- A - (17 Families, 50 Individuals)
A (1), Adkins (2), Aime (1), Alibrando (1), Anderson (1), Apledore (2), Applegate (3), Arbogast (12), Ard (1), Arden (1), Arnett (1), Artt (8), Ashbridge (3), Ashley (1), Ashton (5), Askew (3), Aucher (4)
- B - (55 Families, 155 Individuals)
B (1), Bagley (2), Bailey (1), Bains (1), Baker (3), Baldwin (1), Balliou (1), Barcalow (1), Bardolph (1), Barlow (1), Barman (2), Barnard (2), Bath (1), Batty (2), Bayhall (1), Beal (2), Beales (1), Beaumont (1), Behlmer (1), Belcher (1), Bell (1), Beltz (1), Bennister (1), Berregan (1), Bertram (1), Bescley (1), Besley (9), Besson (1), Bicket (1), Billiou (1), Bishop (1), Bittner (1), Blakesley (13), Blood (19), Boem (1), Borga (1), Boutz (1), Boyce (1), Bracebridge (2), Brandon (1), Brawner (2), Brink (1), Bromley (2), Brown (1), Bryant (6), Bubadias (14), Bullock (1), Bunnell (1), Burgess (1), Burns (14), Burscoe (1), Burton (5), Busemann (1), Bushorg (1), Butler (18)
- C - (38 Families, 165 Individuals)
Cahall (1), Cain (2), Cain Cane (1), Carhart (1), Carlin (1), Carpenter (7), Carr (2), Cave (8), Chapman (2), Chatterton (3), Chittenden (2), Chris (1), Clarell (2), Clark (3), Clarke (1), Claverie (3), Clayton (2), Clemons (1), Clerke (6), Clifford (1), Clifton (3), Clinton (2), Cobb (2), Colepeper (9), Conard (2), Conklin (5), Conover (1), Cook (2), Cooper (34), Coppock (1), Cornet (1), Cornett (13), Cott (1), Cranmer (32), Cromwell (2), Culver (3), Cunningham (1), Curlin (1)
- D - (89 Families, 244 Individuals)
Dale (1), Damesek (1), Danley (2), DARLINGTON (1), d'Auberville (4), Davis (1), Deacon (2), de Albini (1), de Aquitaine (1), de Aubigny (1), de Bardolph (1), de Beauchamp (1), de Belfoi (1), De Belleme (1), de Bisege (1), de Bisey (2), de Bohun (6), de Boulogne (1), de Bretagne (1), de Cantelou (1), Decker (1), de Clare (2), DeClinton (1), de Clinton (5), de Crequy (1), DeCromwell (1), de Cromwell (1), de Croy (1), de Falaise (2), de Ferrers (5), de Flanders (1), de Glandeville (1), de Glanville (4), de Grai (2), de Grey (10), de Hache (2), de Hardreshull (2), de Hatton (1), DEHESLARTON (1), de Hoo (1), DeHotham (1), de Humes (1), Deincourt (1), de Kilpec (2), DeLaPole (1), de Leyburn (2), de Leyburne (1), Delosh (3), de Lusoures (1), de Montfort (1), de Nevill (4), de Odingsells (2), de Orleans (1), de Poynings (1), de Redvers (1), de Reresby (1), de Roux (1), de Salt-les-dames (1), de Sandwich (2), de Stoke (2), de St Sauveur (4), de Tankerville (4), de Toeni (3), de Tregoz (6), d'Eu (1), de Valognes (1), de Vassy (1), de Verdon (1), de Vinzgau (1), de Wessex (1), Dibble (1), Dickinson (1), Dillinger (1), Doering (2), Downing (2), D'Oyley (8), Drew (1), Driscoll (3), Duffell (2), Duncan (1), Dunham (50), Dunning (6), Durbin (14), DURBIN (1), Dutton (15), DUTTON (1), Dwiar (2), Dwyer (1), Dyre (3)
- E - (9 Families, 19 Individuals)
Earl (6), Eayre (1), Elfrieda (1), Elliott (1), Elysont (1), Emmons (1), Estelle (5), Evans (2), Eysteinsson (1)
- F - (25 Families, 135 Individuals)
Farquhar (56), Fearon (2), Fell (2), Ferrers (3), Ferreus (1), Ferris (1), Ferrone (3), Fetzer (17), Fischer (1), Fitzgodric (1), Fitzketelborn (1), Fitzosbern (2), Fitzrobert (2), Fitzwilliam (11), Fogden (2), Foley (1), Foltz (1), Fortescue (2), Fox (2), Francis (3), Freeman (4), Fretwell (1), Frevile (5), Fries (10), Frost (1)
- G - (15 Families, 118 Individuals)
Gainsford (1), Gammon (87), Gardner (1), Garrett (5), Gibson (1), Gleason (2), Goodrich (4), Goring (1), Green (7), Greene (2), Gregory (1), Griffin (2), Grylls (1), Guildford (2), Gutz (1)
- H - (39 Families, 91 Individuals)
Haines (2), Hamilton (8), HAMILTON (1), Hamilton Morris (1), Hammond (1), Harding (2), Hardreshull (2), Harley (2), Hartman (4), Harvey (1), Haskins (1), Hattenburg (4), Havens (1), Hawkins (1), Heckstall (2), Henderson (1), Herrick (1), Hess (1), Hewlett (3), Heyworth (1), Hibberd (2), Hills (8), HILLS (1), Hines (2), Hollister (19), HOLLISTER (2), Holmes (1), Homer (4), Hoover (1), Hornby (1), Horrocks (1), HOTHAM (1), Hotham (1), Hough (1), Howe (1), Huber (1), Huggins (1), Hurst (2), Hustand (1)
- I - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
Inglebert (1)
- J - (10 Families, 43 Individuals)
J (1), Jackson (2), Jacobs (1), James (2), Jefferis (1), Jenkins (1), Jenks (1), Johnson (31), Jolley (1), Jones (2)
- K - (10 Families, 30 Individuals)
Keener (1), Kelly (1), Kemble (2), Keno (1), King (10), Knightly (1), Korner (2), Körner (1), Kronwetter (1), Kruse (10)
- L - (22 Families, 42 Individuals)
Lambe (1), Lane (2), Larkin (1), Leedom (2), Leeper (1), Leguillon (1), Leming (1), Lentz (1), Leopold (1), Lester (3), Letts (7), Lewis (4), Lewis Hicks (1), Lewknor (2), Lightfoot (1), Lippincott (4), LOGSDON (1), Logsdon (1), Long (2), Loyd (1), Lucorald (2), Lyman (2)
- M - (47 Families, 125 Individuals)
M. (1), MacPherson (1), Maginley (1), Malin (1), Marks (1), Marmion (4), Martel (1), Martin (3), Marvin (2), Massey (1), Matlack (1), Maxwell (2), May (1), McCaffey (1), McCause (1), McClay (1), McClenahan (1), McClurg (5), McGill (1), McGuire (1), McIntire (1), McKay (1), McKay McKee (1), McKee (35), McKEE (2), McKinley (3), Mclaughlin (1), McLeod (3), Meharry (1), Meharry McHarry (1), Mendel (1), Meredith (1), Metham (1), Michelson (3), Miles (2), Miller (1), Milligan (3), Montfort (1), Moore (8), Morris (2), Morton (2), Mosely (1), Moser (1), Moss (4), Moyle (4), Myer (1), Myers (9)
- N - (6 Families, 32 Individuals)
Nancy (1), Nelson (1), Neuendorf (1), Nevill (1), Newman (27), Nichols (1)
- O - (4 Families, 18 Individuals)
O (1), Oldham (1), Olsen (1), Overington (15)
- P - (21 Families, 70 Individuals)
Palmer (1), Parisi (5), Parker (13), Parvin (2), Paxson (4), Pearson (3), Penn (6), Pennell (2), Perry (7), Philipps (1), Philips (6), Phillips (3), Pierson (1), Pitman (1), Plantagenet (1), Polin (2), Ponte de L'arche (1), Poole (2), Potter (1), Prichard (1), Provaznik (7)
- R - (28 Families, 91 Individuals)
Ramsay (14), Rankin (1), Ray (1), Raymond (4), Reams (1), Redmon (1), Reid (13), Reynolds (6), Rhodes (2), Richardson (1), Riddle (7), Ridgeway (1), Rinaldi (1), RIPLEY (1), Rizzi (7), Roberts (1), Robinet (1), Robinson (8), Rodgers (1), Roper (6), Ross (1), Rothenberger (3), Rulon (1), Ruoff (1), Rush (1), Russell (2), Rustan (2), Rusten (2)
- S - (50 Families, 254 Individuals)
Safron (2), Salisbury (1), Salmons (1), Sampson (4), Saxby (1), Schultz (1), Scott (1), Scotto (7), Scrope (1), Seaman (3), Seamans (4), Sebold (1), Seibold (3), Seufer (4), Seybold (8), Sharp (3), Sharpe (1), Sharples (5), Shaw (4), Sherman (2), Sheward (1), Shrimplin (24), Sibberance (1), Simonds (1), Skinner (2), Smart (2), Smedley (1), Smires (1), Smith (4), SMITH (1), Smithson (1), Snowney (2), Snyder (10), Sonnenberg (13), Spear (1), Spragg (1), Sprague (55), Sprague Warner (1), Spurgeon (5), Stafford (2), Starkey (3), Starnes (43), Statland (1), Stewart (1), Stigand (1), Stockton (3), Stone (1), Storch (2), Store (1), Swain (12)
- T - (21 Families, 63 Individuals)
Taite (1), Tatesham (1), Tayman (9), Teese (3), Thomas (10), Thompson (2), Tilghman (1), Tipton (1), Titko (3), Tomczyk (2), Towne (1), Trammell (1), Treat (1), Trimble (2), Triplett (1), Truax (1), Truex (14), Truman (2), Turbeville (1), Turner (5), Tyler (1)
- U - (5 Families, 14 Individuals)
Udderzook (7), Ufford (1), Underhill (2), Upper (3), Utter (1)
- V - (11 Families, 49 Individuals)
Vance (1), VanVorst (1), Vanvorst (2), Verdoliva (1), Vinall (1), Vinel (1), von Altdorf (1), Vore (2), Vose (28), VOSE (8), Vouse (3)
- W - (34 Families, 123 Individuals)
Wack (1), Waddell (1), Walker (1), Walts (4), Waltz (1), Warner (5), Waterman (2), Watson (2), Webster (1), Wells (1), Weltz (1), Wentworth (3), Weston (1), Wetherill (5), White (4), Whitelock (2), Whitfield (3), Whitfill (40), Whitlock (1), Wilbourne (1), Wilen (1), Williams (3), Wills (1), Wilsforde (1), Wilson (3), Winters (1), Wolton (1), Wood (10), Woods (1), Worlock (1), Worrilow (1), Worthington (11), Wray (1), Wright (7)
- Y - (3 Families, 64 Individuals)
Yarnall (62), Yeoman (1), Yourmans (1)
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