
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Soule. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Benjamin [I7853] 1651
Elizabeth [I7850] 1644
George [I5791] 1595
George [I7848] 1639
James [I7725] 1659
John [I4133] 1632
Jonathan [I37260] about 1710
Mary [I28581]  
Mary [I7849] 1642
Nathaniel [I7847] 1634
Patience [I7852] 1646
Rachel [I7807] 1663
Rebecca [I11913] 1656
Robert [I5796] 1564
Sarah [I7808] 1660
Susannah [I5790] 1642-04-25
Zachariah [I7845] 1625