Millennium File

Gramps ID S0023
Author Heritage Consulting
Publication information Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2003.Original data - Heritage Consulting. The Millennium File. Salt Lake City, UT, USA: Heritage Consulting.Original data: Heritage Consulting. The Millennium File. Salt Lake City, UT, USA:;


Number Title Type Call number
1 [R0001] Book


    1. Birth, Cooke, *Nelson Mordecai [E0148]
    2. Cooke, *Nelson Mordecai [I1066]
    1. West, Col. John [I0579]
    1. Bartlett, *Benjamin [I0355]
    1. Birth, Bartlett, *Benjamin [E7709]
    2. Bartlett, *Benjamin [I0355]
    1. West, Col. John [I0579]
    2. Death, West, Col. John [E13077]
    1. West, Gov. John [I1084]
    1. Death, West, Thomas [E4275]
    2. West, Thomas [I0251]
    1. West, Gov. John [I1084]
    2. Death, West, Gov. John [E0180]
    1. West, Thomas [I0251]
    1. Cooke, *Nelson Mordecai [I1066]
    1. West, Col. John [I0579]
    2. Birth, West, Col. John [E13075]
    1. Birth, West, Thomas [E4274]
    2. West, Thomas [I0251]
    1. West, Gov. John [I1084]
    2. Birth, West, Gov. John [E0177]