- A - (11 Families, 25 Individuals)
Adelskold (3), Ainola (1), Ainsworth (1), Aitken (1), Alexander (4), Allen (3), Anderson (2), Archiball (1), Ashe (5), Askew (1), Asmus (3)
- B - (16 Families, 52 Individuals)
Bach (21), Bailey (3), Baker (3), Barker (1), Barnard (1), Barnard-O'Donnell (1), Barnes (6), Bastian (2), Beckett (2), Bennett (1), Blair (1), Booth (1), Boyle (1), Brown (2), Brulisauer (4), Butcher (2)
- C - (18 Families, 57 Individuals)
Carew (1), Carnes (4), Carpenter (1), Carrick (2), Carroll (3), Caton (1), Challis (1), Clayton (1), Colbron (1), Collins (2), Commerford (1), Connelly (15), Cooper (2), Cossens (1), Cowell (1), Cox (1), Crichton (1), Cross (18)
- D - (6 Families, 8 Individuals)
Debnam (1), Devitt (1), Dewhurst (2), Dirkmann (1), Dodds (2), Dun (1)
- E - (4 Families, 7 Individuals)
Edgell-Collins (1), Egdell (3), Elsdon (2), Evans (1)
- F - (9 Families, 63 Individuals)
Faircloth (22), Farragher (6), Flannagan (1), Forsyth (6), Fox (11), French (1), Freudenberg (1), Fudge (14), Fyffe (1)
- G - (11 Families, 54 Individuals)
Garner (1), Gates (2), Gent (3), Ghilotti (1), Golden (1), Gourmer (1), Graber (1), Green (2), Greenfield (2), Greentree (4), Groom (36)
- H - (25 Families, 95 Individuals)
Hacking (7), Haim (1), Haining (3), Handfield (3), Haphey (1), Harding (1), Hart (1), Hartnell (38), Hastings (1), Heffernan (1), Heincke (1), Hellens (1), Hennessy (1), Hesketh-Jones (1), Heywood (1), Hill (4), Hodges (1), Hodgetts (1), Hogan (6), Holman (10), Howe (2), Hucker (5), Hunt (2), Hurst (1), Huyck (1)
- I - (2 Families, 2 Individuals)
Ilott (1), Ivory (1)
- J - (2 Families, 4 Individuals)
Jackson (1), Jansons (3)
- K - (4 Families, 7 Individuals)
Kearney (2), Keigwin (1), Kennedy (1), Kinsella (3)
- L - (9 Families, 16 Individuals)
Leonard (1), Lester? (2), Liles (1), Little (1), Lock (3), Lord (1), Lowe (5), Lyng (1), Lyons (1)
- M - (13 Families, 26 Individuals)
Mackenzie (1), MacMillan (1), Maguire (1), Maynard (1), McBroom (4), McCaffery (2), McDonald (2), McEwan (1), McGrath (1), Merrin (2), Milverton (1), Morgan (1), Munro (8)
- N - (1 Family, 11 Individuals)
Noonan (11)
- O - (5 Families, 119 Individuals)
O'Connell (1), O'Connor (1), O'Donnell (114), O'Leary (2), O'Malley (1)
- P - (9 Families, 21 Individuals)
Page (3), Parsons (1), Patterson (1), Paul (1), Pennington (1), Pless (1), Plumb (11), Pouncy (1), Pritchard (1)
- R - (5 Families, 18 Individuals)
Reid (9), Rice (1), Richards (5), Richardson (1), Roberts (2)
- S - (13 Families, 39 Individuals)
Saliba (3), Saltmarsh (2), Shrigley (2), Sigall (1), Sprackling (7), Standish (1), Stevens (1), Stone (8), Strathdee (1), Stratman (1), Sullivan (10), Sutherland (1), Svensson-Linde (1)
- T - (6 Families, 11 Individuals)
Tatana (5), Taylor (1), Thomson (1), Thorne (1), Thwaites (2), Turner (1)
- U - (1 Family, 5 Individuals)
Upham (5)
- V - (1 Family, 2 Individuals)
von_der_Kammer (2)
- W - (9 Families, 27 Individuals)
Walker (12), Whiting (4), Wilson (3), Wimmer (1), Wise (1), Woodhams (3), Wreath (1), Wright (1), Wynter (1)
- Y - (1 Family, 4 Individuals)
Yee (4)
- Z - (1 Family, 3 Individuals)
Zuttion (3)
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