St. Leger

This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of St. Leger. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Ann [I0117] about 1555
Anthony [I1178] 1480
Anthony [I1308] about 1550
Arnold [I1195] 1378
Arnold, Knight [I1197] 1352
Bartholomew [I1201] 1300
John [I1206] 1222
John, Sheriff of Kent [I1190] about 1400
Ralph [I1182] 1456
Ralph [I1186] 1478
Ralph [I1188] 1430
Ralph [I1199] 1326
Ralph [I1208] 1170
Ralph, Knight [I1203] 1274
Ralph, Knight [I1205] 1248
Ralph, Knight [I1207] 1196
Thomas [I1209] 1144
Thomas, Knight [I1036] after 1425
Warham [I0141] about 1526