
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Macomber. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Adams [I19112] 1808
Betsy [I19103] 1765
Elijah [I19107] 1770
Eliza Swett [I19114] 1810
Elizabeth [I19101] 1797
Frederick [I19106] 1758
Hannah [I19122] 1780
Horatio N [I19116] 1814
John [I19118] 1819
Joseph [I19096] 1732
Joseph [I19097] 1762
Joseph [I19099] 1793
Joseph [I19111] 1806
Josiah [I19100] 1795
Judith [I19119] 1772
Julia Ann [I19110] 1805
Leonard [I19117] 1816
Lurana [I19121] 1778
Nancy [I19104]  
Nathan [I19105] 1767
Olive [I19120] 1774
Stephen [I19109] 1803
Thankful [I19102] 1764
Washington [I19115] 1812