Old, Sachsen, Germany

Gramps ID P4604


  1. De Narbonne, *Industria [I8155]
  2. Moselle, *Ausbert Senator of [I7219]
  3. Senator, Ausbert The [I7248]
  4. Kent, *Berthe Aldeberge Bilthildis [I7220]
  5. De Thuringia, *Basina [I7263]
  6. De Franks, *Clodius IV [I8230]
  7. Ferreolus, *Tonantius [I8154]
  8. Saxony, Bodigisel Dux [I7232]
  9. De Thuringia, *Basina [I8213]
  10. De Franks, *Argotta [I8217]
  11. Saxony, *Arnoldus of [I7195]
  12. Family of Moselle, *Ausbert Senator of and Kent, *Berthe Aldeberge Bilthildis [F2678]
  13. Family of De Franks, *Genebald and De Franks, *Argotta [F3128]
  14. De Seuvia, *Oda [I7680]
  15. Metz, *Ansbertus Gallo Schelde [I7692]
  16. Schelde, *Arnoldus of the [I7681]
  17. Heristal, *Dode of [I7198]
  18. De Heristal, *Dode Clothilde [I7215]
  19. Heristal, *Clothilde De Dode [I7137]
  20. De Savoy, *Oda [I7185]
  21. Heristal, *Dode of [I7196]
  22. Saxony, *Clothilda Doda of Old [I7672]
  23. Von Swabia, *Oda [I7686]
  24. Franks, Dagobert [I8226]
  25. Metz, *Arnoald Bishop of [I7685]
  26. Schelde, *Arnold [I7197]
  27. *Ausbert [I7235]
  28. Senator, *Ausbert the [I7226]
  29. Family of Ferreolus, *Tonantius and De Narbonne, *Industria [F3097]
  30. Saxony, *Oda of [I8424]
  31. De Franks, *Genebald [I8216]
  32. D' Allemainie, *Blesinde [I8231]
  33. De Savoy, Oda [I7224]