- A - (3 Families, 8 Individuals)
Allyrion (2), Ambrose (2), Arryn (4)
- B - (24 Families, 56 Individuals)
Baelish (1), Banefort (1), Baratheon (8), Beesbury (3), Belmore (1), Belwas (1), Birch (1), Blackbar (1), Blackberry (1), Blackfyre (7), Blackmont (3), Blacktyde (1), Blackwood (4), Blanetree (1), Blount (1), Bolton (2), Botley (2), Bracken (3), Brax (8), Broom (1), Brune (1), Buckwell (1), Bulwer (2), Bywater (1)
- C - (17 Families, 33 Individuals)
Calor (1), Caron (2), Caron (1), Cassel (2), Celtigar (1), Cerwyn (1), Ceryn (2), Cheyk (1), Chyttering (1), Clegane (2), Cole (1), Condon (1), Connington (2), Corbray (1), Crakehall (8), Crane (5), Cuy (1)
- D - (6 Families, 12 Individuals)
Dalt (2), Darry (4), Daxos (1), Dayne (3), Deem (1), Dolf (1)
- E - (7 Families, 12 Individuals)
Egen (1), Emmon (1), Eraz (1), Erenford (1), Errol (1), Estermont (6), Estren (1)
- F - (11 Families, 113 Individuals)
Fair-Fingers (1), Faring (1), Farring (2), Farwynd (1), Flint (2), Florent (14), Flowers (2), Foote (1), Fossoway (5), Fowler (3), Frey (81)
- G - (12 Families, 27 Individuals)
Gargalen (1), Ghezn (1), Gimpknee (1), Glover (5), Goodbrook (4), Gower (1), Graceford (1), Greenfield (2), Greenhands (1), Greenpools (1), Grell (1), Greyjoy (8)
- H - (15 Families, 25 Individuals)
Haigh (5), Hardyng (1), Harlaw (3), Hasty (1), Hawick (1), Hayford (1), H'Ghar (1), Hightower (3), Hill (1), Hoat (1), Hobb (1), Hollard (1), Hornwood (2), Hotah (1), Hunter (2)
- J - (2 Families, 3 Individuals)
Jast (1), Jordayne (2)
- K - (3 Families, 6 Individuals)
Karstark (2), Kenning (1), Kettleblack (3)
- L - (8 Families, 35 Individuals)
Landbright (1), Lannister (25), Lefford (2), Locke (2), Lonmouth (1), Lorch (1), Lothston (1), Lydden (2)
- M - (18 Families, 40 Individuals)
Mahr (1), Mallister (3), Manderly (3), Manwoody (4), Marbrand (3), Marsh (1), Martell (9), Meadows (2), Merlyn (1), Merryweather (1), Mollen (1), Moore (1), Mootan (1), Mopatis (1), Mormont (4), Morrigen (2), Mott (1), Mullendore (1)
- N - (6 Families, 8 Individuals)
Naharis (1), Nan (1), Norcross (3), Norrey (1), Norridge (1), Noye (1)
- O - (2 Families, 3 Individuals)
Oakheart (2), Otherys (1)
- P - (13 Families, 23 Individuals)
Paege (5), Pahl (1), Pate (1), Payne (2), Peake (1), Peckledon (1), Penrose (1), Piper (2), Plum (1), Plumm (4), Pree (1), Prester (1), Pyke (2)
- Q - (2 Families, 4 Individuals)
Qorgyle (3), Quaynis (1)
- R - (9 Families, 36 Individuals)
Rambton (1), Redfort (2), Redwyne (5), Reed (3), Rivers (10), Rosby (2), Rowan (1), Royce (10), Ryger (2)
- S - (25 Families, 66 Individuals)
Saan (1), Saltcliffe (1), Sand (2), Santagar (3), Sarsfield (1), Sathmantes (1), Scrapesword (1), Seaworth (8), Selmy (1), Serry (1), Slynt (4), Smallwood (2), Snow (3), Spicer (3), Stackspear (3), Staedmon (1), Stark (10), Stokeworth (3), Stone (1), Storm (2), Stout (1), Sunderly (1), Sunglass (1), Swann (6), Swyft (5)
- T - (12 Families, 102 Individuals)
Tallhart (6), Targaryen (48), Tarly (3), Tarth (3), Tendrys (1), Thorne (1), Timett (1), Toland (1), Tollett (1), Trant (1), Tully (5), Tyrell (31)
- U - (3 Families, 7 Individuals)
Uller (2), Ullhor (1), Umber (4)
- V - (7 Families, 21 Individuals)
Vaith (2), Vance (10), Varner (1), Velaryon (3), Vikary (1), Vypren (3), Vyrwel (1)
- W - (10 Families, 26 Individuals)
Wat (1), Waters (3), Wayn (1), Waynwood (5), Westerling (6), Whent (4), Wode (1), Wylde (2), Wynch (2), Wythers (1)
- X - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
Xho (1)
- Y - (2 Families, 3 Individuals)
Yarwyck (1), Yronwood (2)
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