
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Royce. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Ebenezer [I26692] 1691
Electa [I21976]
Jacob [I26695] 1697
John [I26693] 1693
Jonathan [I26696] 1744
Jonathan [I26701] 1678
Jonathan [I26703] 1636
Jonathan [I27202] 1739
Levi [I21973] 1788
Lydia [I24911] 1680-05-28
Mary [I21443]  
Mary [I26694] 1695
Mary [I4227] 1657
Nehemiah [I26699] 1714
Nehemiah [I27821] 1766
Olive [I17791] 1749
Rhoda [I26755] 1775
Robert [I26690]
Samuel [I25528] 1640
Sarah [I21974]
Sarah [I4226] 1634
Thomas [I4231] 1569
William [I21975]