Encyclopµdia Britannica
“Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus
Marriage 1 Antonia the Younger Augusta b: in Abt 36 BC
Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero b: in 1 Aug., 10 BC Lugundum (Lyons), Gaul
Caesar Germanicus
Livia Julia
Drusus Germanicus, Nero Claudius (b. 38 BC--d. 9 BC), younger brother
ofTiberius (who later became emperor) and commander of the Roman forcesthat
occupied the German territory between the Rhine and Elbe rivers from12 to 9 BC.
Drusus was born shortly after the divorce of his mother, Livia Drusilla,from
Tiberius Claudius Nero; she immediately married Octavian (laterAugustus), who
was suspected of being Drusus' real father. Like hisbrother, Drusus was
allowed to seek office five years before the legallyspecified age. He became
praetor (magistrate) in 11 and consul in 9. WithTiberius he fought against two
Alpine tribes (the Raeti and Vindelici),and in 13 he was made governor of the
three Gauls. In this office hecarried out an important census and erected the
altar of Augustus atLugdunum (now Lyon).
In 12-9 he led expeditions into Germany, establishing bases, first atVetera
(at the junction of the Lippe and Rhine rivers) and then atMogontiacum (now
Mainz). The Frisii, Chauci, Cherusci, and Chatti tribeswere subdued, and a
canal, the Fossa Drusiana, was dug from the Rhine tothe North Sea. In the year
9, Drusus reached the Elbe River, but he wasthrown from his horse and died of
the injuries 30 days later. He wasposthumously given the cognomen Germanicus.
Drusus had married, about 16 BC, the younger Antonia, daughter of MarkAntony
and Octavia. Their surviving children were Germanicus, Livilla,and Claudius,
who later became emperor.
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