ID: I07952
Name: ÆNEAS , King of Latium 1 2
Sex: M
Birth: UNKNOWN in Troy, Asia Minor
Death: in about 1175BC in Latium [Lazio] (region), Italy
Reference Number: 7977
7. From the Keyser source:
"Priam's reign ended in 1181 -- the year the Trojans were crushed in the First Trojan war by their brethren the Greeks. AENEAS, of the royal line, escaped the destruction of Troy and made his way to ITALY. The story of his migration is found in the Aeneid, written by the Roman historian Virgil. Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia outlines the story:
The ÆNEID is a mythical [according to the 'experts'] work in twelve books, describing the wanderings of the hero ÆNEAS
and a small band of TROJANS after the fall of Troy. Aeneas escaped from Troy with the images of his ancestral gods, carrying
his aged father on his shoulders, and leading his young son ASCANIUS by the hand, but in the confusion of his hasty flight he
lost his wife, Creusa. He collected a FLEET OF TWENTY VESSELS, and sailed with the surviving Trojans to THRACE, where
they began building a city. Aeneas subsequently abandoned his plan of a settlement there and went to CRETE, but was driven
from that island by a pestilence. After visiting EPIRUS and SICILY (where his father died), Æneas was shipwrecked on THE
COAST OF AFRICA and welcomed by DIDO, Queen of CARTHAGE. After a time he again set sail; Dido, who had fallen in love
with him, was heartbroken by his departure and committed suicide. After visiting SICILY again and stopping at CUMAE, ON
THE BAY OF NAPLES, he landed at the MOUTH OF THE TIBER RIVER, SEVEN YEARS after the fall of Troy. Æneas was
welcomed by LATINUS, KING OF LATIUM. Lavinia, the daughter of Latinus, was destined to marry a stranger, but her mother
Amata had promised to give her in marriage to TURNUS, King of the Rutulians. A war ensued, which terminated with the defeat
and death of Turnus, thus making possible the marriage of Æneas and Lavinia. Æneas died three years later, and his son
ASCANIUS FOUNDED ALBA LONGA, the mother city of Rome. -- Vol.I. MCMLXXV. P. 196.
The Compendium of World History records that 'the refugees of the First Trojan War settled...in Italy. They founded Lavinium two years after the First Trojan War -- that is, in 1179 -- and later the city of Alba (the site of the Pope's summer palace today) at the time of the Second Trojan War in 1149. The TROJAN ROYAL HOUSE founded in Italy a line of kings that reigned in Alba from 1178 until 753, when the center of government passed to Rome.'"
Father: ANCHISES b: UNKNOWN in Troy, Asia Minor
Mother: VENUS b: UNKNOWN in Troy, Asia Minor
Marriage 1 Creusa b: UNKNOWN in Troy, Asia Minor
Married: in some time before 1181BC in Troy, Asia Minor
Aseanius , founder of Alba Longa (Rome), Italy b: UNKNOWN in some time before 1175BC
Marriage 2 Lavina b: UNKNOWN
Married: in about 1178BC in Latium [Lazio] (region), Italy
Marriage 3 3rd spouse of ÆNEAS b: UNKNOWN
SILVIUS b: UNKNOWN in Alba Longa (Rome), Italy
Title: Royal Line, The
Author: Albert F Schmuhl
Publication: Orig. March, 1929 NYC, NY - Rev. March 1980
Note: Genealogical lineages may not always be from father to son, especially Houses of Kings
Note: Good
Note: Royals Source File
Call Number:
Media: Manuscript
Title: Trojan Origins of European Royalty, The
Author: John D. Keyser
Publication: Hope of Israel Ministries, P.O. Box 6772, Thousand Oaks, CA, 91359, April, 1999
Note: kiwihope@netscape.net,
Note: Excellent
Note: Chesebro' Reference File
Call Number:
Media: Manuscript
The cited information was sourced from Website / URL published in
- Source/Citation References (1)