
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Yard. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Benjamin [I13109] 1718
Benjamin [I8541] 1679
Elizabeth [I13107] 1715
Elizabeth [I8520] 1722
Elizabeth [I8536]
George [I8538]
James [I8539] 1678
Jethro [I13111] 1722
John [I13105] 1712
John [I8537] 1676
Joseph [I13098] 1707
Joseph [I8515] 1672
Joseph [I8531] 1647
Mary [I13100] 1707
Mary [I8517] 1718
Mary [I8535] 1671
Rachel [I8519] 1720
Sarah [I7931] 1724
Susannah [I8521] 1725
Thomas [I8534] 1670
William [I13102] 1709
William [I8533] 1675