
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Prindle. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Cyrus [I17592]
Cyrus [I28269] 1800-04-11
Delia Anne [I28302] 1828-11-28
Ebenezer [I17599] 1661
Helen Maria [I28313] 1831-01-10
Hephzibah [I21474] 1698
Huldah [I17594]
Jane Eliza [I28280] 1824-11-25
Joel [I21472] 1695
John [I21468] 1691
Joseph [I17588]
Joseph [I17598]  
Joseph [I21402] 1663
Jospeh [I21476] 1703
Lazarus [I17593]
Lewis Beers [I17596]  
Mary [I21159] 1701
Mary Loraine [I28291] 1826-11-23
Nathan [I21237]
Phebe [I13574] 1657
Phedemia [I17591]
Philemon [I21745] about 1780
Samuel [I21470] 1693
William [I17601] 1631
Zada [I17590]