), Crosier (1), Cross (1), Crosse (1), Crossman (3), Crouchman (1), Crow (6), Crowder (1), Crowell (2), Crowfoot (1), Crum (2), Crumby (1), Cruttenden (2), Ct_Adelhelm (1), Ct_de_Albi (1), Ct_de_Albon (3), Ct_de_Alemania (1), Ct_de_Alençon (1), Ct_de_Alsace (1), Ct_de_Alsace_&_Nordgau (1), Ct_de_Altdorf (3), Ct_de_Angoulême (11), Ct_de_Anjou (7), Ct_de_Anjou_&_Orléans (1), Ct_de_Aragón (5), Ct_de_Arcis-Sur-Aube (1), Ct_de_Ardenne (1), Ct_de_Argengau (2), Ct_de_Arlen (1), Ct_de_Arles (3), Ct_de_Arnstein (1), Ct_de_Artois (1), Ct_de_Aumâle (2), Ct_de_Auriate (1), Ct_de_Autun_&_Metz (1), Ct_de_Autunois (1), Ct_de_Auvergne (2), Ct_de_Auverre_&_Nevers (1), Ct_de_Auxerre (1), Ct_de_Auxonne (2), Ct_de_Bar (1), Ct_de_Barcellos (1), Ct_de_Barcelona (7), Ct_de_Bar-le-Duc (2), Ct_de_Bayeux (2), Ct_de_Beaumont (1), Ct_de_Beaumont-sur-Oise (1), Ct_de_Benauges (1), Ct_de_Bermudez (1), Ct_de_Besalu_&_Urgel (1), Ct_de_Beteau (1), Ct_de_Beulac (1), Ct_de_Bigorre (1), Ct_de_Biscaya (4), Ct_de_Blois (7), Ct_de_Blois_&_Champagne (1), Ct_de_Blois_&_Troyes (1), Ct_de_Boulogne (7), Ct_de_Bourges (1), Ct_de_Brabant (1), Ct_de_Breisgau (1), Ct_de_Bréteuil (1), Ct_de_Brienne (7), Ct_de_Brittany (3), Ct_de_Brunswick (1), Ct_de_Burgundy (3), Ct_de_Burgundy_&_Macon (1), Ct_de_Carcassonne (4), Ct_de_Castile (5), Ct_de_Castile_&_Burgos (1), Ct_de_Castile_&_Soberano (1), Ct_de_Chalon (2), Ct_de_Champagne_&_Brie (1), Ct_de_Champagne_&_Troyes (1), Ct_de_Chartes (1), Ct_de_Châtillon (1), Ct_de_Châtillon-sur-Marne (1), Ct_de_Châtillon-sur-Marne_&_Basoches (1), Ct_de_Chaunois (1), Ct_de_Clermont (5), Ct_de_Cousserans (3), Ct_de_Dagsburg (3), Ct_de_Dammartin (4), Ct_de_Dreux (3), Ct_de_Egisheim (2), Ct_de_Equiseheim (1), Ct_de_Eu (2), Ct_de_Eu_&_Brienne (1), Ct_de_Eu_&_Hiesmes (1), Ct_de_Evereux (3), Ct_de_Faucigny (1), Ct_de_Fezensac (1), Ct_de_Fiennes (1), Ct_de_Flanders (18), Ct_de_Flanders_&_Artois (1), Ct_de_Foix (1), Ct_de_Forcalquier (2), Ct_de_Forez_&_Lyons (2), Ct_de_Friesland (1), Ct_de_Galicia_&_Coimbr (1), Ct_de_Gand (3), Ct_de_Gastinois (3), Ct_de_Geldern (3), Ct_de_Genevre (4), Ct_de_Gleiberg (1), Ct_de_Gueldres (2), Ct_de_Hainault (4), Ct_de_Hainault_&_Holland (1), Ct_de_Hesbaye (1), Ct_de_Holland (13), Ct_de_Hornbach (1), Ct_de_Ivrea (1), Ct_de_Kinziggau (1), Ct_de_la_Feld (1), Ct_de_la_Haute_Marche (1), Ct_de_la_Marche (4), Ct_de_la_Marche_&_Angoulême (1), Ct_de_la_Marche_&_Perigord (2), Ct_de_la_Massgau (2), Ct_de_Laon (1), Ct_de_la_Palace (1), Ct_de_Lara (1), Ct_de_Lavanthal (1), Ct_de_Lens (1), Ct_de_Liebana_&_de_Lara (1), Ct_de_Limburg (1), Ct_de_Lomme (1), Ct_de_Loos (4), Ct_de_Loos_&_Reineck (1), Ct_de_Lorraine (2), Ct_de_Louvain (1), Ct_de_Lower_Alsace (1), Ct_de_Luxemburg (3), Ct_de_Luxemburg_&_Longwy (1), Ct_de_Maasgau (1), Ct_de_Macon (1), Ct_de_Macon_&_Bescanon (1), Ct_de_Macon_et_Auxonne (1), Ct_de_Macon_et_de_Vienne (1), Ct_de_Macon_&_Nevers (1), Ct_de_Maine (3), Ct_de_Mantes_&_de_la_Vexin (1), Ct_de_Mendez (1), Ct_de_Metz (1), Ct_de_Metz_&_Homburg (1), Ct_de_Meulan (2), Ct_de_Mons (1), Ct_de_Montfaucon (1), Ct_de_Montfort (1), Ct_de_Montpellier (3), Ct_de_Mortaigne (3), Ct_de_Morvais (1), Ct_de_Mouson (2), Ct_de_Namuer (4), Ct_de_Namuer_&_Luxemburg (1), Ct_de_Navarre (2), Ct_de_Nevers_&_Auxerre (2), Ct_de_Nevers_et_Auxerre (1), Ct_de_Nordgau (2), Ct_de_Oehningen (1), Ct_de_Orléans (1), Ct_de_Oviedo (1), Ct_de_Palatine (2), Ct_de_Paris (4), Ct_de_Paris_&_Fulde (1), Ct_de_Parma_&_Ivrea (1), Ct_de_Perche_&_Mortaigne (1), Ct_de_Perigord (1), Ct_de_Peronne_&_St._Quentin (1), Ct_de_Piedrolas (1), Ct_de_Poitiers (2), Ct_de_Poitou (4), Ct_de_Ponthieu (5), Ct_de_Porhoët (1), Ct_de_Portugal (1), Ct_de_Provence (6), Ct_de_Quercy (1), Ct_de_Razès (6), Ct_de_Rethel (2), Ct_de_Rheineck (1), Ct_de_Riborgaza (1), Ct_de_Ringelheim (2), Ct_de_Roucy (6), Ct_de_Rouergue (2), Ct_de_Savoie (8), Ct_de_Saxony (1), Ct_de_Schweinfurt (1), Ct_de_Sens (1), Ct_de_Sicily (1), Ct_de_Stade (1), Ct_de_St._Pol (1), Ct_de_Sultzbach (1), Ct_de_Tabellaria (1), Ct_de_Terrasson (1), Ct_de_Thurgovie (2), Ct_de_Toledo (1), Ct_de_Tonnerre (2), Ct_de_Toulouse (8), Ct_de_Tours_&_Alsace (1), Ct_de_Tours_&_Chartres (1), Ct_de_Treves (1), Ct_de_Troyes (1), Ct_de_Turin (1), Ct_de_Upper_Alsace (1), Ct_de_Urgel (3), Ct_de_Valois_&_Vexin (1), Ct_de_Vaudémont (1), Ct_de_Vendome (1), Ct_de_Verdun (3), Ct_de_Vermandois (6), Ct_de_Vexin (2), Ct_de_Vexin_Valois_&_Amiens (1), Ct_de_Vienne (1), Ct_de_Wetterau (1), Ct_de_Wormgau_&_Upper_Rhein (3), Ct_de_Worms (1), Ct_de_Zutphen (1), Ct_of_Burgundy (1), Ct_of_Cham (1), Ct_of_Guisnes (3), Ct_of_Kastl (1), Ct_of_Laon (1), Ct_of_Loraine_&_Mons (1), Ct_of_Nantes (1), Ct_of_Nassau (2), Ct_of_Toulouse (1), Ct_Palantine_of_Burgandy (1), Cts_de_Albon (1), Cts_de_Aragón (1), Cts_de_Aumâle (2), Cts_de_Barcellos (2), Cts_de_Bar-le-Duc (2), Cts_de_Betuwe (1), Cts_de_Beulac (1), Cts_de_Bigorre (1), Cts_de_Boulogne (3), Cts_de_Buchan (1), Cts_de_Bulles (1), Cts_de_Burgundy (2), Cts_de_Contenance (1), Cts_de_Dammartin (1), Cts_de_Egisheim (1), Cts_de_Essex (1), Cts_de_Eu (1), Cts_de_Flanders (1), Cts_de_Forcalquier (2), Cts_de_Forez (1), Cts_de_Geldern (1), Cts_de_Ghisnes (1), Cts_de_Gloucester (2), Cts_de_Hainault (1), Cts_de_Hainault_&_Namur (1), Cts_de_Hereford (1), Cts_de_Hereford_&_Essex (1), Cts_de_Ireland (1), Cts_de_la_Marche (1), Cts_de_la_Roche (1), Cts_de_Lincoln (2), Cts_de_Looz_&_Rieneck (1), Cts_de_Loretto (1), Cts_de_Luxemburg (2), Cts_de_Maine (1), Cts_de_Mar (1), Cts_de_Meulan (1), Cts_de_Montpellier (1), Cts_de_Mortaigne (1), Cts_de_Namuer (2), Cts_de_Palatine (1), Cts_de_Pembroke (1), Cts_de_Perigord (1), Cts_de_Ponthieu (3), Cts_de_Portugal (1), Cts_de_Provence (3), Cts_de_Rheineck (1), Cts_de_Salisbury (1), Cts_de_Strigoil (1), Cts_de_Teano (1), Cts_de_Terrasson (1), Cts_de_Toulouse (1), Cts_de_Troyes (1), Cts_de_Ulster (1), Cts_de_Vermandois (2), Cts_de_Vexin (1), Cts_de_Vinzgau (1), Cts_of_Angus (2), Cts_of_Buren (1), Cts_of_Cham (1), Cts_of_Diessen (1), Cts_of_Evreux (1), Cts_of_Kastl (1), Cts_of_la_Marche (1), Cts_of_Laon (1), Cts_of_Leicf (1), Cts_of_Norfolk (1), Cts_of_Rheims (1), Cts_of_Stolberg-Wenigerode (1), Cts_of_Tours (1), Cts_of_Upper_Alsace (1), Cudworth (1), Cuiseaux (1), Cule (1), Culp (1), Culpepper (2), Culver (2), Cummings (3), Cunliffe (1), Cunningham (3), Cureston (2), Currier (1), Curry (2), Curtis (22), Curwen (2), Cushing (5), Cushman (8), Cusson (3), Custer (1), Custis (1), Cuthbert (1), Cutler (2), Cutting (5), Cuvell (1), Cyld_of_Sussex (1), Cynan (1), Cynewald (1)
- D - (1277 Families, 4641 Individuals)
Dabinot (10), Dabinott (1), Dacre (6), Dade (1), Dafydd (2), Dagsdottir (1), Dagsson (1), Dagworth (1), Daie (1), Daincourt (1), Dairgin (1), Daisnel (2), Dakin (2), Dalassena (1), Dalassenes (1), Dale (1), Dalingruge (2), D'Allemagne (1), Dallingridge (1), Dalrymple (7), Dalton (2), Dalygruge (1), Dame (22), Dame_de_Bourbon (1), Dame_de_l'_Isle_Bouchard (1), Dame_de_Loupelande (1), Dame_de_Montpensier (2), Dame_de_Rameru (1), D'Amory (4), Damsgaard (1), Dan (3), Dana (8), Danby (3), Dandley (1), Dandridge (2), Dandye (1), Dane (2), Daniel (5), Daniels (17), Danks (2), Dann (23), Danpi (2), Danpsdottir (1), Dansson (1), Danvers (5), Danyers (2), Dapifer_of_Dol (1), Darby (1), Darbye (1), Darce (5), Darcy (15), Dare (2), Darling (32), Darrell (3), Darrow (1), Dart (2), D'Artois (1), Dasbourg (1), Dashwood (1), Daubeny (4), D'Aubigny (7), Daugherty (1), Daundelyn (1), Dauney (2), Dauphinee_de_Viennois (1), D'Autun (1), Davenport (4), David (1), Davidson (1), Davies (4), Davis (38), Davison (1), Dawes (1), Dawley (1), Daws (1), Dawson (1), Day (25), Daysdottir (1), (de_Abitot) (1), de_Abitot (4), de_Abrincis (1), de_Acevedo (2), de_Aceves (1), Deacon (1), de_Acuna (1), de_Aguillon (2), de_Albetot (1), de_Albi (1), de_Albini (9), (de_Albini) (1), de_Albion (1), (de_Albon) (1), de_Alby (2), de_Aldithley (5), de_Aldithly (1), (de_Alençon) (2), de_Alencon (1), de_Alençon-Bellême (1), de_Alfreton (2), Dealing (1), de_Allemania (3), (de_Alsace) (3), de_Alsace (2), (de_Alsace?) (1), de_Alsace(?) (1), de_Altdorf (4), de_Amaya (2), de_Ambroise (1), de_Amundeville (1), Dean (9), Deane (38), (de_Angoulême) (1), de_Angoulême (1), de_Anjou (13), de_Aquitaine (5), de_Aragón (9), (de_Aragón) (1), de_Aragon (1), de_Arborea (2), de_Arches (4), (de_Arches) (1), (de_Archiac) (1), de_Archiac (1), (de_Arcy) (2), de_Arcy (7), de_Arden (15), de_Ardenne (1), de_Arderne (8), de_Arles (1), de_Armenters (2), de_Arsic (1), de_Arsike (1), de_Artois (1), de_Arundel (12), de_Asturias (2), (de_Asturias) (1), de_Aubigny (1), de_Audley (9), de_Aunay (1), de_Aunou (1), de_Austrasia (6), de_Autun (2), (de_Autun) (1), de_Auvergne (1), de_Auxerre (1), (de_Auxerre) (1), de_Auxonne (1), Deaver (2), de_Avesnes (4), de_Avranches (5), de_Ayala (1), de_Aylesbury (6), de_Azagra (1), Debaalum (1), de_Baalun (1), de_Badlesmere (8), de_Baliol (9), (de_Baliol) (1), (de_Balsarency) (1), de_Balsarency (2), de_Balts (1), de_Balun (1), de_Banastre (4), de_Bar (4), de_Barcelona (5), (de_Barcelona) (1), de_Bardolph (1), de_Barroso (4), de_Bar_sur_Aube (1), de_Bar-sur-Seine (4), de_Bastenburgh (1), de_Baudement (1), de_Baudemont (2), de_Baugency (1), de_Baumville (2), de_Bavaria (1), de_Baviere (1), de_Beachamp (1), de_Bean (1), de_Beauchamp (65), de_Beaufort (17), de_Beaufour (1), de_Beaugency (1), (de_Beaugency) (2), de_Beaumont (25), de_Beeston (2), de_Belesme (1), de_Belgrave (1), de_Belleme (2), de_Belmeis (2), de_Benauges (1), de_Benevento (1), de_Berancon (1), de_Berkeley (47), (de_Berkeley) (1), de_Berkley (1), de_Bermingham (2), (de_Bermudez) (1), (de_Bertram) (2), de_Bertram (5), de_Besford (10), de_Besora (1), de_Bettleshorne (2), de_Bezalu (1), de_Bezieres (1), de_Bidun (2), de_Bigorre (2), de_Birmingham (1), de_Bisege (2), de_Bisora (1), (de_Bisora) (1), de_Blancminster (1), (de_Blois) (1), de_Blois (10), de_Bloys (1), de_Boclande (3), de_Bohun (19), (de_Bolbec) (1), de_Bolbec (5), de_Bolebek (1), de_Bolteby (3), de_Bonbury (1), de_Booth (1), de_Bosco (2), de_Botetourt (1), de_Botetourte (9), de_Bottringham (1), de_Bougrchier (1), de_Boulogne (4), (de_Boulogne) (1), de_Bourbon (5), de_Bourbon-Montpensier (1), de_Bourges (1), de_Bourgogne (13), de_Bourgogne-Ivrea (1), de_Bourgoyne (1), de_Bournonville (2), de_Brabant (4), de_Braci (2), de_Bracy (8), de_Bragança (1), de_Braganza (1), de_Braine (1), (de_Branosera) (1), de_Branosera (1), de_Braose (12), de_Bratagne (1), de_Brereton (11), de_Bresworth (1), de_Bretagne (1), de_Bréteuil (1), de_Brienne (4), (de_Brienne) (1), de_Brinley (1), de_Brioquibec (1), de_Brito (1), de_Brittany (6), (de_Brittany) (1), de_Briwere (9), de_Bromwich (2), de_Brosse (1), de_Bruce (1), de_Bruley (3), de_Bryen (1), de_Buci (2), de_Builli (1), de_Bulmer (2), de_Bures (1), de_Burgh (14), (de_Burgh) (1), de_Burghersh (7), de_Burgo (1), de_Burgundy (22), (de_Burgundy) (2), de_Burnell (1), DeByren (1), de_Caen (1), de_Cailar (2), de_Camoys (2), de_Camville (9), de_Canossa (1), (de_Canossa) (1), de_Cantelou (6), de_Capella (1), de_Carcassonne (2), de_Carcassonne_&_Razès (1), de_Carew (2), de_Carinthia (1), de_Carminow (1), de_Carrillo (2), de_Cary (7), de_Castellan (1), de_Castile (19), de_Castile_&_León (1), de_Castille (1), de_Castro (2), de_Cauz (3), de_Cavieres (1), de_Cayneto (2), de_Ceva (1), de_Chacombe (2), de_Chalons (1), de_Champagne (3), de_Chartres (2), (de_Chastellerault) (1), de_Chastellerault (1), (de_Chateau-du-Loire) (2), de_Chateau-du-Loire (1), (de_Chateaudun) (1), de_Chateaudun (1), de_Chateau-Porcien (1), de_Chatillon (1), de_Châtillon-sur-Marne (1), de_Chaucombe (2), (de_Chaucombe) (1), de_Chaworth (11), de_Cheney (1), de_Cherleton (3), de_Chesney (4), de_Chievres (1), de_Chiny (3), de_Choisy (1), Decker (2), De_Clarance (1), de_Clare (25), de_Clavering (1), de_Clermont (6), de_Cleves (1), de_Clifford (11), de_Clinton (9), de_Clodshale (2), de_Cobham (4), de_Cocton (2), de_Cogan (3), de_Colchester (2), de_Colekirke (1), de_Coligny (2), de_Columbers (3), de_Compton (2), de_Conde (1), de_Condé (2), de_Condet (4), de_Coninck (1), de_Conteville (2), de_Corbeil (2), de_Córdoba (1), de_Cornwall (12), de_Cotan (1), de_Cotesford (1), de_Coucy (5), de_Courcy (1), de_Courtenay (31), (de_Cousserans) (1), de_Craon (5), de_Crecy (3), de_Creil (2), de_Crépi (2), de_Crêpon (6), de_Crepon (2), de_Crispin (1), de_Croatie (1), de_Cuiseaux (1), de_Dacre (2), de_Dagworth (2), de_Dammartin (5), de_Damoys (1), de_Davenport (17), de_Dersinton (1), de_Devaloines (2), de_Dinan (1), de_Dinham (2), de_Dol (1), de_Domfront (1), de_Domville (6), de_Donjon (1), de_Donnisley (1), de_Dover (2), de_Drayton (1), de_Dreux (5), de_Dunbar (1), de_Dunstanville (4), de_Duston (4), de_Dutton (12), Dedwood (1), de_Eatington (2), Deeble (1), de_Echingham (1), de_Edgwurth (1), de_Egerton (2), de_Eincourt (6), de_Elmedon (3), Deemer (1), de_Engaine (1), de_Enqaine (2), de_Envermeu (2), Deep (1), Deering (1), de_Escalfoy (1), de_Essex (2), de_Este (2), de_Etherstone (1), de_Eu (2), (de_Eu) (1), de_Eure (1), de_Euxton (1), de_Evereux (7), de_Everingham (2), de_Evreux (1), de_Ewenlode (1), (de_Ewyas) (2), de_Ewyas (2), de_Eyton (1), de_Falaise (4), de_Faucigny (4), de_Fauconberge (1), de_Ferrers (46), de_Fezensac (2), de_Fiennes (9), de_Flamville (1), de_Flanders (12), de_Fleitel (1), (de_Flete) (1), de_Flete (1), de_Foix (1), de_Fontaines (1), DeForest (5), de_Formbach (1), de_Forz (2), de_Fougeres (1), de_Fougères (1), de_Fourneux (1), de_France (33), (de_France) (1), de_Frioul (1), de_Frise (1), de_Friuli (1), de_Furnas (2), (de_Furnival) (1), de_Furnival (6), de_Gael (1), de_Galloway (1), de_Gamboa (2), DeGamel (1), de_Gand (4), de_Ganelon (1), de_Garlande (2), Degarmeaux (1), DeGarmo (10), de_Gascogne (3), de_Gastinois (3), de_Gaunt (6), de_Gaveston (2), de_Gavre (2), de_Geilin (1), de_Gellellestone (1), de_Geneville (2), de_Genevre (2), de_Giron (2), de_Glanville (3), de_Gometz (2), de_Gometz_la_Ferte (1), de_Goncalves (1), de_Gournay (8), de_Goushill (11), de_Grandison (2), de_Grebber (1), de_Greene (6), de_Grelle (2), de_Grentmesnil (4), de_Grenville (2), de_Gresley (2), de_Grey (29), (de_Greystoke) (1), de_Greystoke (12), de_Gudiel (2), de_Gueldres (2), de_Guincamp (1), de_Guise (3), de_Guzmán (2), de_Gylette (1), de_Hainault (9), de_Hales (3), de_Halich (2), de_Hampden (4), de_Hanham (1), de_Hanslape (3), de_Harcourt (21), de_Harley (1), de_Haro (2), de_Hartley (2), de_Hastings (4), de_Hathersage (3), de_Hatton (3), de_Haughton (4), de_Hauteville (1), DeHaven (9), de_Haverington (9), de_Henestrona (1), de_Herdeburgh (1), de_Heristal (1), (de_Heristal) (1), de_Hesbain (1), (de_Hesbaye) (2), de_Hesbaye (2), de_Hesdin (3), de_Hingham (1), de_Holand (20), (de_Holland) (1), de_Holland (1), de_Hoo (2), de_Hooton (2), de_Hornbach (2), de_Hoyville (1), de_Hoz (1), Dehrin (1), de_Hugelville (3), de_Hulme (1), de_Hulse (3), de_Humet (2), de_Humez (1), de_Hummet (2), de_Hunstanton (1), de_Huntington (2), Deighton (9), de_Illan (2), (de_Illan) (1), (de_Ingham) (1), de_Ingham (3), de_Italia (4), (de_Italia) (1), de_Ivrea (2), de_Joinville (1), de_Kellet (4), de_Kevilioc (1), de_Keynes (2), de_Knowseley (2), de_Koumanie (1), de_la_Cerda (1), (de_Lacy) (5), de_Lacy (15), de_la_Dale (1), de_la_Feld (3), de_la_Ferte (3), de_la_Flotte (1), de_la_Forez (1), de_la_Guerche (1), de_la_Haie (1), de_la_Haute_Marche (1), de_la_Haye (3), de_l'_Aigle (2), de_L'Aigle (1), (de_l'_Aigle) (1), de_la_Lynde (3), de_la_Marche (2), de_la_Mare (1), Delamare (1), de_la_Mere (1), de_Lancaster (1), de_Lancastria (1), DeLand (5), de_Langetot (1), de_Lannoy (3), de_Lannoye (1), Delano (12), de_Lanvalle (1), de_Lanvallel (3), (de_Laon) (1), de_Laon (1), de_LaPole (2), Delapp (6), de_Lara (10), de_la_Rivierre (1), de_la_Roche (5), de_la_Rochefoucauld (1), de_la_Spine (1), de_Latham (2), de_Lathom (5), de_la_Tremouille (1), de_Laval (1), Delaval (4), (de_Lavanthal) (1), de_Lee (2), de_Legh (1), de_Leham (1), de_Leigh (4), Delemater (1), de_Lens (1), (de_León) (1), de_León (5), de_Leyburn (1), de_Leyburne (1), De_Lichte (1), de_Lichte (1), de_Ligne (1), de_Limbourg (1), (de_Limburg) (1), (de_Limoges) (1), de_Limoges (3), de_Lindsay (3), de_Lisewis (1), de_l'_Isle (1), de_L'Isle (1), de_Lisle (6), Delisle (1), de_l'_Isle_Bouchard (2), (de_l'_Isle_Bouchard) (1), de_Lisoures (3), Dell (2), de_Loches (1), de_Lombardy (1), de_Londoniis (1), de_Londres (3), DeLong (1), de_Longchamp (2), de_Longuemare (1), de_Longworth (1), de_Longwy (1), Delorme (2), de_Lorraine (27), (de_Lorraine) (2), de_Lucca (1), de_Lucy (19), (de_Lucy) (1), de_Lumley (7), de_Lusignan (5), (de_Lusignan) (1), de_Lutegareshale (1), de_Luvetot (3), de_Luxembourg (1), de_Luxemburg (7), (de_Luxemburg) (1), Delves (4), de_Lyttleton (4), de_Macon (3), (de_Macon) (1), (de_Maine) (1), de_Maine (2), de_Major (1), de_Maltravers (2), de_Mandeville (4), de_Maranon (1), de_Marisco (1), de_Marle (1), de_Marmion (3), (de_Marmion) (2), de_Marveis (1), de_Massey (2), (de_Mauduit) (1), de_Mauduit (6), de_Mauley (1), de_Maurienne (3), de_Mayenne (1), de_Medici (2), de_Mello (1), de_Mena (1), de_Mendoza (2), de_Meneses (1), de_Meranie (1), de_Meri (2), de_Meschines (2), de_Meulan (1), de_Meuleon (1), de_Meynell (2), de_Middleham (1), de_Middleton (2), Deming (9), de_Mitford (1), de_Mohun (3), de_Mohut (1), de_Moleyns (5), de_Molina (1), de_Molle (2), de_Molyneux (8), de_Monmouth (2), de_Montagu (8), de_Montaigu (1), de_Montanolier (1), de_Montbelliard (2), de_Montchensy (1), de_Montdidier (2), de_Montfaucon (4), de_Montferrat (1), de_Montfichet (4), (de_Montfichet) (1), de_Montfort (12), de_Montfort-sur-Risle (2), de_Montgomerie (6), de_Montgomery (4), de_Mont_Haguez (1), de_Monthermer (3), de_Montjay (1), de_Montjay_(Montiny) (1), de_Montlhery (4), (de_Montlucon) (1), de_Montlucon (1), de_Montmirel-en-Brie (1), de_Montmorency (1), de_Montrevault (3), de_Moreaumes (3), Demorest (2), de_Moreville (1), de_Morley (1), de_Mormaer (1), de_Mortaigne (6), (de_Mortaigne) (1), de_Mortimer (33), De_Mortimer (1), (de_Mortimer) (1), de_Morville (5), de_Morvois (1), de_Mosezzo (2), de_Mountford (2), de_Mountfort (1), de_Mowbray (12), de_Multon (5), (de_Multon) (1), de_Munchesni (5), de_Mundabliel (2), de_Murdoc (1), de_Muscegros (4), de_Nafford (2), de_Namuer (2), de_Namur (1), de_Narbonne (2), (de_Narbonne) (1), de_Nauton (1), de_Navarre (4), Denebaud (2), de_Neufmarché (3), de_Neustria (2), de_Nevarre (1), De_Neve (1), de_Neve (1), de_Nevers (2), de_Neville (50), de_Newberg (1), de_Newburgh (17), de_Newmarch (3), de_Newsham (3), Denison (6), Denman (1), Denmark (4), Denmark\ (1), Dennis (7), Dennison (4), Denny (1), Dennys (1), de_Norbury (1), de_Normandy (13), de_Norton (1), de_Norville (1), de_Norwich (2), de_Notton (1), de_Nova_Villa (1), Denslow (14), Densmore (1), Dent (1), Denton (1), de_Oddingeseles (1), de_Odingsells (4), (de_Oilly) (1), de_Oilly (2), de_Oisy (3), de_Oreby (2), de_Orléans (2), de_Orreby (4), de_Ossorio (1), de_Padilla (1), de_Paganel (4), (de_Paganel) (1), de_Palomeque (2), de_Pamplona (4), (de_Pamplona) (1), de_Paris (4), (de_Paris) (1), de_Parises (1), de_Parmenter (4), de_Pecguigny (1), de_Perche (4), de_Percie (2), de_Percy (25), de_Perigord (1), (de_Perracy) (1), de_Pershale (10), de_Piedrolas (1), de_Piquigny (1), de_Pîtres (4), de_Plaiz (2), de_Plessetis (2), de_Plessis (3), de_Poitou (4), (de_Poitou) (2), de_Pont-Audemer (1), de_Ponthieu (5), (de_Ponthieu} (1), (de_Porhoët) (1), de_Porhoët (1), de_Port (4), de_Portugal (4), de_Poynings (5), de_Praers (1), de_Prendergast (2), (de_Provence) (1), de_Provence (2), de_Puy (1), (de_Quercy) (1), de_Quincy (10), de_Rameru (1), de_Ramsay (2), de_Rancon (1), de_Razès (1), (de_Razès) (2), de_Reaufou (1), de_Redvers (2), (de_Remy) (1), de_Remy (1), de_Rennes (1), de_Respy (1), de_Rethel (3), de_Reviers (3), de_Ribemont (1), de_Riborgaza (1), (de_Riddlesford) (1), de_Riddlesford (2), de_Ridel (1), de_Rie (4), Derifield (1), de_Risley (1), Derksen (1), Dermad (1), (de_Roche) (1), de_Rochefort (1), de_Rockley (1), de_Roddam (2), de_Roet (2), de_Roos (13), DeRoos (1), de_Ros (1), de_Ross (2), de_Roucestre (1), de_Roucy (6), (de_Roucy_de_Rameru) (1), (de_Rouen) (1), (de_Rouergue) (2), de_Rouergue (1), de_Rouex (2), de_Roussillon (2), Derr (1), de_Rullos (2), de_Rumigny (1), de_Rumilly (3), Derwin (1), de_Rycote (4), de_Sabran (1), de_Sackville (18), de_Salerno (1), de_Salins (1), de_Salisbury (3), de_Salmesbury (3), de_Saluzzo (3), de_Salzedo (2), de_Samlesbury (2), de_Sandford (6), de_Sanford (3), de_Sanguesa (1), de_Savoie (9), de_Savoy (1), de_Say (7), (de_Say) (1), de_Saye (8), Desborough (1), de_Scales (10), de_Segrave (8), de_Selvesse (1), de_Semur-en-Brionnais (2), de_Senecy (1), de_Senlis (4), de_Seville (1), de_Sheldon (2), de_Sicily (3), de_Singleton (2), de_Skeyton (2), Deskroskie (1), de_Smery (1), de_Sodington (2), de_Somery (9), de_Soto-Mayor (2), de_Southworth (1), Despencer (2), Despenser (14), de_Spine (4), de_Spinto (2), des_Roches (1), de_Stackpole (1), de_Stafford (19), de_Stainton (1), de_Standish (11), de_Standon (1), de_Stanley (21), de_Stanton (1), de_Stapleton (2), de_St._Clare (4), de_St._Hilary (2), (de_St._Hillary) (1), de_St._Hillary (1), de_St._Liz (2), de_St._Michael (1), de_St._Omer (1), de_Stourton (1), de_St._Pol (3), de_St._Quentin (2), de_St._Quintin (1), de_Strickland (5), de_St._Sauveur (4), (de_Stuteville) (1), de_Stuteville (11), de_St._Valerie (2), de_St._Valery (1), de_Sudeley (9), (de_Sudeley) (1), de_Sully (3), de_Sutton (3), de_Suza (1), de_Swabia (2), de_Swynnerton (1), de_Tabellaria (1), de_Talbot (26), de_Tanfield (1), de_Theray (1), de_Thiers (1), de_Thornden (2), de_Thornton (2), (de_Thouars) (1), de_Thouars (3), de_Throckmorton (22), de_Thuringia (1), de_Thursby (2), Detloff (1), de_Toeni (10), de_Toldeo_y_Illan (1), de_Toledo (9), de_Toney (1), de_Tonnerre (1), (de_Tonnerre) (1), de_Torres (2), de_Totenais (2), de_Toulouse (4), (de_Toulouse) (1), de_Touraine (1), de_Tours (1), de_Tours_&_Alsace (1), de_Tracy (5), de_Trafford (12), de_Trainel (1), de_Trava (2), de_Traves (2), (de_Tregoz) (1), de_Tregoz (4), de_Treverbyn (2), de_Treves (1), (de_Turrenne) (2), de_Turrenne (2), de_Tuscany (2), de_Tyldesley (2), de_Tyndall (3), de_Ufford (1), de_Umfravill (1), de_Umfraville (3), de_Umfreville (11), de_Upham (1), Deurcant (1), de_Urgel (1), de_Uzes (1), de_Vale (1), de_Valence (2), de_Valletort (4), de_Valognes (1), de_Valoines (3), de_Valois (2), de_Vandermois (1), de_Vasto (1), de_Vaudémont (1), de_Vaux (23), de_Veaux (2), de_Velasco (1), de_Venables (19), de_Vento (1), de_Venuz (1), Dever (2), de_Verdon (6), (de_Verdon) (2), de_Verdun (5), de_Vere (23), Devereaux (2), Deverell (1), Devereux (9), de_Vergy (2), de_Vermandois (6), (de_Vermandois) (1), de_Verney (9), de_Vernon (6), de_Vernun (2), de_Vesey (1), de_Vexin (3), de_Vienne (3), de_Villaines (1), de_Villiers (1), Deviock (1), de_Vipont (1), de_Vitapoi (1), de_Vitre (3), de_Vitrei (3), de_Vivar (3), de_Vivonia (3), Devorgilla (1), Devotion (3), DeVries (1), de_Vries (2), Dewald (1), de_Walene (2), de_Waleton (2), de_Walton (7), (de_Walton) (1), de_Warenne (12), (de_Warenne) (1), de_Washburn (1), de_Washington (1), de_Wasseburg (1), de_Wavrin (2), de_Weever (2), de_Welles (3), de_Westerbourg (1), de_Weston (2), de_Wever (1), de_Wevere (1), de_Wevier (1), Dewey (108), de_Willoughby (2), de_Windsor (2), (de_Windsor) (1), de_Wolf (156), de_Workesley (1), (de_Wormgau) (2), de_Wormgau (1), Dewsbury (2), Dexter (1), Dey (1), Deyo (3), de_Zavallos (4), de_Zurbano (1), Diament (1), Diamond (1), Dibble (8), Dickens (1), Dickenson (1), Dickerman (4), Dickerson (3), Dickey (6), Dickinson (11), Dickson (4), Dicus (2), Diduron (1), Diencourt (2), Digby (1), Diggs (1), Dikeman (34), Dill (1), Dillabough (18), Dilley (1), Dillingham (1), Dillman (1), Dillon (2), Dimmick (3), Dimmock (3), Dingley (1), Dinham (7), Dipple (1), Dircks (2), Dirkse (1), Disbrough (2), Disney (6), Ditmas (1), Dittlen (1), Ditto (1), Dix (3), Dixon (13), Doane (5), Docksteader (1), Dod (1), Doda (2), Dodd (40), Dodge (2), Dodington (2), Doggett (5), Doig (1), Dolbear (1), Dolbeare (1), Dolben (1), Dolbiar (18), Dold (2), Doldt (1), Doling (1), Dolman (1), Dolph (9), Domaldasson (1), Domarsson (1), Dominico (1), Dominy (1), Domnall (1), Dona_de_Ayala (1), Donahey (4), Donald (6), Donalds (1), Donaldson (1), Done (1), Doniphan (2), Donne (3), Doolittle (2), Dorchester (2), Doreward (4), Dorin (1), Dorman (1), Dormer (7), Dornant (1), Dorset (1), Dort (1), Doshier (1), Doterinde (1), Doty (6), Douch (1), Dougall (10), Douglas (48), Dover (2), Dow (98), Downe (1), Downer (1), Downey (3), Downie (1), Downing (2), Downs (14), Dowse (1), Doxsee (1), Dragoo (2), Drake (26), Draper (1), Dreistadt (1), Dreske (1), Dresser (1), Drew (1), Dreyer (1), Driby (1), Drown (1), Drummond (1), Drury (2), Drusus (1), Dryden (6), Dss_de_Aquitaine (1), Dss_de_Brittany (2), Dss_of_Austrasia (1), Dss_of_Normandy (1), Dss_of_Swabia (1), Duc_de_Allemania (2), Duc_de_Alsace (3), Duc_de_Anjou (1), Duc_de_Apulia (1), Duc_de_Aquitaine (6), Duc_de_Aquitaine_&_Gascogne (1), Duc_de_Asti (1), Duc_de_Austrasia_&_Brabant (1), Duc_de_Brabant (4), Duc_de_Braganza (1), Duc_de_Brittany (7), Duc_de_Burgundy (10), Duc_de_Cantabria (2), Duc_de_Carinthia (2), Duc_de_Franconia (1), Duc_de_Friuli (1), Duc_de_Gascogne (4), Duc_de_Haute-Lorraine (1), Duc_de_Hesbaye (1), Duc_de_Ingelheim (1), Duc_de_Lorraine (12), Duc_de_Lotharingia (2), Duc_de_Lower_Lorraine (1), Duc_de_Luxemburg (1), Duc_de_Spoleto (1), Duc_de_Toulouse (2), Duc_de_Upper_Lorraine (2), Duc_Haudre (1), Duchess_of_Brittany (1), Duck (1), Ducommun (5), Dudley (33), Duffey (2), D'Ufford (5), Dugan (1), Dukaina (1), Dukas (2), Duke_of_Bavaria (4), Duke_of_Bohemia (3), Duke_of_Brabant (1), Duke_of_Burgundians (1), Duke_of_Burgundy (1), Duke_of_Cambridge (2), Duke_of_Clarence (2), Duke_of_Cornwall (1), Duke_of_Cracow (1), Duke_of_Croatia (1), Duke_of_East_Franks (4), Duke_of_Exeter (2), Duke_of_Franks (1), Duke_of_Gloucester (1), Duke_of_Gueldres (1), Duke_of_Guise (1), Duke_of_Kent (1), Duke_of_Kintyre (1), Duke_of_Limburg (2), Duke_of_Lower_Bavaria (1), Duke_of_Meran (1), Duke_of_Monmouth (1), Duke_of_Norfolk (1), Duke_of_Normandy (7), Duke_of_Poland (8), Duke_of_Richmond (1), Duke_of_Salic_Franks (2), Duke_of_Saxony (8), Duke_of_Saxony_&_Brunswick (2), Duke_of_Somerset (2), Duke_of_Stanton (1), Duke_of_Suffolk (3), Duke_of_Swabia (6), Duke_of_the_Franks (1), Duke_of_York (4), Dula (1), Du_Loire (2), (du_Maine) (1), Dumbleton (2), Dunakin (5), Dunbar (1), Duncan (4), Duncombe (1), Dundas (2), Dungan (1), Dungey (2), Dunham (8), Dunkhorn (1), Dunkin (2), Dunlop (1), Dunn (5), Dunning (1), Dunster (1), Durant (2), Durfee (1), Durham (7), Durkee (1), Durvassal (11), Dustin (3), Dutarque (2), Dutcher (2), Dutton (3), Duvall (1), Duvaul (1), du_Veulees (1), Dux_de_Orléans (1), Duxford (2), Dwelley (1), Dwight (7), Dwinnell (1), Dwyer (8), Dyckman (19), Dyer (16), Dyggs (1), Dyggvasson (1), Dykeman (25), Dymoke (4), Dyneley (1), Dyson (1)
- E - (210 Families, 745 Individuals)
Eacre (1), Eadnoth (1), Eads (2), Ealdorman (1), Ealdorman_of_Deira (1), Ealdorman_of_Devon (1), Ealdorman_of_Kent (1), Ealdorman_of_Mercia (1), Eames (4), Earl (2), Earle (4), Earl_in_England (1), Earl_of_Angus (5), Earl_of_Arundel (10), Earl_of_Bernicia (1), Earl_of_Bothwell (1), Earl_of_Brittany (1), Earl_of_Buchan (5), Earl_of_Buckingham (2), Earl_of_Cambridge (1), Earl_of_Carrick (1), Earl_of_Chester (4), Earl_of_Clare (1), Earl_of_Clarendon (1), Earl_of_Comyn (1), Earl_of_Cornwall (1), Earl_of_Derby (7), Earl_of_Devon (1), Earl_of_Dunbar (1), Earl_of_East_Anglia (1), Earl_of_Essex (3), Earl_of_Gloucester (5), Earl_of_Gloucester_&_Hertford (2), Earl_of_Hereford (5), Earl_of_Hereford_&_Essex (4), Earl_of_Huntington (3), Earl_of_Kent (7), Earl_of_Kildare (1), Earl_of_Leicester (4), Earl_of_Lennox (4), Earl_of_Lincoln (1), Earl_of_March (4), Earl_of_Mercia (3), Earl_of_Meulan (1), Earl_of_Moray (2), Earl_of_Norfolk (4), Earl_of_Northampton (2), Earl_of_Northumberland (1), Earl_of_Northumbria (4), Earl_of_Ormond (4), Earl_of_Oxford (8), Earl_of_Pembroke (8), Earl_of_Richmond (2), Earl_of_Rosmare (1), Earl_of_Rutland (1), Earl_of_Salisbury (5), Earl_of_Shrewsbury (4), Earl_of_Somerset (1), Earl_of_Stafford (5), Earl_of_Suffolk (3), Earl_of_Surrey (3), Earl_of_Trondheim (3), Earl_of_Ulster (3), Earl_of_Warren_&_Surrey (4), Earl_of_Warwick (8), Earl_of_Wessex_&_Kent (1), Earl_of_Westmorland (1), Earl_of_Winchester (3), Earl_of_Worcester (1), Earngrim (1), Eastlick (1), Eastman (1), Easton (10), Eatington (4), Eaton (11), Eatton (2), Eberly (1), Ebert (1), Echingham (4), Eckler (4), Eckley (1), Eddy (26), Ede (1), Eden (2), Edes (3), Edgar (1), Edgbastan (1), Edgecombe (1), Edgerton (2), Edinger (9), Edmond (1), Edmonstone (3), Edmunds (1), Edmundsdottir (1), Edmundson (1), Edney (1), Ednowain (4), Edsall (1), Edson (17), Edwards (44), Edwyn (1), Egard (1), Egerton (4), Eggelston (1), Eggleston (5), Egilsson (1), Egmond (1), Ehm (1), Eichorn (1), Eicke (1), Eidson (2), Einion (2), Elderkin (4), Eldredge (7), Eldridge (5), Elector_of_Hanover (1), Elector_Palatine (2), Elfelme (1), Elinx (1), Eliot (3), Elithorpe (1), Ellbourne (1), Eller (2), Elliot (7), Elliott (20), Ellis (8), Ellison (2), Ellman (1), Ellsworth (3), Ellyott (1), Elmore (5), Elsick (1), Elson (2), Elvins (1), Elwell (1), Elwood (3), Ely (17), Emberson (1), Emerson (20), Emery (1), Emir_of_Mosel (1), Emir_of_Seville (1), Emmett (1), Emmons (3), Emory (1), Emperor_of_Germany (2), Emp_Holy_Roman_Emp (1), Emp_of_Angelos (1), Emp_of_Constantinople (1), Empress_of_Constantinople (1), Empson (3), Enberg (1), Endicott (1), Enfield (1), Engaine (6), Engayne (1), Engell (1), England (11), Englefield (16), English (1), Enns (1), Eno (8), Ensign (11), Ensk (1), Enslin (5), Entwistle (16), Envermeu (1), Eoppa (1), Eppes (1), Epps (1), Equisheim (1), Erchembaldus (1), Erdley (1), Erengislesdotter (1), Erickson (2), Ericsdottir (2), Ericsson (1), Eriksson (1), Ermengarde (1), Erneley (1), Erwin (2), Eschauffen (1), Eskew (3), Esne (1), Espec (1), Esse (2), Estabrook (3), Estes (1), Esteves (1), Estey (1), Etta (1), Etton (1), Eure (6), Evan (1), Evans (12), Evenson (1), Everard (2), Evered (2), Everett (1), Evereux (3), Evertson (2), Ewer (1), Ewias (1), Ewing (74), Extel (1), Eyre (2), Eystein (1), Eysteinsdottir (2), Eysteinsson (3), Eyton (1)
- F - (258 Families, 1186 Individuals)
Faerber (1), Fagan (1), Fairbanks (4), Fairchild (4), Fairfax (5), Fairford (1), Falaise (1), Falconer (4), Falley (3), Falstolfe (1), Fancher (2), Farnham (1), Farnsworth (3), Farnum (2), Farr (2), Farrand (1), Farrar (1), Farrell (24), Farrington (8), Farson (1), Farwell (4), Fathers (1), Faucomberge (1), Fauconberg (1), Faulkner (1), Faunce (3), Fausta (2), Fawcett (16), Fawer (1), Fay (6), Featherstonehaugh (1), Fedge (1), Feeley (3), Felix (1), Fell (1), Fellowes (1), Fellows (10), Felton (6), Fenn (1), Fenne (1), Fenner (1), Fenno (3), Fenton (1), Ferch_Cynfyn (1), Ferch_Einudd (1), Ferch_Gruffudd (1), Fergan (1), Fergant (1), Ferguson (6), Fermor (4), Fernandez (2), Fernside (1), Ferrell (1), (Ferreolus) (1), Ferreolus (1), Ferrers (1), Ferrers\ (1), Ferrier (1), Ferrin (1), Ferris (15), Ferry (1), Fetch (1), Fettiplace (4), Few (1), Ffones (1), Field (2), Fiennes (10), Filer (20), Filkes (1), Filley (5), Fillmore (5), Finch (5), Fine (1), Finely (1), Finlayson (1), Finn (2), Finney (1), Finnsdottir (1), Firebrand (1), FirzRoger (1), Fisbee (1), Fiscock (1), Fiscus (1), Fish (10), Fisher (21), Fisk (1), Fiske (28), Fiskeny (1), Fitch (12), Fithian (4), Fitton (13), FitzAlan (23), FitzAldhelm (1), FitzAnsculf (2), Fitzbagot (1), FitzBagot (1), FitzBalderic (1), FitzBardolf (1), FitzBernard (1), FitzCorbet (1), FitzDolfin (1), FitzDuncan (1), FitzEstmond (1), FitzForne (2), FitzGerald (12), FitzGerold (1), FitzGilbert (1), FitzHamon (2), FitzHarding (3), FitzHenry (2), Fitzhenry (1), FitzHerbert (3), FitzHervey (2), FitzHubert (1), FitzHugh (11), FitzJohn (9), (FitzJohn) (1), FitzJosce (1), FitzLewis (1), FitzMaldred (1), FitzNigell (2), FitzOrm (2), FitzOsbern (2), FitzOsbert (2), FitzOther (2), FitzPartick (1), FitzPayne (2), FitzPiers (6), FitzPons (1), FitzRalph (3), FitzRichard (3), FitzRobert (3), FitzRoger (5), FitzScrob (1), FitzSigulf (1), FitzSimon (2), FitzSuein (1), FitzThorfin (1), FitzUchtred (1), FitzWaldeve (1), FitzWalter (8), FitzWarin (5), FitzWarren (1), FitzWilliam (5), (FitzWilliam) (1), Fitzwilliam (1), Fjolnarsson (1), (Fjolnarsson) (1), Flagg (26), Flaitel (1), Flamens (2), Flanagan (1), Flanders (2), Flansburg (3), Flavia (1), Fleet (3), Fleitel (2), Fleming (6), Fletcher (25), Flinton (2), Flocwald (1), Flower (1), Flowers (1), Floyd (6), Flud (1), Foalkrey (2), Foderingey (1), Foderinghay (4), Fogg (17), Fogle (1), Foliot (2), Follet (1), Folsom (2), Foltchain (2), Fones (1), Foote (21), Forbes (7), Forbush (8), Ford (41), (Ford) (1), Fordham (1), Fore (1), Foreman (1), Forestaius (1), Forgette (1), Forman (3), Forrest (1), Forrester (1), Forret (1), Forshey (5), Forsman (4), Forster (13), Forsythe (1), Fortescue (3), Forward (2), Fossard (2), (Fossard) (1), Fosten (4), Foster (22), Fourgeres (1), Fourneux (2), Fowle (9), Fowler (96), Fox (14), Foxley (4), Foxon (1), France (113), Franceys (3), Francis (15), Franconia (1), Franklin (11), Franks (14), Fraser (4), Fraunceys (3), Frazier (3), (Frea (1), Frebay (1), Fredericks (2), Fredsall (1), Freebody (2), Freeman (13), French (14), Freothelaf (1), Freville (5), Freyman (3), Frick (1), Fridleifsson (3), Friedland (1), Friedly (1), Friel (1), Friskeny (3), Frithuwald (1), Frithuwulf (1), Fritz (1), Frodasson (4), Frome (1), Frost (16), Frostasdottir (1), Frosti (1), Fruit (1), Fry (4), Fulcher (3), Fulford (3), Fulhurst (1), Fulkeram (1), Fuller (29), Fullerton (1), Fulleshurst (1), Fulton (2), Fulver (1), Furby (1), Furner (2), Fush (1), Fuske (1), Fussell (1), Fychan (1), Fylbrigg (2), Fyler (5)
- G - (237 Families, 1509 Individuals)
Gaast (1), Gabriel (1), Gace (1), Gaer (1), Gage (4), Gager (1), Gaige (1), Gaines (4), Gainsford (2), Gale (2), Galland (39), Gallop (1), Galloway (1), Gallup (1), Galpin (1), Galusha (1), Gamble (3), Gamel (1), Gandolsdottir (1), Gandy (379), Gannet (1), Gannett (3), Gans (2), Garcia (4), Gardiner (10), Gardner (7), Garfield (4), Garin (3), Garlick (3), Garlock (1), Garnett (3), Garneys (6), Garnham (1), Garnsey (1), Garretson (1), Garrison (3), Garrold (3), Garron (1), Garvin (1), Garwood (2), Gary (1), Gascoigne (6), Gaskill (6), Gaskoyne (1), Gasset (1), Gates (11), Gautreksson (1), Gavell (2), Gay (3), Gaylord (17), Gazette (1), Geata_(Jat) (1), Geddinge (2), Geer (2), Gegenfurtner (2), Geiver (4), George (4), Gerard (7), Gerberge (1), Gerbidge (1), Gerfroy (1), Germany (3), Germonde (1), Gernon (10), Gernor (2), Gerrard (2), Gerrish (1), Geslingham (1), Gherardini (1), Ghesnes (1), Gibbard (1), Gibbons (3), Gibbs (8), Gibson (21), Giddings (1), (Giffard) (1), Giffard (9), Gifford (4), Gilbert (25), Giles (1), Gill (6), Gillett (21), Gillette (1), Gilliam (1), Gilman (10), Gilmer (8), Gilmour (1), Gingell (1), Giordano (5), Girdler (1), Giron (2), Gish (3), Gittau (2), Givens (2), Gladding (2), Glascock (1), Glaser (1), Glashower (1), Glass (2), Gleason (3), Glenn (5), Glotfelty (1), Glover (6), Goade (1), Goddard (1), Godefrod (1), Godehilde (1), Godfrey (27), Godwulf_(Gudolfr) (1), Godwyn (1), Goes(Hoes) (30), Goff (1), Goffe (2), Goforth (1), Gogley (1), Golden (2), Golding (3), Goldstone (1), Goldthwaite (2), Gollopp (1), Golofre (1), Gonson (2), Gonzales (1), Goodale (4), Goodall (1), Goode (11), Goodell (4), Goodhue (1), Goodman (10), Goodnight (1), Goodnough (1), Goodnow (2), Goodrich (4), Goodspeed (6), Goodwin (3), Goodyear (2), Gookins (1), Goosetrey (1), Gordon (1), Gore (3), Gorges (6), Gorham (31), Gorton (3), Goss (2), Gossage (2), Gott (1), Goudy (1), Gould (24), Gournay (4), Goushill (1), Gove (10), Governor_of_Aquitaine (1), Governor_of_Cardigan_Castle (1), Gowell (1), Gower (1), Grabowski (1), Grace (7), Graces (1), Graf (1), Grafton (1), Graham (13), Grand_Master_de_Santiago (1), Grange (1), Granger (1), Grant (28), Grau (13), Gravenor_of_Bellaport (2), Graves (67), Gray (12), Greco (2), Greece (2), Green (34), Greene (12), Greenfield (6), Greenhill (1), Greenleaf (8), Greenway (3), Greenwood (1), Gregg (5), Gregory (13), Gregson (1), Greinville (2), Grenier (3), Grenville (5), Gresley (1), Greswold (4), Greville (3), Grey (35), Grice (1), Gridley (4), Grieve (8), Griffee (11), Griffin (6), Griffing (4), Griffith (5), Griggs (5), Grimaldo (1), Grimmett (3), Griswold (93), Groa (3), Grome (1), Gross (1), Grosvenor (4), Grove (2), Grover (3), Grow (1), Grymes (1), Gudbrand (1), Gudbranddottir (2), Gudiel (1), Gudrodsson (2), Guerin (2), Guernsey (1), Guildford (1), Guillet (1), Guilvance (1), Guiscard (1), Gull (6), Gunn (11), Gunnarsson (1), Gunnor (1), Gurdon (7), Gurley (11), Gurnsey (1), Gustafson (1), Gustin (1), Gustlin (2), Gustofsson (1), Gutierrez (1), Gutknecht (1), Gwilym (2), Gwynedd (1), Gylett (1), Gylette (7), Gyllete (2), Gyllette (1), Gymersdottir (1)
- H - (447 Families, 2401 Individuals)
Haccombe (3), Hacher (1), Hackburne (1), Hacket (1), Hadley (1), Hafldansdottir (1), Hagan (1), Hager (1), Haglegans (2), Hagstrom (3), Hague (1), Haight (2), Hainault (2), Haines (4), Hakondottir (1), Hale (9), Halenbeek (16), Haley (1), Halfdansdottir (3), Halfdansson (5), Half_King_of_Thuringia (1), Halfpenny (1), Hall (43), Hallenbeck (2), Hallett (1), Halliday (1), Hallock (1), Halloway (2), Hals (1), Halsey (1), Halstead (8), Hamblin (2), Hamby (1), Hamense (1), Hamilton (42), Hamlin (1), Hammerton (3), Hammond (5), Hampden (3), Hampson (9), Hanap (1), Hanau-Munzenberg (1), Hance (1), Hanchet (2), Hanchett (2), Hanchford (1), Hancock (3), Hand (10), Handford (1), Handy (1), Hankford (4), Hanks (5), Hanley (2), Hanlon (2), Hanmer (1), Hanning (1), Hanover (25), Hanse (1), Hansen (1), Hanslape (2), Happle (1), Haraldsdottir (2), Haraldsson (1), Harbittle (1), Harbott (1), Harcourt (9), Hardenbroeck (1), Hardenbrook (1), Hardesty (1), Hardin (2), Harding (9), Hardman (8), Hardward (1), Hardwick (1), Hardy (4), Hare (2), Harges (1), Hargett (2), Hargrove (1), Harington (1), Harkins (1), Harkness (3), Harleston (2), Harlow (1), Harmer (1), Harmon (5), Harms (76), Harnis (1), Harold (9), Haroldsdottir (1), Harper (9), Harpersfield (2), Harrelson (1), Harriman (2), Harrington (7), Harris (46), Harrison (26), Harrod (1), Harsyke (8), Hart (24), Hartel (1), Harter (2), Hartley (6), Hartman (1), Hartshorn (1), Hartwell (1), Harvard (1), Harvey (3), Harwood (2), Hasilden (1), Haskell (5), Haskin (6), Haskins (4), Haslewood (1), Hastie (1), Hastings (48), Hatch (46), Hatfield (1), Hathaway (13), Hathon (1), Hathorn (1), Hathorne (1), Hauenstein (1), Haugh (2), Haught (10), Havarsson (1), Haven (1), Havens (4), Haver (1), Havlive (1), Hawclyf (1), Hawes (7), Hawke (1), Hawkes (5), Hawkins (23), Hawkridge (1), Hawks (1), Hawksket (2), Hawkwood (4), Hawley (11), Hawthorn (1), Hay (3), Hayden (4), Hayes (9), Hayman (1), Haynes (2), Hayward (33), Haywood (2), Hazard (4), Hazen (1), Hcard (1), Head (1), Headly (1), Heald (1), Heard (2), Heath (10), Heawood (1), Hebard (2), Hebert (1), Heckington (1), Heckstall (2), Hedde (1), Hedge (1), Hedges (1), Hedingham (1), Hefley (51), Heim (1), Helett (1), Helgasdottir (2), Helgren (3), Hellen (1), Hellesby (2), Hemenway (1), Hemingway (11), Hemmingsdotter (1), Hemmys (1), Hemphill (1), Hempstead (11), Henbury (1), Henchford (1), Henchman (5), Hendee (1), Henderson (13), Hendrick (1), Hendricks (1), Henman (2), Hennagin (1), Hennish (2), Henrie (5), Henriquez (1), Henry (14), Hensel (4), Hepburn (2), Herbert (5), Herdeley (2), Hereford (2), Herendeen (4), Heritage (1), Herle (3), Hermenegildez (1), Hermenlindis (1), Hermes (1), Herndon (1), Heron (2), Heronville (1), Herren (1), Herrick (22), Herridance (1), Herring (1), Herron (3), Hersey (1), Hershey (1), Hervy (1), Herwijns (1), Herzig (2), Hesbain (3), Hesketh (1), Hess (9), Hesse (4), Hetherington (3), Hewes (2), Hewet (1), Hewit (2), Hewitt (8), Hextoll (3), Heyden (1), Heydon (2), Heytesbury (3), Hiat (1), Hibbard (1), Hickcox (12), Hickens (1), Hickox (1), Hicks (11), Hickson (1), Hide (1), Higbee (1), Higby (3), Higginson (1), Higham (2), Hight (1), Higley (1), Hilborn (1), Hilker (2), Hill (43), Hillhouse (1), Hillier (1), Hills (8), Hiltoft (2), Hilton (4), Hinckley (1), Hindenburg (1), Hinds (12), Hine (39), Hines (6), Hinkley (1), Hinman (13), Hinsdale (10), Hinton (3), Hipp (1), Hires (1), Hiscox (6), Hitchcock (25), Hithcock (1), Hixon (1), Hoadley (1), Hoag (1), Hoar (6), Hoase (1), Hobart (5), Hobbs (4), Hobby (1), Hobert (1), Hockelberg (1), Hodder (2), Hodges (1), Hodgetts (1), Hodgkin (1), Hodsell (1), Hody (1), Hoekstra (5), Hoermann (1), Hoffman (5), Hoffmeyer (1), Hoffner (1), Hogaboom (1), Hogan (1), Hogeboom (1), Hogg (2), Hogue (4), Hohenstaufen (4), Holand (1), Holbeach (1), Holbrook (7), Holcomb (22), Holcombe (6), Holden (1), Holder (3), Holdich (2), Holdsworth (1), Holeman (31), Holford (5), Holgrave (1), Holland (3), Hollebirt (1), Hollenbeck (3), Holleway (1), Holley (1), Hollingsworth (2), Hollister (7), Holloway (4), Holly (5), Holm (1), Holman (9), Holmes (29), Holt (12), Holte (3), Holten (1), Holton (14), Holway (3), Holwey (1), Holycross (1), Holy_Roman_Emp (12), Holy_Roman_Empire (1), Homan (2), Hommedieu (1), Hommedu (2), Hone (1), Honford (2), Honie (1), Honor (2), Honsky (5), Hoo (7), Hook (1), Hooker (6), Hooper (2), Hoover (5), Hope (1), Hopkins (50), Hopper (1), Hopton (4), Horn (1), Hornbacher (4), Horner (1), Horry (1), Horsey (2), Horton (8), Hosea (1), Hosford (5), Hosier (1), Hoskins (8), Hosmer (2), Hostetter (3), Hotchkiss (62), Houck (1), Hough (6), Houghton (8), Hoult (1), Houltbeck (1), Houlton (2), House (1), Houson (1), Houston (12), Hovey (3), How (4), Howard (40), Howden (1), Howe (8), Howell (6), Howells (4), Howes (2), Howick (1), Howitson (1), Howland (73), Howlat (1), Howse (6), Howsmon (14), Hoy (1), Hoyt (6), Hozier (1), Hroarsson (1), Hrolfsdottir (1), Hrolfsson (1), Hrothmund (1), Hryp (1), Hubbard (31), Hubbell (2), Hubble (1), Huckins (6), Huddesfield (1), Huddye (1), Hudey (1), Huffman (2), Huggins (1), Hughes (7), Hugin (1), Huit (1), Hulcock (1), Hulett (2), Hulings (3), Hulins (1), Hull (96), Hullett (1), Hulme (1), Hulse (46), Humbley (1), Humery (1), Hummell (1), Humpherville (3), Humphreville (1), Humphrey (8), Humphreys (1), Humphrie (2), Hundley (1), Hungate (1), Hungerford (33), Hunlocke (4), Hunt (14), Hunter (8), Hunting (1), Huntingdon (5), Huntingfield (2), Huntingotn (1), Huntington (14), Huntley (4), Hurd (8), Hurlbert (1), Hurlburt (4), Hurlbut (22), Hurlbutt (8), Hurst (6), Hurtt (2), Huse (8), Hussey (3), Husted (1), Huston (2), Hutchins (3), Hutchinson (10), Hutchison (15), Hutt (1), Hutton (1), Huxley (10), Huyck (1), Hyatt (4), Hyde (13), Hykaway (1), Hyndman (10)
- I - (42 Families, 287 Individuals)
I (2), Ieuan (1), Ievan (1), Igo (2), II (2), III (3), Imam\Judge_of_Seville (1), Imam_of_Seville (1), Imes (1), Immesburger (5), Ince (1), Ingalls (6), Inge (1), ingen_Taidg (1), Ingersall (1), Ingersol (1), Ingersoll (77), Ingerson (1), Ingham (3), Inglefield (1), Ingoldisthorpe (3), Ingraham (2), Ingram (3), Ingvarsson (1), Inman (2), Irby (2), Irish (1), Irvine (137), Irving (2), Irwin (1), Isaacsdotter (1), Isaacsson (1), Isard (1), Isbell (3), Isham (7), Isles (2), I'tamid (1), IV (1), Ivarsdottir (1), Ives (1), Ivey (1), Ivrea (1)
- J - (76 Families, 1002 Individuals)
Jackson (10), Jacob (4), Jacobs (9), Jacobsen (1), Jagger (2), Jaggers (1), Jakobsson (1), James (5), Jamison (1), Janes (4), Janney (1), Jans (1), Jansen (3), Jarl_Ivarson (1), Jarl_of_Denmark (1), Jarl_of_Halland (1), Jarl_of_Maer (1), Jarl_of_Orkney (7), Jarl_of_Sula (1), Jarl_of_the_Uplands (2), Jarvis (1), Jasper (1), Jefferson (7), Jellye (2), Jenamings (1), Jenison (1), Jenkins (9), Jenks (2), Jenner (3), Jennings (11), Jenny (2), Jernegan (1), Jernigan (1), Jerome (1), Jeska (1), Jess (1), Jessup (2), Jester (2), Jewett (2), Jiménez (1), Jimenez (1), Jinks (2), Joclyn (1), Johansdotter (1), Johansen (4), John (3), Johns (2), Johnson (123), Johnston (1), Joiner (179), Jolliff (7), Jonas (1), Jonatt (1), Jones (47), Jonsdotter (1), Jonsson (1), Jordan (6), Jorden (1), Jornod (1), Jorundsson (1), Jose (11), Joslin (1), Josselyn (2), Jourdain (1), Joy (6), Joyce (2), Joyes (1), Joyner (431), Judd (13), Judkins (26), Judson (2), Julia (1), Julian (4), Julyan (6), Justice (1), Jutland (1)
- K - (248 Families, 845 Individuals)
Kagar (2), Kaiser_of_Germany (1), Kamaterina (1), Kane (1), Karbonopsina (1), Karner (2), Karol (1), Kasson (1), Kastamonites (1), Kastamonitissa (1), Kathan (1), Kaye (3), Keasling (1), Keech (1), Keeler (1), Keeney (1), Kehler (1), Keith (2), Kelhan (1), Keller (1), Kelley (5), Kellogg (63), Kelly (2), Kelsey (21), Kemp (6), Kempe (1), Kempton (2), Kenard (1), Kendall (3), Kendrick (4), Kennedy (13), Kennon (1), Kenstry (1), Kent (14), Kerford (6), Ketchum (2), Ketlesby (1), Kettell (1), Keyes (4), Keys (1), Kezee (1), Khan_of_Kumanien (1), Kibbe (1), Kidder (10), Kidney (1), Kierstead (1), Kiev (4), Kilbourn (2), Kilbourne (1), Killergrewe (1), Kilpatrick (1), Kilrington (2), Kimball (8), King (24), Kingdon (1), Kinge (3), King_in_Britain (1), King_in_Norway (1), King_in_Raumarike (1), King_in_Slesvik (1), King_in_Vermaland (1), Kingman (9), King_of_Alba (3), King_of_Angeln (2), KIng_of_Angeln (1), King_of_Aragón (8), King_of_Aragon (1), King_of_Aragón_&_Sicily (1), King_of_Arcadia (2), King_of_Argyll (1), King_of_Asturias (2), King_of_Asturias_&_Galicia (2), King_of_Austrasia (6), King_of_Bernicia (2), King_of_Birka (1), King_of_Bohemia (1), King_of_Britons (5), King_of_Burgundians (1), King_of_Burgundy (2), King_of_Castile (4), King_of_Castile_&_León (9), King_of_Castile_&_Leon (1), King_of_Colchester (1), King_of_Cologne (4), King_of_Connacht (7), King_of_Dal_Riada (9), King_of_Deheubarth (1), King_of_Deheubarth_&_Gwynedd (1), King_of_Denmark (12), King_of_Denmark_&_Norway (3), King_of_Dublin (4), KIng_of_Dublin (1), King_of_Dublin_&_York (2), King_of_Dyfed (1), King_of_East_Anglia (5), King_of_East_Franks (3), King_of_England (38), KIng_of_England (1), King_of_England_&_Denmark (1), King_of_England_&_Wessex (1), King_of_Finland (1), King_of_France (31), King_of_Franks (20), King_of_Garderidge_(Russia) (1), King_of_Gepidae (1), King_of_Gwynedd (8), King_of_Gwynedd_&_Powys (1), King_of_Hanover (1), King_of_Holland (1), King_of_Hungary (11), King_of_Iceni (1), King_of_Ireland (2), King_of_Italy (5), King_of_Jerusalem (3), King_of_Jutland (1), King_of_Kent (10), King_of_Kintyre (1), King_of_Leinster (11), KIng_of_Leinster (1), King_of_Leinster_&_Dublin (1), King_of_León (8), King_of_Lethra (1), King_of_Limerick (1), King_of_Loigsi (5), King_of_Lombards (1), King_of_Lorraine (1), King_of_Majorca (1), King_of_Man_&_Dublin_&_the_Isles (1), King_of_Man_&_the_Isles (3), King_of_Mercia (5), King_of_Munster (4), King_of_Munster_&_Ireland (1), King_of_Naples (1), King_of_Naples_&_Sicily (2), KIng_of_Naples_&_Sicily (1), King_of_Navarre (4), King_of_Northumbria (3), King_of_Norway (5), KIng_of_Norway (1), King_of_Obotrites (1), King_of_Osraige (4), King_of_Osraige_&_Ossory (2), King_of_Ossory_&_Dublin (1), King_of_Pamplona (8), King_of_Paris (1), King_of_Picts (3), King_of_Poland (2), King_of_Portugal (4), King_of_Portugal_&_Algarve (5), King_of_Powys (2), King_of_Provence (1), King_of_Saxons (7), King_of_Scotland (27), King_of_Serbia (1), King_of_Sicily (1), King_of_Siluria (2), King_of_Soissons (1), King_of_South_Wales (2), King_of_Spain (3), King_of_Staelland (1), King_of_Strathclyde (1), King_of_Sweden (4), King_of_Sweden_&_Goten (1), King_of_Swedes (1), King_of_the_Romans (1), King_of_Thomond (2), King_of_Thomond_&_Munster (1), King_of_Thuringia (1), King_of_Toulouse_&_Aquitaine (1), King_of_Ui_Aeda_Odba (1), King_of_Ui_Cheinnselaig (4), KIng_of_Ui_Cheinnselaig (1), King_of_Ui_Muiredaig (1), King_of_Ulster (3), King_of_Uppsala (4), King_of_Vandals (1), King_of_Vestfold_Jutland (1), King_of_Vestfold_&_Jutland (1), King_of_Visigoths (8), King_of_Waterford (1), King_of_Waterford_&_Dublin (1), King_of_Waterford_&_York_&_Dublin (1), King_of_Wessex (10), King_of_West_Franks (1), King_of_Westphalia (2), Kingsland (1), King-Slesvik (1), Kingsley (9), Kinne (1), Kinney (4), Kinnicut (2), Kinsey (1), kinswoman_St._Chrotechilde (1), Kippling (1), Kirby (5), Kirchenbauer (4), Kirk (1), Kirkpatrick (6), Kirton (7), Kitchell (7), Kitchum (1), Klacksdottir (1), Klebe (1), Klein (1), Kling (1), Klitgaard (1), Kloet (1), Knape (1), Knapp (10), Knappe (1), Knell (1), Knight (5), Knighton (1), Knivton (9), Knodle (1), Knollys (6), Knowland (2), Knowles (1), Knowlton (2), Knox (1), Knud (1), Knudsdatter (1), Knut (1), Knutsson (1), Knyvet (1), Knyvett (12), Komnena (1), Komnene (1), Komnenos (3), Korba (1), Kortright (2), Kozak (1), Kraft (1), Kraki (1), Kranz (1), Kreider (1), Krieger (1), Krienke (1), Kropp (1), Kruger (1), Kruse (4), Krzynowak (1), Kt_of_Cloford (1), Kt_of_Whitelackington (2), Kuhn (1), Kunst (1), Kuykendall (2), Kyme (3)
- L - (421 Families, 2040 Individuals)
LaBarre (9), la_Beeche (1), la_Bere (1), La_Bounty (1), Lace (1), Lackey (3), Lacon (2), Ladd (3), Lady_of_Clune (1), Lady_of_Costow (1), Lady_of_Mercia (2), Lady_of_Skipwith (1), Lafferty (1), Lafortune (1), (Lainez) (1), Lainez (1), Lake (3), Laman (1), Lamb (10), Lambert (15), Lamberton (2), Lamberts (1), Lambourne (2), Lampe (1), Lamprey (3), Lamson (1), Lamterton (2), Lancaster (15), Lancia (1), Landen (2), Landers (1), Lane (23), Lanegram (1), Langerak (1), Langley (4), Langrake (2), Langrish (1), Langtoc (1), Langton (3), Lanning (2), Lantbertus_I (1), Lantbertus_(Lambert)_II (1), Lanz (2), Lapham (5), la_Pole (5), LaPole (1), Larabee (6), L'Arcedekene (1), L'Arcedekne (3), LaRiviere (2), Larlinge (1), Larochelle (1), Larrabee (15), Larsen (1), Laskaris (1), Latham (9), Lathrop (20), Latimer (1), Latly (1), Lattimer (3), Lattin (1), Launce (1), Launcelyn (1), Launsberry (1), la_Warre (2), Lawerence (1), Lawler (1), Lawrence (16), Lawrie (3), Lawson (1), Lawter (1), Lawton (12), Lay (1), Laziman (1), la_Zouche (19), Leach (7), Leader (1), Leager (1), Leake (5), Leaming (1), Learned (3), Leathers (1), Leave (1), Leavens (1), Leavenworth (1), Leavitt (18), le_Bigod (13), le_Blount (10), le_Bon (1), le_Boteler (13), le_Botiller (5), le_Brett (3), le_Bruce (1), le_Bruen (2), LeBruen (1), le_Brun (1), le_Brus (3), Leckie (1), le_Corbet (1), le_Despenser (28), le_Donjon (1), le_Duc (1), Lee (41), Leeds (3), Leeke (1), Leeson (1), Leete (2), le_Fleming (4), le_Fort (1), le_Fowler (10), le_Frene (1), Leftwich (1), le_Garnett (1), Legg (2), Legh (15), le_Gulden (1), le_Hardi (1), Leigh (4), Leighton (1), Leinster (2), Leithfield (1), le_Latimer (1), le_Mahieu (5), Leman (5), le_Meschines (4), Lemkay (1), le_Mons (3), Lendisius (1), Lennox (1), Lenton (1), Leonard (197), Lepida (1), Le_Poher (2), Leppingwell (2), Lerringman (1), le_Savage (6), le_Scrope (22), (le_Scrope) (2), Leslie (5), le_Soor (2), Lester (27), le_Strange (19), (le_Strange) (2), L'Estrange (1), Lesueur (1), Leszczynska (1), Leutharius (1), le_Vavasour (4), Level (1), Leveland (1), Leventhorpe (2), Levere (4), Levis (7), le_Wake (3), Lewen (1), Lewins (1), Lewis (81), Lewkenor (1), Lewkmor (1), Lewknor (3), Leyburne (1), Leycester (1), Lichte (1), Liddle (1), Liebert (1), Ligon (12), Ligulf (1), Like (1), Lillie (4), Lilly (5), Limberry (1), Limer (1), Limoges (1), Lincoln (17), Lindberg (3), Linder (1), Lindley (2), Lindsay (3), Lindsell (1), Lindsey (1), Lindsley (1), Lines (6), Lingwood (3), Link (3), Linn (10), Linsell (1), Linsley (1), Linthwaite (1), Lippett (1), Lippincott (1), Lipps (2), Lisle (6), Lister (1), Little (2), Littlefield (3), Littleton (7), Livingston (4), Llawen (1), Lleita (1), Llewellyn (2), Llewelyn (3), Llewlyn (1), Llewys (2), Lloyd (2), LNU (18), Loatwell (1), Lobdell (1), Loches (1), Lock (15), Locke (4), Lockwood (6), Lodbrock (1), Lodbrok (1), Lodge (1), Loehr (1), Loewen (1), Lofthouse (1), Logee (1), Lomax (2), Long (1), Longbotham (1), Longe (2), Longespee (5), Longespée (4), Longford (2), Longwell (2), Loomis (203), Lootens (1), Lord (9), Lord_Allerdale_&_Carlisle (1), Lord_Alnwick_&_Malton (1), Lord_Alost (1), Lord_Annandale (1), Lord_Ashby_&_Tong (1), Lord_Audley (1), Lord_Ayala (7), Lord_Bacqueville_&_Caux (1), Lord_Badenoch (3), Lord_Balidoon (1), Lord_Barnstable (1), Lord_Basset_of_Drayton (4), Lord_Basset_of_Wycombe (2), Lord_Belvoir (3), Lord_Berkeley (3), Lord_Biseth (1), Lord_Bourne (4), Lord_Bourne_&_Deeping (1), Lord_Bradenham (1), Lord_Bramber (3), Lord_Brancepeth (2), Lord_Braose (1), Lord_Brecknock (1), Lord_Brimsfield (2), Lord_Bromfield (3), Lord_Buckley (1), Lord_Bychan (1), Lord_Caenby (1), Lord_Cardinand (1), Lord_Clare (1), Lord_Clun (1), Lord_Connacht (2), Lord_Copeland (1), Lord_Coupland (1), Lord_Darnley (1), Lord_Despenser (1), Lord_Dinan (1), Lord_Duffryn (1), Lord_Dynevor (1), Lord_Dyvet (1), Lord_Egremont (1), Lord_Escalfoy_&_Montrevil (1), Lord_Ewias (1), Lord_Falmouth (1), Lord_Fermoy (1), Lord_Flamstead (4), Lord_Folkingham (1), Lord_Furnival (3), Lord_Galloway (4), Lord_Garlende_&_Livry (1), Lord_Giffard (1), Lord_Glamorgan (1), Lord_Glamorgan_&_Cruelly (1), Lord_Gower_&_Swansea (1), Lord_Greystoke (5), Lord_Guevara (1), Lord_Haselwood (1), Lord_Hastings (4), Lord_Hedington (1), Lord_Hinckley (1), Lord_Hindley (1), Lord_Horsley (1), Lording (2), Lord_Ingham (1), Lord_Kidwillyin (2), Lord_Kingsdowne (1), Lord_Kirtling (1), Lord_la_Marche (1), Lord_Latham (1), Lord_Leuchars (2), Lord_Liddell (1), Lord_Marmion (2), Lord_Martock (1), Lord_Meath (5), Lord_Middleham (2), Lord_Montmirel-en-Brie (1), Lord_Moulenford (1), Lord_Mountfort (1), Lord_Mountjoy_of_Barton (1), Lord_Nottingham (2), Lord_of_Glyndyfrdwy (1), Lord_of_Isles (2), Lord_of_Monmouth (1), Lord_Palatine_of_Meath (1), Lord_Parham (1), Lord_Pembroke (1), Lord_Perracy (3), Lord_Pontefract (3), Lord_Raby (2), Lord_Redcastle (1), Lord_Rhos (1), Lord_Richmond (1), Lord_Salas_&_Lara (1), Lord_Scrivelsby (3), Lord_Scrope_of_Masham (1), Lord_Stainton (1), Lord_St_John_of_Basing (1), Lord_Strange_of_Blackmere (5), Lord_Strange_of_Knockyn (8), Lord_Swanscombe (1), Lord_Talbot (4), Lord_Teckhill (1), Lord_Tegaingl (1), Lord_Thirsk (1), Lord_Thomond (3), Lord_Thoringni_&_Tewkesbury (1), Lord_Tre-Cantlow (1), Lord_Trim (1), Lord_Tynedale (1), Lord_Vitry-en-Parthois (1), Lord_Wake (1), Lord_West_Bulgaria (1), Lord_Westmeath (2), Lord_Westmorland (1), Lord_Witheringe (1), Lord_Wooton_Basset (1), Lord_Zouche (3), Lord_Zurbano (1), Lore (2), Loree (1), Loring (8), Lorraine (4), Lothrop (1), Lothropp (6), Lott (37), Lou (1), Loucks (1), Loughman (1), Lounibos (5), Lourenco (1), Loutham (1), Louvaine (1), Lovaine (1), Love (3), Loveday (2), Lovel (2), Loveland (7), Lovell (7), Lovett (2), Lowden (1), Lowdon (9), Lowell (4), Lowes (1), Lowrey (1), Lowthroppe (2), Lubech (1), Lucas (5), Luce (4), Luckenbille (1), Lucus (1), Lucy (3), Ludbrook (1), Ludden (2), Ludlam (16), Ludlow (12), Lufkin (1), Lugg (1), Lukens (2), Lull (1), Lum (1), Lumbert (1), Lumsden (1), Lund (1), Lunman (4), Lunsford (3), Lunt (4), Lupus (1), Luscote (1), Lusignan (2), Lusk (1), Luson (1), Luther (4), Lutsky (1), Lutten (1), Lutterel (3), Luttrell (9), Luxemborg (1), Luxembourg (3), Lyford (1), Lygon (7), Lyhart (1), Lyman (87), Lymerick (1), Lynam (1), Lynde (3), Lynn (1), Lynne (1), Lyon (210), Lyons (1), Lysinger (1), Lyster (1), Lyvelode (1)
- M - (432 Families, 1823 Individuals)
Mablie (1), MacBricc (1), MacDonal (1), MacDonald (8), MacDunghal (1), MacFinn (1), Macinnes (3), MacIntosh (1), Mack (2), Mackay (3), Mac_Kenneth (1), Mackesy (5), Mackey (10), MacKinreth (1), Mackintosh (2), Macklin (1), Mackrall (1), Mackrell (1), MacLeod (1), MacMillan (1), macMorda (1), macMurchada (1), MacNilage (4), Macomber (24), Macon (4), Maddox (2), Madison (3), Madston (1), Maffitt (1), Magee (1), Magnussdottir (1), Magnusson (1), Mahaffey (25), Mahon (11), Mahoney (3), Mailliard (1), Main (1), Maine (1), Mainwaring (26), Mainwarring (1), Majeau (1), Major (11), Makepeace (11), Makin (1), (Malbank) (2), Malbank (3), Malet (6), Mallage (1), Mallet (3), Mallett (1), Malmsbury (1), Maloney (15), Maloy (1), Malthous (1), Maltravers (4), Malyns (1), Maminot (1), Man (3), Manasses (1), Mandeville (1), Mandubratius (1), Manigold (1), Manley (1), Mann (5), Mannering (1), Manners (1), Mannesson (1), Manning (2), Mannock (2), Mannwaring (1), Mansfield (9), Manton (1), Manwaring (1), Mapes (1), Mar (2), Marble (5), Marbury (4), Marcellus (1), Marche (19), Marcy (4), Mar_de_Austria (4), Mar_de_Bavaria (2), Mar_de_Canossa (1), Mar_de_Ceva (2), Mar_de_Ceva_&_Cave (1), Mar_de_Este (1), Mar_de_Friuli (1), Mar_de_Ostmark (1), Mar_de_Saxony (2), Mar_de_Schelde (2), Mar_de_Stade (1), Mar_de_Suza_&_Turin (1), Mar_de_Turin (1), Mar_de_Tuscany (2), Maredudd (1), Maresco (1), Marford (1), Margrave_of_Ostmark (2), Maricle (2), Marienau (7), Marion (3), Markenfield (4), Markgraf_of_Austria (3), Marks (2), Marlar (6), Marlett (1), Marlette (8), Maron (1), Marq_de_Montferrat (3), Marq_de_Saluzzo (5), Marrow (2), Marsh (27), Marshal (7), Marshall (12), Marshe (1), Marshfield (2), Marston (2), Martel (2), Martense (1), Martiau (1), Martin (32), Martinez (3), Martyn (3), Marvin (11), Maryns (1), Maskell (15), Maskill (1), Mason (12), Masse (1), Massey (13), Masterson (1), Matchett (1), Mather (32), Mathew (4), Mathewson (1), Mathisen (3), Matteson (4), Matthew (1), Matthews (32), Mattoon (1), Maudelyn (1), Mauduit (9), Maul (1), Mauleverer (9), Maultbridge (3), Maurienne (2), Mauze (3), Maverick (1), Maw (1), Maximian (1), Maxwell (2), May (2), Mayhew (8), Maylyns (1), Maynard (3), Mayne (1), Maynwarynge (1), Mayo (5), Mayor_of_Austrasia (3), Mazinke (5), mBó (1), McAllister (1), McAnoy (1), McBride (2), McBrier (1), McBrown (1), McCargar (3), McCarl (1), McCarter (8), McCarthy (1), McCartney (1), McCarty (3), McCaw (1), McClelland (3), McClenaghan (2), McClendon (1), McClure (2), McConaghie (2), McConkie (1), McConnell (2), McCoy (3), McCulley (3), Mc_Cullough (1), McCullough (1), McCurdy (1), McCutcheon (7), McDade (2), McDannald (2), McDermott (1), McDonald (1), McDonnell (1), McDougall (3), McElheny (1), McFall (1), McFarland (1), McFerran (27), McFetridge (1), McGear (2), McGeary (1), McGhee (1), McGillicky (4), McGillivray (2), McGinnis (11), McGory (25), McGraw (4), McGuire (11), McIntire (5), McIntosh (5), McIntyre (5), McKay (1), McKechnie (1), McKee (3), McKenzie (2), McKim (3), McKnitt (1), McKown (3), McLagan (1), McLaine (1), McLaren (3), McLathlin (2), Mc_Laughlin (1), Mclaughlin (4), McLellan (4), McMartin (26), Mc_Millan (3), McMillan (1), McMurray (2), McMurrough (2), McMurtrie (1), McNair (2), McPherson (5), McQuaig (1), McQuarrie (1), McVeagh (1), McVey (4), Meacham (33), Mead (6), Meade (1), Meakin (1), Meakins (4), Medwechuk (2), Meek (4), Meeker (2), Meekins (1), Meers (1), Meier (3), Melendez (1), Melford (2), Melick (1), Meline (1), Mellan (17), Mellen (1), Mellett (1), Mendall (1), Mendenhall (1), (Mendez) (1), Menz (1), Menzie (1), Meppel (1), Merchant (1), Meringe (1), Meriwether (1), Merkle (1), Merode (1), Meroving (4), Merrell (9), Merriam (9), Merrick (7), Merrill (69), Merriman (7), Merrit (1), Merry (1), Mers (1), Mershon (1), Merwin (3), Meryell (5), Messenger (3), Messing (1), Mestre (1), Metcalf (4), Metcalfe (1), Metherell (3), Meulan (3), Meurs (1), Meynell (2), Meysnyll (1), Micall (1), Michell (1), Mickel (17), Mickle (1), Milbourne (2), Mild (1), Milde (1), Miles (13), Milhous (2), Millar (1), Millard (10), Miller (71), Millett (1), Millhouse (1), Milliken (1), Millikin (1), Milliton (1), Mills (12), Milne (17), Milner (1), Milsom (4), Miner (4), Mingael (3), Minick (11), Minnerath (5), Minor (1), Minshull (1), Minterne (1), Minthorn (8), Minton (1), Mirick (1), mistress (1), Mitchell (49), Mitchelson (1), Mitchenor (1), Mitton (8), Mix (2), Mobberly (4), Modena (1), Moels (7), Moery (1), Moffitt (1), Mohler (1), Moleyns (2), Molineaux (2), Momford (2), Monamacha (1), Moncreif (1), Monk (2), Monroe (3), Montagna (1), Montagu (2), Montague (11), Monteith (3), Montgomery (3), Montieth (1), Montz (1), Moody (9), Moon (4), Moor (3), Moore (97), Moorhouse (1), More (1), Moreau (1), Moree (1), Morehouse (1), Morel (1), Morely (2), Morency (1), Moreno (1), Moreton (2), Morey (17), Morgan (26), Morieux (1), Morley (2), Mormaer (1), Mormaer_of_Atholl (1), Mormaer_of_Buchan (1), Mormaer_of_Caithness (1), Morrell (1), Morrill (1), Morris (18), Morrison (3), Morrow (1), Morse (23), Morteley (1), Morteyne (1), Mortimer (4), Morton (3), Morville (1), Moseley (1), Moselle (1), Mosely (2), Moses (4), Mosher (3), Mosley (1), Moss (6), Mosser (1), Mote (1), Moton (1), Mott (21), Mouland (1), Moulton (2), Mounce (1), Mounfort (1), Mount (1), Mountain (1), Mountford (1), Mousall (2), Mowbray (1), Mowery (14), Moyle (3), Moyneaux (1), Moyns (2), Mozell (3), Mucel (1), Mudge (3), Muer (1), Muirhead (1), Mulford (1), Muller (1), Mulligan (1), Mullins (4), Multon (1), Mulvaine (3), Mumford (1), Munden (1), Munger (1), Munn (16), Munnings (1), Munson (4), Murchadh (1), Murdac (2), Murdock (2), Mure (1), Murkson (1), Murphy (4), Murray (6), Musard (1), Muscote (2), Mychell (1), Myer (1), Myers (4), Mygatt (1), Myles (4), Mynston (1)
- N - (84 Families, 357 Individuals)
Namur (1), Naomi (1), Napper (33), Nash (12), Nassau (6), Navarre (1), Navill (1), Naylor (1), Neadeau (1), Neal (4), Neale (1), Needham (1), Neeld (1), Neff (1), Nefja_Hrolf_(Rollo) (1), Neil (2), Nelson (14), Nesbit (2), Nettleton (3), Nevens (1), Nevers (3), Neves (1), Neville (5), Nevins (1), Newberry (16), Newell (8), Newhall (1), Newland (1), Newman (10), Newport (1), Newton (7), Niceley (1), Nichol (6), Nicholas (1), Nicholls (3), Nichols (12), Nicholson (3), Nickel (1), Nickerson (2), Niclisson (1), Nicoll (1), Nicolls (4), Nielsen (1), Niewold (10), Nightingale (1), Nilsdotter (1), Nims (2), Nircott (1), Nisbit (1), Nishe (1), Nixon (13), Nobel (2), Noble (43), Noel (4), Noireau (1), Nolan (1), Nolly (1), Norcott (2), Norfield (1), Normandy (5), Normanville (1), Normer (1), Norreys (1), Norris (6), North (2), Northam (1), Northampton (1), Northrup (1), Northumbria (3), Northwood (1), Norton (35), Nott (1), Novak (5), Nowell (1), Noyes (6), Nudd (2), Numan (1), Numbers (7), Nunez (4), (Nunez) (1), Nunn (5), Nuth (1), Nye (1), Nyentap (1)
- O - (221 Families, 589 Individuals)
Oakes (2), Oakley (2), Oates (1), Ober (1), Obotrites (1), O'Braenain (2), O'Brien (6), O'Caellaide (2), O'Cheinnselaig (2), Octavia (1), Odding (1), Oddingeseles (1), Ode (2), Odekirk (1), Odenhal (1), O'Domnail (2), O'Donnell (2), O'Fáeláin (3), of_Allerdale (1), (of_Allerdale) (1), (of_Altorf) (1), of_Antioch (1), of_Aragon (1), of_Argyll (1), of_Armenia (1), of_Asgard (5), (of_Austrasia) (1), of_Austria (1), of_Bardulf (1), of_Bavaria (4), of_Bernicia (2), (of_Bernicia) (1), (of_Bohemia) (1), of_Bohemia (2), of_Brechin (1), of_Breichniog (1), of_Buckingham (4), of_Bulgaria (3), of_Byzantine_Emp (1), of_Byzantium (3), of_Cambria (1), of_Cheddar (1), of_Chester (2), of_Clodoreius (1), of_Colchester (1), of_Cologne (1), of_Connacht (1), of_Coventry (1), of_Dagsbourg (1), of_Dal_Riada (1), (of_Deheubarth) (1), of_Denmark (2), (of_Denmark) (1), of_Devon (1), (of_Devon) (2), of_Dublin (3), of_Dunbar (4), of_Dyfed (1), (of_East_Anglia) (1), of_East_Anglia (1), of_England (11), (of_England) (1), of_Essex (3), Offley (3), of_Germany (8), of_Gilsland (1), of_Gloucester (1), of_Gloucestershire (1), (of_Gloucestershire) (1), of_Haudre (1), of_Hedingham (1), of_Hereford (1), of_Hungary (7), (of_Hungary) (1), (of_Ingelheim) (1), of_Ireland (2), of_Islay (1), of_Italy (1), of_Jerusalem (1), (of_Jerusalem) (1), (of_Kent) (1), of_Kent (2), of_Kiev (3), of_Kumanien (2), of_Leinster (1), of_Leutharius (1), of_Lubech (2), (of_Maer) (1), of_Man (2), of_Meran (1), of_Mercia (16), of_Mers (1), of_Mide (1), of_Moray (1), of_Mosel (1), of_Northumbria (7), (of_Northumbria) (2), of_Norway (1), (of_Orkney) (1), of_Orkney (1), of_Ossory (1), (of_Palatine) (1), of_Poland (3), (of_Poland) (1), of_Polotsk (1), of_Rayleigh (1), of_Rodobertus (1), of_Rome (5), of_Saxony (8), (of_Saxony) (1), of_Scotland (2), (of_Serbia) (1), of_Serbia (2), of_Silesia (1), of_Siluria (2), of_Slesvik (2), (of_Soisson) (1), of_Solms-Braunfels (1), of_Strathclyde (1), of_Sula (1), of_Swabia (1), (of_Sweden) (2), of_Tamworth (2), of_the_Angles (2), of_the_Burgundians (1), of_the_Franks (5), (of_the_Franks) (4), of_the_Gaini (1), of_the_Gepidae (1), of_the_Iceni (1), of_the_Isle_of_Wright (1), of_the_Isles (1), of_the_Lombards (7), (of_the_Obotrites) (5), of_the_Obotrites (1), of_the_Picts (1), of_the_Salic_Franks (1), of_the_Saxons (5), (of_the_Saxons) (1), of_the_Vandals (1), of_the_Visigoths (6), (of_the_Visigoths) (1), of_the_West_Franks (2), of_Transylvania (1), of_Tredegar_and_St._Clear (1), of_Trondheim (1), of_Tynedale (1), of_Ulster (1), of_Urman (1), of_Vestfold (2), (of_Vitry) (1), of_Waterford (2), (of_Wessex) (3), of_Wessex (22), (of_Westfold) (1), of_Winchester (1), O'Gairbita (1), Ogan (10), Ogden (11), Ogilvie (16), Ogilvy (1), Oglivy (1), Okehampton\ (3), Olaffsson (1), Olafsdottir (2), Olafsson (6), Olba_(Alda) (1), Olcott (8), Old (1), Oldenburg (9), Oldhall (1), Oldham (2), Olive (1), Oliver (8), Olmstead (20), Olney (2), Omanson (1), O'Morda (2), O'Muiredaig (2), O'Néill (9), Onion (1), Onley (1), Oosterhout (1), Opdendyck (10), Orange (4), Orchard (2), Orcutt (10), Ordmaer (2), Orkney (2), Orleans (1), Ormeston (1), Ormsby (3), Ormsdotter (1), Orr (2), Orreby (1), Orton (1), O'Ruarc (2), Orvis (1), Osbert (1), Osborn (4), Osborne (8), Osgood (2), Ost (2), Ostercarius (1), Osterhout (1), Osterkamp (9), Oswald (3), Otes (1), O'Thairmeascain (1), Other (1), Otis (4), O'Toole (6), Ottarsson (1), Ottey (1), Otto (1), Overton (1), Oviatt (3), Owain (1), Owen (44), Owens (3), Oxenbridge (2)
- P - (315 Families, 1832 Individuals)
Pabenham (2), Pabodie (3), Pache (1), Packard (9), Packenham (1), Paddock (7), Paddy (1), Padgett (1), Paganel (3), Page (39), Paget (1), Pain (3), Paine (42), Painter (4), Palatine (2), Palatine_de_Champagne (1), Palfrey (2), Palgrave (5), Palm (1), Palmer (35), Palmerio (1), Palmes (2), Pancoast (1), Pankratz (1), Pantry (1), Pantulf (3), Papham (2), Paprica (1), Parcus (1), Pardee (6), Parfett (3), Parish (3), Parke (37), Parker (26), Parket (1), Parkhurst (10), Parkinson (1), Parkman (1), Parks (13), Parmalee (1), Parmelee (1), Parmely (5), Parmenter (5), Parmer (1), Parnell (1), Parr (6), Parrat (1), Parre (2), Parry (1), Parshall (1), Parsons (56), Partridge (35), Parye (1), Pasfield (1), Pashley (3), Passon (1), Paston (4), Patch (2), Patching (1), Pátraic (1), Patrick (1), Patten (9), Patterson (19), Pattison (1), Paul (2), Paulet (3), Paullus (1), Paveley (1), Payne (11), Payson (2), Peabody (6), Peace (1), Peake (17), Pearce (42), Pears (1), Pearsall (1), Pearse (3), Pearson (6), Pease (2), Peaterson (1), Peche (3), Peck (65), Pecke (2), Peckham (1), Pederson (3), Pedersson (1), Pedrick (2), Peeck (1), Peek (1), Peffers (2), Pegonitissa (1), Peirce (1), Pelaez (1), Pelham (4), Pelland (1), Pendergast (1), Pendwille (1), Peninton (1), Peniston (2), Penn (1), Penniman (2), Pennimen (1), Pennington (1), Penny (4), Penter (1), Penye (2), Pepper (13), Perchak (1), Percy (2), Perez (2), Periam (2), Periment (1), Perkins (35), Perrie (2), Perrin (2), Perrott (1), Perry (23), Perrye (8), Pers (1), Person (1), Persons (2), Peshall (1), Peson (3), Peter (1), Peters (2), Petersen (3), Peterson (7), Petersson (1), Petit (2), Pettes (1), Petz (1), (Peverel) (2), Peverel (4), Peverell (7), Pfalzgraf_von_Swabia (1), Pfatenhauer (1), Phelps (95), Phidd (3), Philbrick (9), Philips (4), Philipson (1), Phillips (15), Phippen (17), Phylston (1), Pickens (5), Pickering (3), Picmere (1), Picon (1), Picot (3), Pier (1), Pierce (21), Pierpoint (2), Pierpont (1), Piers (2), Pierson (3), Pike (2), Pinchbeck (1), Pincheon (1), Pinckney (1), Pinder (1), Pinner (1), Pinney (11), Pinson (1), Pipes (5), Pitkin (3), Pîtres (1), Pixley (3), Place (12), Placidia (1), Plantagenent (1), Plantagenet (92), Platt (6), Platte (1), Platyr (1), Plum (2), Plumb (3), Plumbe (5), Plume (1), Plumer (3), Plumpton (3), Plympton (1), Poaps (4), Pococke (2), Pogeys (1), Poland (1), Pole (10), Poley (6), Pollard (1), Polley (4), Pollnow (1), Pollock (5), Polly (1), Polotsk (1), Polson (1), Pomeroy (14), Pond (2), Ponthieu (1), Ponthiue (1), Pontus (1), Pooke (1), Pool (5), Poole (6), Poor (1), Pope (5), Porphyrogenita (1), Port (1), Porter (58), Portis (1), Portler (1), Portugal (1), Post (4), Postel (1), Potter (26), Potts (4), Poulton (2), Poure (9), Powell (4), Power (1), Powers (3), Powyes (2), Poynings (1), Poyntz (3), Prain (1), Pratt (68), Pray (1), Prayers (2), Preble (2), Prefect_of_the_Gauls (1), Prence (6), Prescott (4), Preston (9), Preux (2), Prevo (1), Price (1), Prichard (1), Prideaux (1), Priest (6), Prime (1), Prince (45), Prince_of_Antioch (4), Prince_of_Aquitaine (1), Prince_of_Argyll (1), Prince_of_Bulgaria (1), Prince_of_Cumbria (1), Prince_of_Deheubarth (6), Prince_of_Denmark (1), Prince_of_Gwynedd (6), Prince_of_Hungary (1), Prince_of_Jutes (1), Prince_of_Kiev (9), Prince_of_Lorraine (1), Prince_of_Magyars (3), Prince_of_Manau (1), Prince_of_Marseilles (1), Prince_of_Navarre (1), Prince_of_North_Wales (1), Prince_of_Novgorod (1), Prince_of_Obotrites (9), Prince_of_Orange (3), Prince_of_Polotsk (1), Prince_of_Powys (2), Prince_of_Salerno (2), Prince_of_Saxons (2), Prince_of_South_Wales (1), Prince_of_Wales (6), Princes_of_Orange (2), Princess_of_Austria (1), Princess_of_Lausatia (1), Princess_of_Lorraine (1), Princess_of_Ostmark (1), Princess_Orseolo (1), Prince-Wales (1), Prindle (25), Prior (1), Priour (1), Proctor (1), Proud (1), Prout (1), Provence (1), Province (164), Prudden (7), Prudom (3), Pryor (1), Pss_of_Antioch (1), Pss_of_Deheubarth (1), Pss_of_Lausatia (1), Pss_of_Ostmark (1), Pss_of_Picts (2), Pss_of_Sweden (1), Pss_of_the_Rugij (1), Pss_of_Vandals (1), Pss_of_Venice (1), Pss_Royal_of_Picts (1), Pudsey (1), Puleston (2), Pullen (5), Pulsipher (1), Pultney (1), Punderson (7), Purcell (1), Purchas (2), Purchase (4), Purdy (6), Purefoy (3), Purple (2), Purvine (1), Puterbaugh (1), Putnam (10), Pye (4), Pyle (2), Pympe (2), Pynchon (2), Pyne (1), Pypard (2), Pysing (3)
- Q - (20 Families, 47 Individuals)
Quackenbos (1), Quartermain (4), Quartermayne (1), Quayle (10), Queen_of_Aragón (1), Queen_of_Britain (1), Queen_of_Castile (3), Queen_of_Castile_&_León (1), Queen_of_England (6), Queen_of_Gwynedd (1), Queen_of_Iceni (1), Queen_of_Navarre (2), Queen_of_Portugal (1), Queen_of_Powys (2), Queen_of_Rome_&_Almaine (1), Queen_of_Scotland (1), Quincy (4), Quinell (4), Quinlan (1), Quinn (1)
- R - (199 Families, 862 Individuals)
Rabnitz (1), Race (6), Radbardsson (1), Radbarg (1), Radcliff (2), Radcliffe (13), Radshaw (1), Radulphus (1), Raffo (1), Ragnarsson (1), Ragnvaldsdottir (1), (Ragnvaldsson) (1), Ragnvaldsson (1), Raines (3), Rainsford (3), Ralegh (3), Raleigh (10), Ramsay (3), Ramsey (1), Randall (11), Randel (1), Randlett (1), Randolph (6), Ranney (1), Ransom (2), Ranulfe (1), Ratcliff (1), Rath (3), Rathbun (5), Rathwell (1), Rauls (1), Raven (1), Ravin (1), Rawlings (1), Ray (1), Rayment (1), Raymer (1), Raymond (2), Raymonde (1), Rayner (1), Raynor (1), Read (9), Reade (7), Read-Epes (1), Reagan (2), Redding (3), Redman (3), Reed (32), Reel (1), Reeves (2), Regan (1), Regent_of_Kiev (1), Regent_of_Poland (1), Reid (4), Reinhart (1), Remington (12), Rempel (4), Remstone (1), Renard (1), Rennelegh (1), Renshaw (11), Renwalts (2), Renwick (7), Resamond (1), Reschke (4), Reusch (1), Revell (2), Revine (1), Reyner (1), Reynolds (7), Reynor (1), Riach (1), Ribrwast (1), Rice (5), Rich (15), Richard (2), Richards (25), Richardson (44), Richmond (2), Ricketson (19), Rickey (1), Riddle (2), Riddlesdale (1), Ridel (1), Rideout (1), Rider (1), Rie (1), Riedell (1), Rifenberg (1), Rigby (2), Riggs (29), Riker (2), Ring (1), Ripley (8), Risby (1), Risley (1), Ritsick (1), Rittenhouse (1), Ritter (1), Rix (1), Robb (5), Robbins (8), Roberson (1), (Robert) (1), Robert (3), Roberts (36), Robertson (1), Robertts (1), Robina (1), Robinson (24), Roby (2), Roche (3), Rochford (1), Rockefeller (3), Rockett (1), Rockhold (4), Rockwell (7), Rockwood (3), Rodan (3), Rodgers (2), Rodiguez (1), Rodolfe (1), Roe (1), Roelof (1), Roeloffsen (6), Roenich (1), Röet (1), Rogalsky (1), Rogers (37), Rogerus_Magnus (4), Rognarsson (1), Rohrer (2), Roi (1), Rokeley (1), Rokely (1), Rokesley (1), Rolleston (1), Rollings (1), Rollins (3), Roman_Emp (6), Ronan (2), Rood (4), Rook (1), (Rooke) (1), Rooker (1), Rookers (1), Rookin (1), Rooney (4), Roos (4), Roosa (2), Roosevelt (17), Root (22), Roper (1), Ropes (1), Rosalle (1), Roscelin (1), Rose (32), Rosewell (1), Rosier (1), Ross (23), Rossiter (18), Rotherforth (1), Rothwell (1), Roup (2), Rouse (2), Rowdon (1), Rowe (5), Rowell (2), Rowland (1), Rowlandson (1), Rowles (2), Rowley (4), Roy (2), Royce (23), Royston (1), Ruck (2), Rudd (5), Rudolph (1), Rudyard (1), Rufus (1), Rugg (3), Ruggles (12), Rulle (1), Rummer (1), Runions (1), Rupert (1), Ruscoe (3), Ruskin (1), Russ (1), Russell (23), Rust (10), Rutledge (3), Rutt (1), Rutter (1), Rycote (2), Ryland (1), Rylands (19), Ryse (2), Ryswick (1)
- S - (572 Families, 3660 Individuals)
Sabin (22), Sacie (1), Sack (10), Sackett (10), Sackrider (1), Sadler (2), Sage (1), Sagers (1), Saint_Barbe (1), Saint_John (3), Saint_Lo (2), Salemon (1), Salisbury (4), Salmon (5), Salter (2), Saltonstall (10), Samford (1), Sampson (30), Samson (1), Samuelson (1), Samwaeys (1), Sanborn (1), Sanchez (2), Sandbach (2), Sanders (2), Sanderson (1), Sandford (6), Sands (1), Sanford (7), Sankey (1), Sapp (2), Sargeant (2), Sargent (9), Saum (1), Saunders (9), Savage (20), Savell (2), Savery (1), Saviditsch (2), Saville (1), Savory (4), Sawyer (9), Saxbie (1), Saxby (2), Saxe (1), Saxe-Coburg (1), Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (2), Saxe-Gotha-Altenberg (1), Saxton (3), Sayer (3), Sayre (2), Scarlett (1), Sceldwa_(Skjold) (1), Schaeffer (1), Schauer (2), Scheelkens (1), Schermerborn (1), Schermerhorn (5), Scherp (2), Schilling (4), Schlieben (1), Schlief (4), Schmitt (1), Schneider (1), Schofield (1), Scholes (1), Schooler (1), Schooley (3), Schoonmaker (1), Schoonover (10), Schott (1), Schotz (1), Schramm (1), Schroeder (1), Schroyer (2), Schudder (2), Schultz (1), Schurch (1), Schwartz (1), Scofield (4), Scotland (15), Scott (34), Scouill (1), Scovell (1), Scovill (2), Scribner (1), Scrope (1), Scudder (1), Scull (3), Seaba (1), Seabright (1), Seabrook (2), Seabury (3), Seager (2), Seaman (1), Searle (6), Sears (11), Seavey (1), Secomb (1), Secor (1), Sedgewick (10), Sedgwick (3), Sedley (2), Seeley (5), Seely (1), Seiler (1), Selbee (1), Selden (2), Sellers (1), Sellwood (1), Selwood (4), Selwoode (2), Semur (3), Senlis (3), Sennett (1), Sension (1), Sergeant (2), Seton (3), Settle (1), Sevenoak (1), Severance (3), Severill (1), Sewall (2), Seward (1), Sewarde (1), Sexton (11), Seymour (13), Shafer (12), Shakespeare (1), Shamblin (1), Shaner (1), Sharf (2), Sharp (27), Sharpe (2), Shatswell (2), Shatterbrooke (1), Shattuck (1), Shaver (1), Shaw (59), Shay (1), Shaybery (1), Shaylor (1), Sheafe (2), Sheard (1), Shearman (1), Sheeley (1), Sheffield (6), Sheldon (50), Sheldrake (2), Shelley (2), Shellman (1), Shelton (4), Shepard (17), Shepardsen (2), Shepardson (1), Shephard (1), Shepherd (2), Sheppard (7), Sherbourne (1), Sherer (1), Sherfey (2), Sheriff_of_Lincolnshire (1), Sheriff_of_Shropshire (1), Sherman (54), Shermerhorn (1), Sherwood (11), Shipley (1), Shipman (4), Shipp (3), Shirley (11), Shoemaker (1), Sholes (3), Shore (2), Shores (2), Short (1), Shults (13), Shupe (2), Shurtleff (2), Sibbell (1), Sibley (4), Sickerling (2), Sickler (1), Siddall (1), Sidham (1), Sidington (1), Siedlecki (1), Siertsema (1), Siggesdotter (1), Sigrada (1), Sigulf (1), Sigurdsdottir (3), Sigurdsson (2), Sikes (4), Silleck (1), Silliman (1), Silverside (1), Sime (1), Simkins (1), Simmons (8), Simms (1), Simons (3), Simpson (6), Sims (2), Sinadenos (2), Singer (1), Singletarry (1), Singletary (8), Singleton (2), Sinodpye (1), Sioerts (2), Sire (4), Sir_Estmond (1), Sisk (2), Sisson (54), Sixtensson (2), Sizer (1), Skeel (1), Skeen (1), Skerne (1), Skiff (18), Skinner (10), Skipwith (7), Skjoldsson (1), Sklerina (2), Skleros (2), Skoglar-Testedot (1), Skoglar-Toste (1), Skoglund (2), Skogul-Tosti (1), Skull (1), Slack (1), Slade (2), Slater (4), Slaughter (1), Slaughterback (1), Slawson (1), Sleater (1), Slethen (1), Slobodzian (1), Slocum (55), Slocumbe (1), Smalley (1), Smallwood (5), Smathers (1), Smedley (1), Smellie (1), Smick (1), Smiley (1), Smirl (1), Smith (556), Smyth (2), Snachenberg (1), sna_de_Alcanices (1), sna_de_Castile (1), sna_de_Villena (1), Snaersdottir (1), (Snakenborg) (2), Snakenborg (2), sn_de_Albret (1), sn_de_Alençon-Bellême (1), sn_de_Archiac_&_Bonteville (1), sn_de_Avesnes (1), sn_de_Beaugency (4), sn_de_Beaumont (1), sn_de_Benauges (1), sn_de_Bezalu (1), sn_de_Bourbon (1), sn_de_Bures (1), sn_de_Chateau-du-Loire (3), sn_de_Châtillon (1), sn_de_Cifontes (1), sn_de_Conches (3), sn_de_Condé_&_Balleul (1), sn_de_Coucy (1), sn_de_Coucy_&_Boves (1), sn_de_Coucy_&_Marle (1), sn_de_Courtenay (4), sn_de_Craon (1), sn_de_Dampierre (1), sn_de_Dinan (1), sn_de_Dol (1), sn_de_Donjon (1), sn_de_Faucigny (1), sn_de_Fougères (4), sn_de_Geneville (2), sn_de_Geneville_&_Champaigne (1), sn_de_Hauteville (1), sn_de_Hesdin (1), sn_de_la_Fleche (1), sn_de_l'_Aigle (3), sn_de_la_Marche (6), sn_de_la_Roche (1), sn_de_le_Hommet (1), sn_de_l'_Isle_Bouchard (1), sn_de_l'_Isle_&_Riviere (1), sn_de_Loches (1), sn_de_Lusignan (1), sn_de_Maranon (1), sn_de_Marle (1), sn_de_Meri (1), sn_de_Molina_y_Mesa (1), sn_de_Montagne (1), sn_de_Montfort (2), sn_de_Montgomerie (1), sn_de_Montlhery (2), sn_de_Montlucon (2), sn_de_Monzon (1), sn_de_Pont-Audemer (1), sn_de_Rameru (1), sn_de_Reviers (1), sn_de_Rouex (2), sn_de_Sabran (1), sn_de_Salins (1), sn_de_St._Juliens (1), sn_de_St._Valery (1), sn_de_Torville (1), sn_de_Uncastillo_y_Sangue (1), sn_de_Vaucouleurs (1), sn_de_Velasques (1), sn_de_Vergy (1), sn_de_Vierzo (1), sn_de_Villagera (1), sn_de_Villena (1), sn_de_Villena_y_Escalona (1), sn_de_Vitre (1), Snell (1), Snider (1), Snodgrass (2), Snow (46), Snyder (1), Sobieski (1), Soliday (1), Sollers (2), Soltysik (3), Somers (3), Somerset (2), Somerton (2), Sommerville (2), Soper (1), Sothill (2), Soule (17), Southam (1), Southcote (1), Southerland (6), Southernwood (1), Southgate (1), Southwell (1), Southwick (3), Southwill (1), Southworth (17), Souvaine (1), Sowter (1), Sozansky (5), Sozanzky (1), Spafford (1), Spalding (4), Spangenberg (1), Sparhawk (13), Sparks (3), Sparrow (2), Spaulding (10), Spay (1), Spear (1), Spearman (14), Specht (1), Speer (1), Speke (1), Spencer (219), Spero (3), Sperry (15), Spert (1), Spickert (1), Spielman (1), Spink (41), Spinning (1), Spohn (1), Spooner (1), Spoor (6), Spot (1), Sprague (7), (Sprakalegg) (1), Sprakalegg (1), Spring (1), Springer (2), Spurway (1), Spynke (1), Squire (15), Squires (1), Staats (1), Stacey (4), Stafford (25), Stainford (1), Stainton (2), Stalinski (1), Stall (9), Stalp (1), Stanard (1), Standish (21), Standley (1), St._Andrews (1), St._Andries (1), Stane (2), Stanhope (2), Stanley (26), Stannard (1), Stanton (1), Stanyerne (1), Staples (7), Stapleton (9), Stark (7), Starke (1), Starkle (1), Starks (1), Starling (1), Starr (5), Start (1), Stathem (2), Statterthwaite (1), St._Aubin (1), Staunton (2), Stavely (1), St._Balthildis (1), St_Clair (1), St_Claire (3), St_Clare (2), Steadman (1), Stearns (1), Stebbing (1), Stebbins (54), Stedman (6), Steele (3), Steelman (19), Steg (1), Stelldors (4), Stemler (1), Stephen (1), Stephens (6), Stephenson (2), Sterling (2), Sterns (1), Sterrett (2), Steven (1), Stevens (83), Stevenson (1), Steward (1), Steward_of_Normandy (1), Stewart (23), St_Hilaire (1), St_Hillary (1), Stickney (1), Stiles (5), Still (2), Stilliman (2), Stillwell (6), Stites (12), St_John (14), St._John (3), St_Lawrence (1), St_Leger (1), St._Liz (1), St._Luke (1), Stobo (1), Stocker (1), Stocking (7), Stockley (4), Stoddard (23), Stoell (1), Stoery (1), Stokes (2), Stolberg (1), Stolp (157), Stone (40), Stonor (2), Stopham (1), Storey (23), Storie (1), Storm (4), Storrs (119), Story (4), Stotturne (1), Stotwell (1), Stoughton (8), Stourton (2), Stout (2), Stover (3), Stow (10), Stowe (4), Stowell (1), St_Owen (1), St._Peter (1), St._Pierre (1), Strachen (1), Strader (1), Stradling (9), Strahm (1), Straight (1), Strait (1), Strange (3), Strangeways (6), Stratton (5), Strawderman (1), Stream (3), Strecche (1), Street (6), Streeter (6), Streiter (1), Strelley (1), Stretch (2), Strickey (1), Strickhauser (1), Strickland (2), Strong (369), Stronge (12), Strough (1), Strug (2), Stuart (13), Studley (1), Stulp (1), Sturdevant (1), Sturges (2), Sturgis (1), Sturtevant (3), Stuteville (1), St_Valerie (3), Style (1), Suanhilde (1), Suarez (1), Sudbury (1), Suhler (3), Sully (1), Sulpice (1), Sulyard (7), Summer (1), Surratt (2), Surrey (2), Sussex (1), Sutherland (5), Sutlieff (1), Sutton (10), Suza (1), Svegdasson (1), Svensdotter (2), Svensson (3), Swabia (3), Swain (24), Swaine (1), Swallow (1), Swan (1), Swanson (3), Swanstrom (19), Swarthout (1), Swasisdottir (1), Sweat (1), Sweden (1), Sweet (5), Sweeting (1), Sweetman (1), Sweetser (1), Sweezy (3), Swenson (1), Swett (3), Swift (10), Swingle (3), Swynford (1), Swynnerton (7), Sydney (1), Sydonia (1), Sykes (4), Sylvester (1), Symes (1), Symmes (5), Symonds (17)
- T - (222 Families, 1165 Individuals)
Taber (2), Tabitha (1), Taelmann (2), Taetwa (1), Taft (3), Tailboys (6), Taillebois (6), Taillefer (7), Taintor (2), Talbot (9), Talcott (10), Taleman (1), Talley (1), Tallman (20), Talmadge (1), Talmage (1), Talvas (1), Tanfield (6), Tanner (3), Tansley (1), Taplin (1), Tapp (9), Tarrant (1), Tatton (2), Taylor (63), Teck (1), Tee (1), Tegg (3), Teller (1), Temp (1), Temperance (1), Tempest (1), Temple (2), Temrach (1), Tendring (2), Tenney (1), Terin (1), Terrell (1), Terry (16), Tesmer (1), Teyes (1), Thacher (5), Thake (1), Thane_in_Mercia (1), Thane_of_Isle_of_Wight (1), Thane_of_Surrey (2), Thatcher (5), Thaxter (1), Thayer (3), Theodebert (1), Theodosius (1), Thierry (2), Thimbleby (4), Thomas (33), Thomasson (1), Thompson (58), Thomson (2), Thorasson (1), Thorgrimsdottir (1), Thorkill (1), Thorkilsdottir (1), Thorley (1), Thorne (3), Thornton (12), Thorold (1), Thorpe (6), Thorstein_the_Red (1), Thrall (22), Thrasher (1), Threeton (3), Threw (1), Throckmorton (1), Thrond (1), Throop (2), Throope (5), Thurber (68), Thuringia (1), Thurston (15), Thurton (2), Thweng (4), Tibballs (2), Tibbals (1), Tibetot (4), Tichenor (24), Ticknor (2), Tiddeman (1), Tietze (1), Tiff (1), Tilden (1), Tillatson (1), Tillbury (1), Tilley (14), Tillinghast (1), Tillitson (1), Tilney (5), Tilton (2), Timmons (1), Timms (3), Timotijevic (1), Timperley (1), Tincombe (4), Tindall (1), Tinker (2), Tinkham (13), Tipping (2), Tipsword (1), Tiptoft (4), Tirrel (1), Tisdale (3), Titcomb (4), Titerele (1), Titus (3), Tobias (1), Todd (6), Tolderbury (2), Toldervey (8), Toledo (1), Tolles (1), Tolman (1), Tomes (3), Tomlin (38), Tomlinson (4), Tomlyns (1), Tompkins (15), Tompkyns (8), Tompson (3), Tomson (1), Ton (1), Toogood (1), Tooley (1), Toombs (27), Toomer (1), Toothman (1), Torbet (1), Torbock (5), Torf (1), Tornor (2), Torrell (1), Torrey (1), Totman (60), Touchet (10), Tough (2), Toulouse (8), Tourneur (8), Tourtellot (1), Toutebille (1), Towels (1), Tower (2), Townley (1), Townsend (32), Townsley (1), Tracey (1), Tracy (19), Trafford (5), Traine (1), Trapp (2), Trask (1), Treadway (1), Treat (31), Treen (1), Treichel (5), Trelawney (3), Trethewey (2), Trethewy (1), Trethurffe (3), Trevannion (1), Treves (1), Trevett (1), Trevisa (1), Trewit (1), Treworgye (1), Tribe (3), Trilley (1), Trim (3), Tripp (89), Trippe (1), Trombley (1), Trondheim (3), Troop (2), Trowbridge (8), Trowell (1), Trudeau (1), True (1), Truesdale (3), Truman (6), Trumble (1), Trumbull (1), Trusbut (2), Trussell (2), Trygils (1), Tryon (1), Tsar_of_Bulgaria (1), Tschudy (1), Tubbs (3), Tucker (9), Tudor (12), Tugman (1), Tuke (1), Tullar (2), Tully (1), Tunbridge (1), Tunstall (1), Turbitt (1), Turnbull (18), Turner (20), Turney (2), Turrenne (1), Tursell (1), Tuskes (1), Tuthill (1), Tuttle (7), Twining (3), Tygon (1), Tyler (8), Tylle (4), Tylson (1), Tyng (2), Tyrell (1), Tyrrell (1), Tyrwhit (4), Tyson (1), Tytmon (1)
- U - (27 Families, 1486 Individuals)
U' (2), Ua_Conchobair (1), Uber (1), Udell (2), Ufflete (1), Ufford (3), Uknown (1), Ulfsdotter (1), Ulmer (1), Ulsiusson (1), UnderKing_of_Kent (2), UnderKing_of_Trondheim (1), UnderKing_of_Vestfold (3), Underwood (3), Ungust (2), Unknown (1425), UNKNOWN (11), Unknown' (1), Unknown1 (1), Unkown (1), Uochin (1), Updike (2), Updyke (1), Upham (15), Upton (1), Urswick (1), Usenda (1)
- V - (230 Families, 581 Individuals)
V (1), Vache (1), Vagena (2), Vahl (1), Valair (2), Valcour (2), Valdarsson (1), Valentine (1), Valk (1), Vallett (1), Van (1), van_Alstyne (1), Van_Alstyne (1), Vanaman (1), Van_Amelsfort (1), van_Buren (7), van_Büren (2), Van_Buren (1), Vandals (1), Vanderbergh (1), Vanderbilt (1), Vanderbin (1), Van_der_Hagen (1), Vander_Hamm (1), van_der_Heyden (2), Vandermark (2), Van_Deusen (2), Van_Deussen (11), Van_Dyck (1), Vane (1), Van_Egmond (2), Van_Gieson (1), Van_Gilder (120), Van_Hoesen (9), Van_Horn (3), Van_Kirk (4), Vanlandasson (1), VanLouven (1), Van_Meter (1), Vanna (1), Van_Noordstrant (4), Vannoy (7), Van_Orman (1), Van_Ort (1), Van_Pelt (1), Van_Raes (1), van_Rotmers (1), Van_Ryteveld (1), Van_Schaack (3), Van_Slyke (8), Van_Tine (1), Vantree (1), Van_Vetchen (1), VanVleet (1), van_Voorhoudt (2), Van_Voorhout (5), Van_Wagner (1), VanWormer (6), Van_Zijl (1), Vassall (3), Vaughan (5), Vaughn (3), Vaux (5), Vct_de_Avranches (1), Vct_de_Avranches_&_Eu (1), Vct_de_Bayeux (2), Vct_de_Beaumont-le-Maine (2), Vct_de_Bezieres (1), Vct_de_Carlat (1), Vct_de_Chartres (1), Vct_de_Chastellerault (5), Vct_de_Chateaudun (2), Vct_de_Chateautro_&_Porhoët (1), Vct_de_Côntentin (3), Vct_de_Conteville (1), Vct_de_Heismes (1), Vct_de_Hiemois (1), Vct_de_Limoges (3), Vct_de_Lombards (1), Vct_de_Maine (8), Vct_de_Milhaud (1), Vct_de_Narbonne (3), Vct_de_Porhoët (1), Vct_de_Porhoët_&_Rennes (1), Vct_de_Rennes (1), Vct_de_Rodes (3), Vct_de_Stafford (1), Vct_de_St._Sauveur (1), Vct_de_Thouars (6), Vct_de_Troyes (1), Vct_de_Turrenne (5), Vct_de_Ventedour (1), Vct_Welles (1), Veder (1), Veits (1), Venaissin (1), Ventres (2), verch_Aron (1), verch_Cadell (2), verch_Cadwr (1), verch_Cillin (1), verch_Cynan (1), verch_Cynfyn (2), Verch_Dafydd (1), verch_Dyfnwal (1), verch_Ednywain (1), verch_Edwin (1), verch_Efnydd (1), verch_Einion (1), verch_Elise (1), Verchere (7), verch_Gronwy (3), verch_Gruffydd (5), verch_Gwair (1), verch_Gwerystan (2), verch_Gwrgan (1), verch_Gwyn (1), verch_Hoedlyw (1), verch_Hywel (2), verch_Iago (1), verch_Iestyn (1), verch_Iorwerth (1), verch_Ithel (2), verch_Lleiffer_Mawr (1), verch_Lluddica (1), verch_Llywarch (4), verch_Llywelyn (1), verch_Llywelyn_Fawr (3), verch_Madoc (2), verch_Meurig (1), verch_Morgan (1), verch_Owain (3), verch_Owain_Gwynedd (1), verch_Rhiwallon (1), verch_Rhun (2), verch_Rhys (3), verch_Rhywallon (1), verch_Trahaern (1), verch_Tryffin (1), Vere (1), Vermandois (4), Vermayes (1), Vermundsson (1), Verney (9), Vernon (5), Vernoy (14), Verstrraete (1), Vexin (2), Vickars (1), Vickers (1), Vickery (3), Vickland (5), Vicrery (1), Videau (10), Vidfadme (1), Viets (1), Viletrude (1), Vincent (2), Violent (1), Visbeeck (1), Visbursson (1), Visdelou (1), Vishecck (1), Visscher (1), Vladimirovna (1), Vogt (3), Voisard (1), Volk (6), von_Arnstein (1), (von_Arnstein) (1), von_Avalgau (1), von_Bihar (2), von_Botenstein (2), von_Brandenburg (1), von_Brunswick (3), von_Brunswick-Celle (1), von_Dagsburg (1), von_Egisheim (2), von_Equiseheim (1), (von_Equiseheim) (1), von_Franconia (1), von_Friesland (3), von_Geldern (2), von_Gent (2), von_Gleiberg (1), von_Gleiburg (1), von_Henneberg (1), von_Hohenlohe (1), von_Holland\ (1), von_Kleves (1), von_Kumanien (1), von_Lenzburg (1), von_Limburg (1), von_Loos (1), von_Maine (2), von_Mecklenburg-Gustrow (1), von_Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1), von_Metz (1), von_Moha_&_Sultzbach (1), von_Nordgau (1), von_Nullenburg (1), von_Oeningen (1), von_Oeren (1), Von_Peene (2), von_Putten (1), von_Ringelheim (2), von_Sachsen (1), (von_Saxony) (1), von_Schannis (1), von_Schelde (3), von_Schwaben (2), von_Schweinfurt (2), von_Stade (1), (von_Stade) (1), von_Sualafeld (1), von_Sulzbach (1), von_Thuringia (2), von_Waldeck (1), Von_Wesel (1), von_Zahringen (1), von_Zutphen (1), Vore (3), Vosburgh (4), Voss (15), Vreeland (2), Vss_de_Bezaune (1), Vss_de_Carlat (1), Vunk (1), Vychan (1), Vye (7)
- W - (322 Families, 2236 Individuals)
Wacha (8), Wade (5), Wadsworth (18), Wager (1), Wagner (2), Wahlberg (1), Wainwright (3), Wait (3), Waite (10), Waithman (1), Wake (1), Wakefield (2), Wakehurst (2), Wakeman (12), Walbert (1), Walbridge (1), Walcott (5), Waldegrave (2), Walden (1), Waldeschef (2), Waldo (42), Waldron (3), Waleran (1), Walerie (2), Wales (11), Walker (21), Walkey (2), Walkington (1), Walkup (11), Wallace (7), Wallcott (1), Wallen (1), Waller (6), Wallis (1), Walradt (1), Walrod (1), Walsbee (1), Walsele (1), Walsshe (1), Walter (4), Walters (1), Walton (12), Warburton (11), Ward (35), Warde (1), Wardell (1), Wardwell (2), Ware (1), Warenne (1), Warham (24), Warin (1), Warner (32), Warren (36), Warrene (1), Warriner (13), Warry (2), Warton (1), Wash (9), Washburn (76), Washington (6), Wasley (1), Waterbury (1), Waterhouse (1), Waterman (19), Waters (5), Watkins (3), Watson (14), Watt (1), Watters (3), Watts (3), Waugh (1), Waure (1), Way (3), Waye (2), Wayles (1), Waynes (1), Weatherby (14), Weatherhead (1), Weaver (2), Webb (76), Webber (7), Weber (5), Webster (29), Weed (1), Weeden (1), Weekes (1), Weeks (40), Wehr (1), Weir (5), Weiss (1), Weitzel (1), Welby (6), Welch (11), Weld (37), Weldon (1), Welle (1), Weller (3), Welles (21), Welling (1), Wellman (1), Wellmote (1), Wells (21), Wellysham (1), Wenger (3), Wenne (1), Wensing (2), Wentworth (3), Wepham (1), Werbinski (3), Wescott (1), Wesse (2), West (31), Westbrook (1), Westcote (1), Westcott (8), Westfall (1), Westlake (1), Weston (10), Westover (1), Westphal (4), Westwood (1), Wettenhall (1), Wettin (1), Wever (1), Weyland (3), Whalesborough (3), Whaley (1), Whatlock (1), Whatman (1), Wheatcroft (1), Wheate (1), Wheatley (5), Wheaton (5), Wheeler (37), Wheelock (2), Whelan (4), Wheldon (1), Wheley (1), Whicker (1), Whillden (1), Whipple (19), Whitaker (3), Whitbeck (1), Whitcomb (1), Whitcraft (1), White (128), Whitebeck (1), Whitebread (6), Whitefield (3), Whiteford (1), Whitehead (4), Whitehill (1), Whitekar (1), Whitely (5), Whiterent (1), Whitford (6), Whitgift (1), Whiting (17), Whitleigh (2), Whitlock (2), Whitman (19), Whitmore (3), Whitney (23), Whitson (1), Whitston (2), Whitt (1), Whittacre (1), Whittaker (3), Whittington (2), Whittle (1), Whittlesey (6), Whixhall (1), Whyston (1), Whytley (1), Wichingham (1), Wickersley (1), Wickhorst (1), Wiens (1), Wiessler (1), Wieswaag (1), Wigglesworth (6), Wiggs (1), Wight (6), Wightman (40), Wihgils (1), Wilber (1), Wilbore (9), Wilbour (1), Wilbraham (1), Wilbur (4), Wilchine (2), Wilcox (14), Wilcoxen (1), Wilcoxson (1), Wilde (1), Wildenhausen (1), Wilder (11), Wildman (1), Wiley (2), Wilhelm (1), Wilkin (1), Wilkins (2), Willaims (1), Willard (16), Willcutt (2), Willet (1), Willets (30), Willey (62), Willford (2), William (2), Williams (105), Williamson (4), Willie (3), Willis (3), Williston (4), Willmote (1), Willocke (1), Willoughby (29), Wills (1), Willson (1), Wilmot (4), Wilmott (1), Wilsford (2), Wilson (32), Wilton (1), Winans (1), Winche (1), Winchell (71), Winchester (5), Windebank (2), Winder (5), Windsor (17), Wines (1), Wing (4), Wingate (1), Winget (8), Wingfield (9), Winn (2), Winne (1), Winnington (2), Winslow (42), Winston (4), Winter (5), Winters (3), Winthrop (1), Wise (1), Wisegarver (1), Witchingham (2), Withe (1), Witherell (2), Withers (1), Withey (2), Withington (2), Withrell (1), Withrow (1), Witta (1), Wittelsbach (1), Wobig (1), Wodam (1), Wodell (3), Wodhull (4), Wolcott (45), Wolsung (2), Wolterton (1), Womack (1), Wood (68), Woodall (2), Woodard (1), Woodbridge (6), Woodcock (3), Wooden (1), Woodfield (1), Woodford (6), Woodhull (11), Woodin (1), Woodland (1), Woodman (2), Woodmansee (1), Woodrorke (1), Woodruff (9), Woods (10), Woodville (2), Woodward (28), Woodworth (1), Woody (1), Woolhead (1), Woolhouse (2), Woolly (1), Woolrish (1), Woolsey (1), Woolworth (4), Wooster (1), Wooton (1), Worden (5), Work (3), Workman (5), Works (1), Wormel (1), Worseley (2), Worth (1), Worthing (1), Worthington (5), Wotshall (1), Wotton (2), Wraske (2), Wright (78), Wroughton (1), Wulfhard (1), Wyatt (13), Wychingham (2), Wydeville (5), Wylie (14), Wyllis (1), Wylsher (1), Wyman (1), Wymarche (3), Wyncelowe (1), Wyndham (2), Wyngaard (1), Wynn (1), Wynslowe (1), Wynter (1)
- X - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
X (1)
- Y - (18 Families, 148 Individuals)
Yager (1), Yale (2), Yaple (1), Yard (22), Yarde (1), Yaroslavna (3), Yates (3), Yerdon (2), Yngvasson (1), Yngvi-Freysson (1), Yoeman (2), Yoemans (1), York (3), Yorke (6), Young (89), Youngdale (2), Younglove (6), Youngs (2)
- Z - (8 Families, 12 Individuals)
z (1), Zailen (1), Zermeuhlen (1), Zerold (2), Zins (1), Zouche (1), Zwart (4), Zweber (1)
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