King of Scotland

Gramps ID P0058


  1. , MacBeth [I37636]
  2. , Dubh [I11856]
  3. , William I of Scotland [I11841]
  4. , Alexander I of Scotland [I11884]
  5. Bruce, Edward [I11710]
  6. Bruce, David II [I0717]
  7. , Kenneth III of Scotland [I11857]
  8. , Donald Bane of Scotland [I11873]
  9. , Malcolm III of Scotland [I9530]
  10. , Alexander II of Scotland [I9706]
  11. , Edgar of Scotland [I11886]
  12. Scotland, David II of [I37648]
  13. , Malcolm IV of Scotland [I11890]
  14. , Robert II of Scotland [I11673]
  15. , Alexander III [I9707]
  16. , Donald II of Scotland [I9536]
  17. , Malcolm II of Scotland [I9535]
  18. , Lulach of Scotland [I37639]
  19. , Malcolm I [I9543]
  20. , Kenneth II of Scotland [I9544]
  21. de Baliol, John [I37644]
  22. , Constantine III [I11855]
  23. , Constantine I of Scotland [I9537]